Chapter 77 : Fake Karakura War (Part 14).


\Rukia POV/

'Fighting two people that possesses Ice-type Bankais is sure annoying. Even if I am stronger than both of them, my ice attacks are not as efficient against them.' I thought while deflecting an attack from Soujirou.

"I am tired of fighting against you." I said with a ice cold tone.

"Kuchiki Rukia! You are a traitor, surrender yourself if you still have any respect for Soul Society!" He said while regenerating his previously ripped wings.

"Surrender? Traitor? Respect? No. I will never surrender myself. Yes, I am a traitor, and I'm glad I choose to be one. And no, I lost any type of respect for you... Dogs of Yamamoto. I didn't abandon soul society soul society abandoned me." I said while pointing my left hand at him, this made a surge of extremely cold wind dash at him.

He dodged by his left foot was caught, it froze and broke within seconds.

"Grrrrrr. Why did you abandoned Soul Society?" He asked while enduring the pain.

"*Sigh*? I think that you really are a dog, your intelligence is... That of a brick. There is no need to tell why to a... Dead midget." I said while returning my outstreched hand to grasp my blue Zanpakutou.

"Enough!" He loudly said while dashing at me.


When our blades clashed, I saw that his sword, that was making contact with mine, was freezing. So he tried to push me back, but he could not. Then he slashed many times, I just blocked them, but when we clashed again, I took a deeo breath with my nose and blew absolute cold air from my mouth.

I saw his face contorting and freezing overtime, I saw his eyelashes freezing, then his mouth began to become white, the skin of his face too. If this continue, his face will be frozen and he will die.

But before that could happen, I blocked a sword from my side using my left hand, the sword was from Soujirou. The blade I grasped, began to freeze at a fast pace.

"I am the one that will kill Hitsugaya!" He said.

"Your petty fight was amusing in the beginning but now, it is just annoying." I said while pushing Hitsugaya's sword with my right hand.

He flew many meters, then I threw Soujirou to another place.

"Īsan taught me a technique but I did not had enough time to master it. It is not perfect yet, but I will give you the permission to see it." I told them before taking a Iaijutsu stance.

Then I made a ice scabbard and placed my sword inside it.

"I may not have mastered it, but it will be enough to deal with you." I said before vanishing from where I was.

I appeared right in front of Soujirou, he tried to defend it, but he was caught off guard. Then I took my sword out while slashing at him. It cut and splitted both his sword and his upper body diagonally. I stopped on the other side of his body.

"H-How?" This were his last words before his body froze and many ice flowers appeared.

"You did not had a chance from the beginning." I answered his question.

Then I went near him frozen body, lifted my sword and brought it down right at his neck. "Goodbye." I said when my blade decapitated him.

His head fell from the sky, together with his body. When it reached the ground, it exploded in many ice fragments.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Hitsugaya became enraged and dashed at me swinging his sword wildly.

While blocking them, I said.

"The moment you lose your mind to anger in a fight you are giving up on fighting. You lost, Hitsugaya." I used {Shunpo} and appeared behind him.

Then I cut his back horizontally. His body turned into ice, but only his head did not turned into an ice statue.

'Īsan had asked us to leave as many Captains alive as possible, however, should we ever find a situation in which our life is in danger, we should kill them. Our lifes are the priority. I will leave you to your fate. If you live, thank your fate. If you don't... Then you have bad luck.' I thought.


\Cirucci POV/

'Hehehehehehe. Master has given me the permission to have as much fun I want! Also, he gave me the number 1, this means that I am useful and that Master believes in me! I can have as much fun as I want, as long as it not get in the way if the mission, that is.

But I have three great toys in front of me! How could I let them pass unharmed?! But this bitch Matsumoto has the biggest breasts I have ever seen! This needs a punishement!' I thought before sending my yo-yo at her.

It was really fast, so she could not dodge, it hit below her right ribs, it cut a little of her skin, enough to draw blood, it destroyed that part of her clothes and, as a gift, I electrocuted her.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!|Unare(Growl): Haineko|!" She exclaimed after screaming from the pain.

Then she sent a lot of ashes at my direction, when it hit, I just felt something like a mosquito's bite.

"Ow~! If you do that a billion times more, it may kill me, stop~!" I mocked her attempts. "You are too weak to even hurt me. I still have a form that makes me even stronger!" I said while retrieving my yo-yo.

Then Yin and Yang transformed to their lightning and fire ball form and began to come at me. Yin slashed at me, using her flaming sword, after getting near enough, I blocked with the whip of my yo-yo.

"Hoh~. You are a little stronger than her. But not enough!" She made me drag my feet a little.

From my back, Yang came in her litghtning ball form and attacked me using her whip. I encircled my whip on Yang's blade, then pulled her and made the whip encircle her body too. That way, her own sword was at her neck. Then I turned her and made her face Yin's incoming lightning whip.


