Chapter 100 : Manipulation.

I was walking on a hallway, when I found Orihime, she bowed as she saw me.

"Hello, Master." She said.

"Orihime, I'll give you a gift. This." I said after taking a egg out of the System. "You will be in charge of this egg. The monster that will come out will be your guardian and later on, he will guard the entire Castle." I said after passing to her an egg that had the same size as a closed hand. Placing my hand on her cheeks, I said. "Orihime. Do not disappoint me." Which she only nodded.

Looking behind her, I saw that Rangiku and Momo were follosing her, both of them had slaves clothes.

"When will you tell me what happened to Gin?!" Rangiku loudly asked.

"I will tell you later on. For now, Momo, follow me." I said after pointing at Momo.

"But-!" Rangiki was trying to complain but was interrupted.

"Shut up and follow me." Orihime said.

I then walked in the direction of another room with Momo following. Rangiku tried to follow me too, but was stopped by Orihime, who strongly grabbed Rangiku's arm.

"You better follow what he or any member that has a higher autority than you say. Or else, you are going to suffer." Orihime warned her.

She only looked at Orihime, confused to why such an lovely girl became such a scary woman.

Entering inside of another room, I sat on the couch with Momo kneeling in front of me.

'Momo is like a broken doll. She cannot respond to anything that isn't an order. What she needs now is to be confronted by the truth.' I thought before leaning closer to her.

"Momo, it is time to bring you back to reality. Not only Aizen abandoned you but Soul Society also have done it." When I said that, I saw her eyes clearing a bit.

"Captain Aizen was manipulated and I still am a Lieutenant in Soul Society." She said after a few emotions returned to her.

"Oh, really? Well, bad news. Aizen is dead. Also, he never cared about you. Never." I saw her eyes widen. "And Yamamoto has issued new orders, the people that I brought into Hueco Mundo are now deemed as Traitors that should be killed on sight." I said.

From her widened eyes, tears came. It was one, two, three, then a waterfall came.

"Aaaaahhhhh. I have been abandoned. I have no place to go." She said in between her cries.

'Now her mind began to breakdown. Now it is time for the consolation.'

Getting closer, I said.

"Momo. You have a place to go, I will never abandon you. I will always be here for you."

"N-No. Y-You are l-like Captain A-Aizen, you will do the same as he d-did!" She said.

"I will never do the same mistake Aizen did. I will not abandon you." I said before hugging her.

She tried to thrash but her attempts soon stopped as she basked in the warmth my body emitted. This conforted her in the cold world she began to see.

"D-Do you promisse?" She asked like a mosquito.

'She is falling on my bait.'

"Yes, I promisse." I answered.

"Uahhhhhhh!" She hugged my body before beginning to cry even more.

'Getting betrayed and stabbed by Komamura dealt a heavy damage on her sanity.'

"I will never abandon you as long as you obey everything I say." I whispered in her ear.

'Momo has abandonment issues throughout the entire series. Even after being abandoned by Aizen and the Soul Society declaring him as traitor, she still calls him Captain. She had placed all her trust in Aizen so when he betrayed her, deeply inside of her, she denied that Aizen betrayed Soul Society. After Aizen betrayed everyone, she began to place her trust in Soul Society but now that even them betrayed her, she has no one to rely on. She is incredibly fragile, that is why she is so easy to manipulate. No wonder Aizen tricked her so easily.'

After crying for a few minutes, she released me and looked at my eyes.

"Īsan-sama, I will never disappoint you." She said after her eyes reagained their shine.

"Great." I said while I thought. 'All I need to do is to make her get used to my cruel ways of doing things. I need her to be blinded by everything around her, she needs to only focus in me. It will take some time but we will get there.'

"Now, you are officially, my subordinate. You can ask to anyone that is not wearing a collar and she will show you the way to your Quarters. You should get some rest. Tomorrow, I will show you the Castle." I said.

"Okay, Īsan-sama." She said before getting up, bowing and getting out of the room.

Getting up from the ground, I thought.

'Two down, one to go. Now I only need to deal with Rangiku. After that, I will focus in training the slaves as they will be the core of the organization. And in going to the next World. I will need a wolrd of emergency should Yhwach get too strong and dominate the Bleach World. So I need a World strong enough so that I can build a base with strong subordinates. The future is getting even more painful to deal with. For now, I need to talk to Rangiku.'

Then I went to Orihime's new bedroom.

'She gained the right to have a room, after all.' I thought before entering in the room.

Looking around, I saw that she did not even placed any decorations as she did not had the time to do it, but the shower was on. Going to the bathroom, I asked.

"Orihime, where is Rangiku?"

"She's with me." She anwered.

'Did they just turned into lesbians? Why are both of them inside? I can't let that happen, right?' As I owned the Castle, I could enter in any room without asking for permission.

So I just entered the bathroom. What I found was Orihime wearing a school swimsuit while she cleaned the egg.

'Well. She is really gifted. Her body has such nice curves, I would love to enjoy them.' Then I froze. 'Why the fuck is she bathing an egg?! This is just plain stupid... But this is the way she is... Looking for other perspective, this is cute. This show that she is taking her job seriously.' I thought after she looked at me innocently, as if she was doing nothing wrong.

Looking at the corner of the bathroom, Rangiku was staring at Orihime as confused as I was.

"Rangiku, come with me." I said before getting out, she followed behind me but she began to pester me.

"Hey! Tell me about Gin! What happened to him?! Tell m-." As my patience was really low today, I turned around, placed my hand on her throat and lifted her from the ground.

We were in the middle of Orihime's room.

"God damn! Shut the fuck up! Only knows how to talk about Gin! I was planning to tell you what happened to him in a more private room, but it seems that you want it right now." I said before releasing her.


Her body fell on the ground.

"I'm going to tell you then. Aizen killed Gin." I simply said.

"*Cough*. *Cough*. *Cough*. You are lying!" She said after getting up, then she began to try to shake my body.

"I have no reason to lie. Gin betrayed Aizen and tried to kill him, in response, Aizen retaliated by killing Gin. Why would I lie about this?" I said.

Then she fell on the ground with her hands on her mouth.

"Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Impossible." She continued to repeat the same thing.

"Rangiku. If you work for me, I will resurrect Gin." She suddenly looked at me.

"This is impossible, right?" She hopefully said.

"The stronger I get, the less death means to me. As long as you prove yourself and help me get stronger, I will, eventually, be able to resurrect him." I offered.

Then I saw the look on her face turn from intense sadness to hesitation.

'Just a little more.'

"I-I will accept, however, I will only accomplish the orders that I like." She said.

"You have no saying in this. You will take any order, be it to your liking or not. Or you can return to your lamentation and hope for him to return from the dead." I said.

"I will do it then." She said after she stopped crying.

Extending my hand, I used the {Corruption} on her.

'This {Corruption} was specially made for her. It will slowly replace Gin for me on her heart. The more she thinks about him, the more she will forget about him. Soon enough, I will take her heart completely. I love when things work the way I want.'