Chapter 68 : Fake Karakura War (Part 5).


\Īsan POV/

After our attacks clashed, everything around us was destroyed, buildings, houses, school, everything. We were in the middle of the massive crater, both standing still.

Suddenly, I fell on one knee and deactivated the Resurrección, there was a ridiculously big, gaping wound on my stomach. It was bleeding a lot, taking a deep breath, the regeneration of my body stopped the bleeding. Now I need to heal it.


Looking at Unohana,her body fell on the ground, facing down. Getting up while feeling an enormous pain, I went near her and turned her body.

What a saw was a big smile and the worst wound I ever saw. There was a cut that went from her right shoulder to her left leg, I was really deep, I could see the bones.

"Aren't you going to finish your job?" The smiling woman asked.

"No. There is no fun in killing you now. After all, I still have your apprentice as my captive, you will rescue her, if not, she will lose all hope and trust on you, Kenpachi Unohana. It will be more fun if you come after me after Aizen dies, after all this." I said to her.

"Do you truly think that you are going to escape from this?" She asked, the black veins on her body were growing by the seconds.

"I will get out of this. Alive, well and victorious." I told her while smiling.

"Oh~. You are way to arrogant if you think that you can get out of here alive, Hollow." I heard a aged voice behind me.

"FU-." I turned around as fast as possible, but it was not fast enough.


"Healing Squad! Heal Captain Unohana!" Was what I heard a few seconds before I flew.

I was sent back, the buildings on the way were destroyed as I they were nothing, on the last building my body body stopped but the entire building fell on me.

"F-F-Fuck. That old man is merciless. His punch hits like a fucking meteor." I said while getting up.

Looking at my stomach, there was a hole on the left side, the old geezer's punch punctured my belly, what a terrifying physical strength.

Sending me flying like this is no joke. I am badly hurt, there is no way I will fight that old man. I love fighting but I love my life more.

'By now, Wonderweiss has already fatally injured Ukitake, I kinda needed him now. Shunsui was hit by Starrk's {Cero}.' I thought while leaving from what remained from the building.

Looking at the old man, I saw him coming at me.

"Nope." I said before green electricity appeared on my body, and I ran using the 'fastest' speed I could use now.

But the old man was unforgiving. He chased after me.

"|Ryuujin Jakka|!" I heard behind me.

'Did this geezer just used his Shikai?!' I thought while turning around and blocking the flaming sword that was coming at my direction.

But by doing this, I felt my body turning into a ragdoll as I was thrown backwards again by his sheer strength. The flames burned my skin but it was not something too worrying.

After the first clash, many came, but I was the one suffering.

"Hollow, you shouldn't be too arrogant. The only reason I didn't interfeared in the fight was because Captain Unohana was fighting and the Kenpachi have their own pride.They would rather die than be helped in a one versus one. So if you think that you can escape in front of me, you are making a huge mistake!" Yamamoto said.

"I have bigger problems to worry about, Yamamoto!" I said while we clashed swords.

Then, looking behind Yamamoto, I saw Wonderweiss trying to pull of an sneak attack, the same he used against Ukitake.

"Do you think that you are going to succeed when you used the same attack on Ukitake?!" Yamamoto turned around and gave Wonderweiss a punch that sent him flying.

'NOW!' I dashed to really far away from the old man.

I descended and got inside a house. As the entire place was a replica, it was almost perfect as inside the houses, there was the complete furniture. So I sat on a chair and blocked all my Reiartsu from coming out of my body. Then I began to breathe deeply many times to stimulare my own regeneration to heal my injury.

It began to heal but as it was really slow, it seems that the flames of the old man took a stoll on me. I need to heal it faster... Hehehehehehe, good to know that I have a trump card.

Getting up, I got out of the house and decided to look around the battlefield.

'Hmm. Soifon lost he left arm to Baraggan's decay. She had to abandon her Lieutenant to get he Bankai ready. Hitsugaya is busy with Rukia and Soujirou. Kūkaku is toying with Ichigo. Cirucci is playing with Yin, Yang and Rangiku, since Rangiku attacked her, dumb girl. This is enough for now.' I though while searching for Harribel's location.

When I found, I flew to them, being cautious to not let Yamamoto see or feel me. When I got near her, I went to Orihime.

"Orihime. Heal me." I ordered her.

"Yes, Master. Santen Kesshun... I reject." Her hairclips glowed, flew and formed a semi circle around me.

It healed the wound of my belly and the burns around my body, a gift from Yamamoto.

"It is almost time for the Vizored to appear. As I messed the timeline, some things will not happen on the right time, like Soujirou appearing now and the lateness of the Vizored. But even with this, it should not mess with my plans. This is so fun. A large scale war. It feels so good to be alive." I said to myself.


\Kūkaku POV/

'Why does Honey think of this fucking brat as someone so important?! He described him as the key to winning against that fucker Aizen, but how?! This snorty kid cannot even take one attack from me that he fly away and hit a building. He is pitifully weak, how can Honey think that such a weak brat can kill Aizen. Even Honey needs to he cautious against him as no one knows what his fucking Bankai is.

How can this child kill him?! I am just playing around, and the only thing he does is scream about Orihime and swing his sword, like a retard! Are they in love or something like that? We cannot have that. I would love to eliminate him but unfortunately Honey denies me the opportunity.' I thought before asking him.

"Why are you wasting your goddamn time considering that you have no chance of winning?!"

"I fight for Orihime! I will save her!" There he goes again.

"A shithead like you will never take Orihime from my Honey! Now shut the fuck up and fight properly!" I mocked his attempts.

*Cling* *Cling*

We resumed to clash our swords.