The whip hit her right breast and made her right arm, the arm holding the sword, be pushed and it cut her neck slightly.

"AAAAAAHHHH!! YIN!!!" She screamed.

"Y-Yang, I am sorry!" Yang said.

"Hoh~. What a beautiful scream. Why don't you scream more?" I said while using my lightning Reiatsu.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRRGGGGG!!!" Blue lightning came from me and electrocuted her body.

"YANG!" Yin screamed.

'I can't break them. A pity.' I thought before releasing Yang and kicking her. "Off you go!" I said after I kicked her.

Yin then grabbed her before she hit thr ground, then she turned to me and said.

"You fucking lunatic!"

"Hahahahahaha. Thank you for the compliment. I will break you all slowly!" I licked my lips after I told them their destiny.

'But Master won't like broken girls... Damn! I will have to be gentle then... For now.' I thought.

Then I sent my yo-yo to Matsumoto, but as she already was expecting it, she dodged. But she was not expecting my yo-yo's whip got around her body, it encircled around her left arm, then went to her chest and it stopped after encircling her left thigh.

"Let's up the temperature~!" I said, sending my lightning Reiatsu through the whip.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHRRRRRRGGGG!!!" It seems that it hurt.

"Master's gift is the best to play with! Her screams are a refined melody! I neve had such fun! As long as I finish my mission, I will get more rewards! I can't wait for it!" I was euphoric.


Then something hit me on the back. I could feel my back burning as the electricity doesn't work against me.

"OW! YOU BITCHES! Fine, I am tired of your shit!" I told them. "|Kakkire(Rip): Golondrina|!" I exclaimed.

Then a bright flash appeared fdom me, when it cleared, I was in my Resurrección. I had large wings that sprouted from my back, this allowed me to fly. They each have ten crescent-shaped blades on them in place of feathers. My mask became a beak-like headpiece with a large, feathery mane protruding from it, covering most of mybody and trailing past my legs.

I also gained a long, prehensile tail, which emerges from my back. Large pieces of armor that resembles the disc of my yo-yo around my shoulders. In addition, my arms became long and slender, with large claws.

I am simply magnifying. The most incredible thing is that I can alter between this form to the other, where I abandon my arms and wings. This is incredible. I love Master so much for making me this strong!

Then I sent my right wing to attack Yin, she tried to block but it dodged her attempt and cut the left side of her stomach.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRGGG!!!" Not only my blades vibrate at 1,100,000 to 1,300,000 per second, but if I add the lightning Reiatsu, this increase to 7,000,000 to 8,000,000. With this, I can almost cut anything! I am so happy!

Then I sent my left wing to Yang's direction, she tried to defend using her blade but it broke her sword in half and cut her left thigh, that way I began to play/torture them.

After a few minutes, they were bleeding a lot when I heard.

"You are taking too much time on you mission, Cirucci." Looking at who told me that, I saw Rukia on top of a building, looking down on me.

'At first, Rukia was easy to predict as she was the first to reach the Mansion, now she is unpredictible. She is also, on Master's good side. I may have a lot of freedom as I always complete any mission that Master wants me to, but in the end, I'm still a slave.' I thought before saying.

"Shut up! I am allowed to have as much fun as I want, even Master said it! You may be on Master's good side, but you are not one of his wives!" When I said that, I saw her flinching.

"Are you sure that you can talk to me like this? You are just a slave after all. It doesn't matter if you are the number 1" She said.

"Tch!" I clicked my tongue. "I will get it done, I don't need your help.. I'm sorry but I cannot play with you anymore." I said before dashing at them and hugging Yang with my wings and encircling Yin with my tail.

Both of then tried to release themselves from my grasp but it was too strong.

"How about we finish our little game in a electric way~?!" Then I used the full strength of my lightning Reiatsu.


Lightnings came from me and electrocuted them.


"YIIIIIIINNNNNNN!!" Yang screamed before losing consciousness.

Yin resisted for a few seconds longer, but lost consciousness too. Then, suddenly, I saw Matsumoto trying to sneak attack me. Releasing Yin and Yang, I whipped my tail at her, the tail hit her stomach and sent her flying back.

Then I went to her and began to whip her many times using it together with the lighting. This ripped her clothes clothes little by little.


"You are taking too long, Cirucci." Rukia said.

"She has the biggest breasts I have ever seen! She deserves to suffer!" I said continuing to torture her.

When I said that, I saw the look on Rukia's eyes change to one of despise. I have seen her look at my breasts and of the others too.

"I know that Īsan likes the bigger ones." I provoked her.

"Fine. I will allow you to have fun with her." She said before going near Yin and Yang, and grabbing them. "I will go ahead. Have fun with her." She told me before flying off.