Chapter 6 : Rescue.

\Īsan POV/


A few minutes before harribel's decisive end.

["Ok... Here."] The system said.

{Soul Extractor}

[>Description: A tool that can extract items that are infused with the soul of another being, without causing harm.<]

["There is another thing, you also gained an ability after becoming a Vasto Lorde. You should check its description too."] The system said.

"An ability? Show me then." After being surprised for a second, I told it.

[>Personification of Poison<]

[>Description: After becoming a Vasto Lorde, your body acquired the properties of poison. Your blood, your breath, your claws, every fiber of you being is now poisonous. The poisons you control are: Paralysis Poison, Rapid Poison, Slow Poison, Reiryoku Poison, Acid Poison, Miasma and Pain Poison. All of them can be used at your will, and this poison can only affect those of the same level or weaker than you, it also depends of the quantity inside their bodies and they can be combined, the result is a mix between the poisons their properties will work together in harmony.<]

Rapid Poison: Can kill enemies quickly, but the moment the poison enters in them, they know that they were poisoned.

Paralysis Poison: Can paralyze enemies members or full paralyze them, depending of how much poison they have in their bodies.

Acid Poison: Can corrode enemies from inside.

Slow Poison: Can kill enemies slowly, without them knowing.

Pain Poison: Can immobilize enemies with the most painful sensation.

Miasma: Can corrode the skin and weapons that an enemy use.

Reiryoku Poison: Can decrease the strength of the enemy by corroding their Reiryoku.<]

"So... If my existence is poisonous how did I not killed Harribel before?"

["This ability was sealed so that you could complete your quest and you wanted her."]

"*Sigh*, So how can I control it?" I asked.

["Use you will. It is your body, its like moving a finger."] It said.

"Fine." I then used the poison at my will.

It was strange. I could deactivate and activated if I wanted, after all, my body is the poison. I started to think of ways to use it. Then I remembered when I saw Harribel.

"Why did I wanted her so much at that moment? Why did my heart throbbed? System, what happened?" I asked, unsure of what got me at that time.

["This is the |Greed| doing it's job. It makes you have greediness for specific things."] The system said.

"What things?" I asked.

["Women and power. Everything that your very soul wants."] She answered as if it wasn't something big.

"*Sigh*, Fuck... My very soul is perverted. What did I do to deserve this?" I sighed, distressed.

Then three Hollows came near me, they were running and their faces showed desperation. So I quickly deactivated my poisonous body so that they could come closer, after all, if they came and it was activated they would die, poisoned.

"You! You were the one that attacked Master!" One of them said, it was the deer, Apacci.

"Apacci, calm down! He is strong he can help us." The snake, Sung-Sun, said.

"Vasto Lorde, can you help us?" Mila Rose, the lioness, asked.

"Hmm, why?" I asked.

"You fucker! I am going to-Aaarrrgg." Apacci was going to headbutt me, but Mila Rose bit her leg.

"Shut the fuck up, Apacci! He is the only one that can help us!" She said.

"Please mister, Master is in danger. A Hammerhead Hollow came to kill her, but he is way stronger than us and Master is in a difficult position. Please, help us!" Sung-Sun, the mature one of the three said.

When she finished her question, all the three of them stopped talking and were looking at me with hope.

'Fuck... They are going to become hot babes in the future... So why not? If they own me a favor I can ask them to become my followers and I will have them to me, only me!... Fuck, what was that? This |Greed| is really strong.' They saw me becoming thoughtful. After a few seconds I said.

"Ok, I'll help her." I said. At this moment a notification came.


[>New Quest Available<]

[>Emergency Quest Unlocked<]

• [>Save Harribel From Her End<]

[>Description: The Arrancar Hammerhead found the injured Harribel, now they are fighting and Harribel's end is approaching.<]

Reward: ?????


'Arrancar? Aizen is making his moves? Fuck... I did not wanted to... Wait... He makes the Arrancar using the Hougyoku, right? But his Hougyoku is only half, the other half is with Urahara, or better, he hid it inside Rukia. I have to found a way of becoming an Arrancar, they are the strongest Hollows!!! This is the other side-effect of the |Greed|.' After knowing what I have to do I went to where Harribel and the Hammerhead was.


[>Quest Updated<]

• [>Only The Strong Survive This World<]

[>Description: Find a way to become an Arrancar, the Hollows that casted away their masks and became hybrids between a Shinigami and Hollow.<]


'This quest was not needed, I would do it anyway.' I thought while heading to were Harribel was.


When I reached there I saw the Hammerhead Hollow slashing Harribel diagonally, she backed away and fell on one knee, then he said.

"Already?! Ok then, Goodbye Harribel!" He said as he lifted his sword to kill her.

"AS IF!" Was what I said as I coated my claws in Slow Poison and Reiryoku Poison, mixing both and granting them the slow death and invisibility from the Slow Poison and the Reiryoku diminishing effect from the Reiryoku Poison, and using the {Sonído} to appear behind him, I grabbed the blade that was coming down with my left claw while puncturing his chest with my right.

As he was surprised, my claw entered his chest, I then pumped poison into his body, he may be an Arrancar but even them have to be wary of me. I released his sword, and pierced his body in between the ribs with my left claw, and pumped even more poison, but this time all my poisons were being pumped inside him. He tried to break my arms, but the pain was so much that he almost lost his motor functions.

"WAH AR U DOINNN!?!?! FUKK-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGG!!!" It seems that the Pain, Quick and Acid poisons were doing their job as I heard a sizzling sound from within him and he was screaming like a pig. After 10 minutes in this of pumping poison, his body turned black, his throat was torn, he was spasming, foam was coming from his mouth, his eyes were rolled back but he still was breathing. An Arrancar's body truly is strong.

After 10 more minutes all his blood was switched for poison. And he did his last breath. After releasing his destroyed body, I then looked at Harribel, she was still regenerating her body. Then I said to her.

"In this world the strong live and the weak die, so if you want to live you have to be strong and if you want to protect your subordinates, you have to be even stronger. You want to be strong, so strong that almost anyone can injure you or the ones you protect?" I asked while looking at her beatiful emerald eyes.

Then she started to look at me, eyeing me from top to bottom then returning to look at my eyes. After a few seconds she said.

"Yes." Simple answer.

"Then come with me. I will make you stronger, but what I ask from you in exchange is loyalty. Do you think you can be loyal to me, can you do anything I say?" I asked her.

"Don't doubt how loyal I can be, but I will not injure the ones I protect." She said seriously.

"Ok then. From now on you and them are my subordinates." I said while pointing at the three at the back.

"Yes." Harribel said, then the others confirming that she accepted, they too said.

"Yes, Master." They called me Master, this is strange, but amusing.


[>Hidden Quest Completed<]

[>Successfully Recruit Harribel To Your Party<]

Rewards: A new section of you system was unlocked.


[>Harem: None.<]

[>Subordinates: Tier Harribel, Franceska Mila Rose, Cyan Sung-Sun and Emillou Apacci.<]

[>Slaves: None.<]
