Chapter 78 : Fake Karakura War (Part 15).

\AN: Today, you all will get 2 more chapters because you made the novel hit rank 5 in the power stones ranking. Thank you. :)/


\Īsan POV/

"I can see Yamamoto in the distance, but I'm way too far to reach him. I won't be able to reach in time before Yamamoto deals the final blow!" I lamented.

Then I saw Yamamoto bringing his sword down... But before he could, Yoruichi intervened by kicking him on his right side and Nelliel appeared at his left side and slashed using her sword. Both at the same time.

Yamamoto then stopped his attack and used his sword to stop nelliel's strike and blocked Yoruichi's kick.

"If Harribel dies, her Master will enter on a rampage and I cannot allow that." Yoruichi said.

"Even if I don't like her, it is way to cruel to kill her. I can't let her die here." Nelliel said.

"Good sense of companionship you have. But you'll all die together." Yamamoto said.

"Oh yeah?! Who said it?!" I appeared a little close and punched using my right arm.

A few centimeters from my right arm, the {Spectral Arm} appeared and mimicked the punch. As he had both his arms occupied, the Ghost Arm hit him straight at his body and he was dragged back after releasing Yoruichi and Nelliel.

Putting my greatsword at my shoulder, I asked.

"Which woman do you think that you are touching?" Then we only looked at each other.

Then we dashed at the same time and I swinged my Greatsword and it met his flaming sword.


We were tied as he is only using his Shikai. Then we began to clash our swords, I had to contain my poison as the girls are too near from us. Our clashes destroyed our surroundings from the sheer strength behind each attack.

After many clashes, I dodged one of his attacks by backing away.

"Nelliel, take Harribel. You all will search for another Headquarters." I ordered them.

"Okay, Brother Īsan." She moved and went to grab Harribel.

"Do you need any help?" Yoruichi said.

"Yes. You need to go and grab the Tres Bestias. By the way, where is Soifon?" I asked her as I did not found her.

"Oh. I hid her." Yoruichi said

"Also, we have to move the slaves our new Headquarters. I hid Hiyori inside a house, however, she is dying so it'll take some time." Nelliel said with Harribel on her shoulders.

"Fret not. I will give you all the tine you need." I calmed them down.

"You have a lot of courage to talk about your plans right in front of me." Yamamoto dashed.

I followed him and did the same.



After we clashed, I was sent flying back and hit a building. Destroying it.

"Damn. The old man is strong as ever." I said while getting out the debris.

Then I dashed at the old man again. I have to keep him as busy as possible. We continued to clash our swords.

I thrusted my sword but he parried it and punched my chest. I dodged it because this old man's hands are terrifying weapons and I can't let it hit me. But while I dodged it, I ised my right arm and punched his face, he tanked it and gave my right ribs a roundhouse kick that sent me back.

"Fuck. You sure hit hard." I said.

"{Taimatsu}!" He said a waved his flaming sword, sending a pillar of flames at me.

I extended my left arm and from my hand, I launched a big concentrated poison ball at his flame pillar.

The ball stood no chance against the pillar but it gave me enough time to dodge it. This also made us surrounded by poison. I saw that the poison was affecting him, but as his body was refined by his monstrous Reiryoku, the damages were really minor.

Then we dashed and clashed again.

"You are the strongest opponent I ever faced. You keep increasing the strength of your attacks after each strike. Truly monstrous. Yamamoto. As much that I am enjoying this, we can't fight fight for much more. If we continue to fight, we will burn our strength on each other and Aizen will win." I said after dodging one of his a attacks.

"Where do you want to reach with this conversation? He asked.

"I am proposing a pact of non agression until Aizen is dealt with." I said.

"Hahahahahaha. I don't negotiate with Hollows." He said after sidestepping one my attacks.

"Do you want Aizen to win?" I asked him after he pushed me back.

"No. But I also don't want you to win." He said.

'Damn! I forgot how persistent this old man can be.' I thought.

He ignored my thoughts, used his {Shunpo} and appeared right behind me. Turning around, I moved my arm to block the incoming attack.



I was sent to another building and the debris fell on me. Getting up and taking the off me, I placed one of my foot one top of one the debris and rested my arms as his attack made them hurt.

Then someone appeared a few meters away from me.

"Brother Īsan, everyone has been evacuated to the new Headquarters. Orihime is healing Harribel and after that she will deal with Hiyori." Nelliel said.

"I have finished my mission." Yoruichi said after appearing after Nelliel.

"Mission accomplished." Rukia said.

Rukia was at a bulding right behind Yamamoto, Yoruichi was right next to me and Nelliel was at Yamamoto's left one. He was surrounded.

"Don't you want to reconsider the deal now? If us four fight against you, you will win only if you use your Bankai, however, you will be exhauted after fighting us. Yamamoto... Aizen wants to dethrone the Soul King but if you spent all your energy on us, you will not going to be able to stop him." I warned him.

"Hahahahahahahaha! In my entire life, I have never been tricked by a Hollow. Fine. You have one hour before you die. Enjoy while you can." He said before vanishing.

'Threatening him using the Soul King was my final card. This destroyed Yamamoto's hesitation.' I thought before sensing the Reiatsu around me. 'Hmm. Hirako lost against Aizen... Yamamoto also felt that. A prolonged fight between us two would have been really fun, however, it could cost me the war. It is not worth it.' I was relieved.

"Retreat to the new Headquarters!" I commanded them while deactivating my Resurrección

"Yes, Master/Īsan/Brother Īsan!" They said.