Chapter 67 : Fake Karakura War (Part 4).

Unohana and I were fighting insanely, her attacks were extremely fast as she had hundreds of years to perfect them. While I had three years fighting with that lunatic Old Man. When I was close to adapting to her fighting style, she would change it. Sometimes she used both hands, reverse grabbed her sword or using the back of it. But the way she did was always really unexpected.

'Hnn! This is the most fun I ever had fighting! Hah! And it seems like Unohana is feeling the same, since she has a big smille on her face! Hnn! What a weird woman!' I thought while defending her attacks.

She then thrusted her sword, I deflected it, grabbed her sword using my right hand and made a giant left hand, something like a Susanoo's arm, but it was entirely black and it was floating a few centimeters away from my left. Then I punched her using it, when it made contact with her, she flew back.

Her body destroyed many buildings, but it did not stopped her, she got back, stood a few meters from me, cleaned her lips with her left hand, as blood were coming out of it, extended her arm and pointed her left open palm at me.

"{Hadou #88: Hiryuu Gekizoku Shinten Raihou}!" She said.

And from her open palm, a gigantic blue beam of electricity and Reiatsu came directly at me.


"Without incantation? Impressing, but.*Sigh*.Did she forgot what abilities I have?" I asked myself before extending my left hand making a hard poison dome around me.


When the massive beam hit it, the beam exploded on the dome, making the ground shake and a big mushroom appeared on top of the explosion.

In the end, the dome cracked but it was only this. Then after the explosion, I lifted my left arm and my hand began to suck the air and smoke that was all around. When it sucked enough, I made a solid poison javelin, aimed at Unohana who was staring intently at the smoke.

Then I threw it at her, it flew at high speeds at her direction. She only saw it when it was too late, it was really near her, she contorted her body and evaded it but it slashed at the sides of her hips. Taking a chunk of meat off.

"Bingo. Using Kidou now? That is new." I said in the middle of the smoke.

"Damn! What an aim! *Sigh*. You are going to make my body be full of scars like that." She was annoyed.

"Well... You were the one that said that your body did not mattered, what happened to change your opinion like this?" I asked while floating to meet her.

"With scars or not, I am still a woman. I need to take care of my body. Or do you think that this beauty could have lasted hundreds of years if I did not took care of it?" She mocked me whike extending her hand again. "{Hadou #63. Raikouhou}!" She fired another big beam of yellow lightning.

*Thz* *ZZZZZZ*

"She doesn't learn." I said while extending my arm and taking the lightning head on.

It hit my hand but it did nothing to it, I only was thrown back.

"If you want to use lightning that much, I'll teach you... |Thunder Breathing Fourth Form: Life Vanishing Bolt|!" I said while making a green thunderbolt and throwing it at her.

The speed overwhelmed her and got in the middle of her chest, she was lucky to concentrate a big chunk of her Reiatsu at her chest or she would have died. But even after saving her life, she had become paralyzed.

"You know that lightning will not work against me. Now, let's see if you can survive that." I said while dashing at her and making a jumping attack.

When the blade was only a few centimeters away from her face, she blocked it but was sent directly to the ground. Looking at another direction, I saw that Soifon finished her fight again Baraggan's Fraccións and was going to fight the self proclaimed 'King of Hueco Mundo' himself. The king is finally getting his fat ass of his throne, this is surprising.

"You can get out now! I am tired of you pretending to be dead... Alright then! {Cero}!" I said after charging my sword with Reiryoku and firing it towards the ground.


In this form, my {Cero} is way stronger than the normal. What remained of the ground was a massive crater and a missing Unohana.

'She could not ran away from the fight as she was really into it. What is she doing?' I wondered before descending a little.

Then there was a sound from below me and Unohana came out of the ground, trying a sneak attack.


I managed to deflect it and block the next attack.

'I still have to kill Baraggan, to do it, I have to finish this battle quickly!' I decided myself.

"Unohana, I am getting tired of playing this game! This will be my final strike!" I warned her.

"I'm glad! I just have to kill you right now! With a last attack!" She said.

Then we backed away and prepared our decisive attack.


"|Thunder Breathing Fifth Form: Thunder Blade|!" I said while using the Total Concentration Breathing, this made my veins bulge and the heat of my body increase while steam came from it.

In these last days, I have mastered the Total Concentration: Constant. So my strength is growing each day, but now, I had to have a boost in my strength. Now... The technique... My Greatsword had green thunder dancing on it, this technique I developed while thinking of a way to use it to defeat a heavily armored enemy.

She may not be armored at all, but she is a worthy foe. The technique consists of infusing pure green thunder with the blade, increasing enormously the cutting power and adding a paralyzing effect to my attacks.

While I was doing this, Unohana used all her Reiatsu and concentrated this on herself and on her Zanpakutou.

Then, we dashed. This strike will decide our fates. Will I be cut in half? Will I kill her? I am excited to know who will win...


\Harribel POV/

I was overviewing the battlefield as Husband ordered me to while squatted on the air.

Soifon was having difficulties while fighting Baraggan's Fraccións, Ggio Vega and Nirgge Parduoc, but both of them perished at her hands, with the help of her Lieutenant. Now she will fight Baraggan himself.

Rukia overpowered her opponents, Hitsugaya and Soujirou, as they were full of cuts. Soujirou was in a way worse state than Hitsugaya, as he did not used his bankai, while Rukia was not even dirtied.

Kūkaku was toying with her swords while playing with Ichigo's attacks of Reiatsu, I think that Husband said that this attack was called Getsuga Tenshou. He could not even attack without her blocking and sending him to a building.

Nelliel was fighting the tall man Husband ordered her to. He had a wolf face... It would be a little cute if he did not had a scowl on it. Nelliel was many times faster than him but she could not pass through his defence as it was really high. But Komamura could not even touch her as he was really slow. They are in a stalemate.

The Tres Bestias are fightning the white freak, Mayuri. They are being very careful against his poison. Mayuri is complaining a lot about Nemu, while she is quietly sitting at my side, she is a strange girl. He doesn't realise that Nemu is completely under Husband's control.

Then at this moment I saw Baraggan using his Resurrección.

'Despite some variants that were not expected to appear, everything is still going according to the plan.' I thought.

Looking at where fire exploded, I saw that Matsumoto was having troubles fighting against the blue and red women, since they seems like twins, as they were double teaming Matsumoto.

"Cirucci!... Help that orange haired, big-breasted woman. Husband has shown interest in her in the past, I may get a reward if I protect her. Cirucci, protect that woman and kill the others." I said to her after she approached.

"Okay." She said.

But looking at then now... Husband may want to taste them. And I will get a double... No! Triple reward by doing this!

"Cirucci! Forget what I said. Actually, you are stronger than them, aren't you?" I asked her.

"Yes! With Master's boost in my power, I am many times stronger than before, I can easily deal with both of them!" She answered with a creepy smile.

"Capture them. They will be good spoils of war to my Husband. If you do a good work, you will be rewarded." I ordered her.

"Yes." She said before flying off.

"The rest of you. Be ready for deployment! Its almost time for our plan to come to life!" I said while feeling giddy, antecipating my reward.