Matthew who is amazed looks at Florence while saying in a tone of doubt: "Are they Amanda's sisters?".
With a face of not being able to believe it since they looked nothing like Amanda, Florence with a slight smile nods and says: I understand your gesture Lord Matthew, but it is so.
He changed his gesture of astonishment to a face between relief and happiness. As her father had suspected, young Matthew felt so much at ease that he wanted to meet both girls, Florencia who did not hide anything from her nieces told them everything about young Matthew, Laura kept asking what Amanda was doing so she could laugh out loud and Orquídea on her side did not even know what to say, she was not even attentive to Amanda's witticisms.
Eight days had already passed since the arrival of Marquez to King Emiliano's castle, who was delighted by Marquez's visit, they talked until the wee hours of the morning, the young Englishman knew both girls but he had doubts since both were polite and humble, something that Amanda was centuries away from learning.
He liked Orchid's curious and affectionate spirit towards the animals and the employees of the Castle, although she didn't know English very well, she taught her and they almost had a fluent conversation in English, with Laura she loved that she knew about plays, dances like ballet although Orchid also knew but Laura was passionate about it, she knew about Shakespeare's plays, Mozart and Beethoven's classical music, she knew English very well, from foreign books, although she wrote it very well her vocabulary was poor.
But this did not prevent him from speaking to her in her mother tongue and correcting her slight faults. Laureano, who was looking at the Englishman, felt a little sad because he might know how to conquer Orquídea's heart and while he was walking away he said to his horse
Laureano: look at him, he has everything to win, I on the contrary am a simple soldier, without title -while he made a slight pause he continued- I have nothing to offer her, and I doubt that she would accept someone like me knowing him.
The horse who was walking next to him looked at the stranger and then at him and as if nothing he slapped him with his tail while he shook his head, the horse seeing the horse's gesture simply said nothing but a "very funny".
As the young Englishman passed back and forth in his bedchamber he did not know what to do, both girls were special and had their charms but, should one choose only 1 as his wife, as he looked at the ceiling he remembered the book that Lady Florence had lent him and looking for it he held it in his hand and as he looked at it he sighed as if asking the book to help him get an answer.
Almost finishing the book the door of his bedroom had sounded while he was asking for a moment he did not let go of the book to open the door, when he looked up he saw the maid Crete who told him that the table was served, he thanked her and decided to go with her but his way was cut short when he saw Orchid talking to Laureano about Laura to which he remained thoughtful about whether to ask or not, he preferred to wait and not interrupt their conversation.
After dinner Matthew had finished the book and went in search of Florence to give her the book, when he was looking for her he ran into young Pierre who, upon seeing the book, said to her
Pierre: that book is very beautiful but sad at the same time -he pauses and continues- that story reminds me a lot of the story of the Goddess Selene and Endimion.
He looked at him curiously and decided to forget his search and chat with him about that story; as if that story gave him strength, after chatting with little Pierre he went in search of Orchid and asked about the talk he had earlier with the gentleman Laureano, he knew it was late but he did not care because he felt it was important to know, he still did not understand why but something urged him to do so.
He took courage and knocked on the door, for his luck and Orquídea's, she was still not in her robe, he asked her to talk in private and as he knew she was not going to let him into her bedroom, they agreed to go to the patio and answer his questions, while they were looking at the stars he did not hesitate and asked directly
William: What does Laura have?
Orchid, who was astonished by such a question, decided to wait for him to clarify his question.
William: I heard you chatting with gentleman Laureano about Laura, what problems does Laura have?
Orquídea looks at him fixedly and her gesture becomes serious and answers: before answering your question, I have several doubts but the most important one is: Will you change your way of being knowing the truth?
He did not take two seconds to shake his head and making Orchid's gesture relax a little, he told her about her delicate health and how she and the others had been taking care of her and watching over her. The young Englishman that before asking had imagined anything but that, his gesture upon learning the truth was a bit of sorrow and anger as well, but now knowing the truth he felt he had to do something.