Chapter 99 : Gifts.

Right in front of me there was Rukia, Kūkaku, Nelliel and Harribel. Waiting to see what I was going to do.

"I will reward you Harribel and Kūkaku. The only reason I let Rukia and Nelliel here, was because you are going to be my future wives. You will have access to all the secrets of the organization that I will create." I crossed my arms. "The artifacts that I will give you, Harribel and Kūkaku, will the top secret of the organization. No word about this must leave this room." I said before taking a helmet out of my inventory.

The Helm was similar to the ones used by the Spartan warriors. It had pointed cheek guards and extended nose guard, but the plume was made with the same material used for the helmet, usually bronze. But when I took it out, all the light that the room had was suddenly sucked by the Helm, this made the room grow dark. And the Helm was shrouded in darkness.

"What I gave you is called {Helm of Darkness}. This Helm is the same Helm from the Greek Mythology. This Helm allows anyone who wears it to become completely undetectable to anyone." I explained.

"I thought it was a legend. So this means that there is {Zeus's Lightning Bolt} and {Poseidon's Trident}?" Rukia suddenly asked.

"Yeah. If the {Helm of Darkness} exists, this means that there is a high possibility of other Mythological artifacts existing." Kūkaku agreed.

"If you are wondering, no. This helmet is not fake. It will be extremely useful in the future as with it we will have a way to claim the Underworld. But that is for later. First we have to find someone who has high affinity with the helmet." I passed the Helm to Harribel. "Harribel, protect it at all costs. No one must know about it, and most inportantly, no one can steal it. It is vital for us."

Then I turned to Kūkaku and took another legendary item from my Inventory.

"Kūkaku, this is the {Ice of Aurgelmir}. Aurgelmir, also called Ymir, was a giant who was created from the drops of water that formed when the ice of Niflheim met the heat of Muspelheim. This ice is extremely strong, so we will only use it in emergencies." I said while passing to her a blue orb with many nordic runes in the middle, Rukia had an envious face.

'I don't keep them in the vault because I don't want them to be robbed. I restrain myself from keeping them in the Inventory because these items can save my wives, should they even come into any serious danger. Yamamoto unconsciously taught me that I cannot always be there for them.

I want to ensure that all of my wives are safe. If any of them die I would probably go into a mental breakdown and the Fears would attack and take control of my body.

And another reason to give these items to them, is that I need to reward them for their efforts, I want to show to them that I trust in them to the point that I reward them with Mythological items. Even if someone stole it from me, they will not get far.' Suddenly my face turned to a serious one.

"If we lose these items, you all will get a heavy punishment for it. These are important items. But the more you work, the better the rewards will be." Then I turned to Rukia. "Rukia, the ice that Kūkaku has, will be yours if you prove yourself enough. After all, you are the best ice user we have." I saw her face brighten.

"Honey! I like the gift and I will not give it to anyone!" Kūkaku protested.

"Hahahahahaha! You will have something better if you do as I say." I looked at her.

"It better be really good for me to give this away or else, I will keep it." She said.

"Yes, yes." I had to agree.

Turning to Nelliel, I saw that she was looking at Harribel with jealousy.

"Nelliel, don't worry. If you prove yourself, I will give you one too." When I said that, she instantly turned to me.

"Yay! I will be the best!" She smiled and enthusiastically said.

'The last things I need to do is to get rid of a rat before dealing with Momo and Rangiku.'

"Now I will go to the living room, I have something to do there." I said to them before going out of the room.

I descended the stairs until I got to the living room, once there.

'System, buy another bowl of candies.'

["Buying... Done"]

'Thank you.'

Placing the bowl on the ground, I waited for something to happen. Suddenly, Yachiru came out of the ground, she then grabbed the bowl of candies before eating them. But before she escaped to the ground again, I grabbed her like she was a toy and said.

"Yachiru. I think it is time for you to go home."

Her face suddenly became depressed and she tried to get out of my grasps.

"No, no, no, no, no. I'm enjoying my time here. I even made a lot of tunnels down there, it took a lot of time." She tried to protest.

"No one asked you to do it. You did it on your own. Kenpachi is on Soul Society, you can't stay here." I said to her.

'System, buy me a teleporting talisman to Soul Society.'

["Buying... Done."]

Taking the talisman out, I placed it on her clothes and released her.

"Bye, bye! Thanks for giving Ken-chan a good fight!" She waved her hand.

"Say to him the same. A pity that if we fought now, he wouldn't last long." I said before turning around.

'One problem has been done with. Now I need to deal with Rangiku and Momo.'