Chapter 7

Yulis walked inside the village only to be stopped by a guard.

"halt! state thy name and business here!"

"oh! im merely a homeless person, i was hoping to find a job and make money in order to buy myself a loaf of bread! im quite starving!" Yulis acted while rubbing her stomach!

The guard suspiciously observed the girl but he could only see an old dirty robe and a stick on her possession." i see... here take this"

[obtained slice of bread x3]

"the people of this village is in need of energetic youth like yourself, the strong men were taken by the lord of this region to be trained as soldiers so we're short in hands, your help will be appreciated"

The guard went back on his duty as he began to patrol the area when he suddenly noticed a large crowd of people walking towards the village. He was alarmed causing him to blow a whistle and the next moment the sound of bells began echoing in the village, around ten or more guards rushed towards the guard who blew the first whistle.

Fortunately yulis was already inside the village before they closed the gates, yulis was already aware of what is happening, the same incident happened back in her previous life so she quickly took action and entered the village ahead of the mobs of players.

The players around the world are about to experience npcs that are sentient like beings, a lot will speculate that the npcs are highly intelligent ai, another speculation would be that the npcs are actually alive and that the world around them is the real world of the npc. More and more radical theories will spread, but no one could answer this mystery.

If the players tried to tell the npc about the real world, their mouth wouldn't produce a sound, if they tried to write a message they would simply produce squiggles and random lines. Any attempts of trying to inform them about the real world will be blocked by the system. Over time the players simply moved on, and disregarded it as a wierd quirk of the game, the npcs that are aware of their existence are dismissed as the games features.

At the same time the npcs also had their theories, the Followers of the Light a religious group that has the largest influence in the world stated that the players were heaven sent beings, they won't die because the gods have blessed them, they were sent here to help complete dangerous tasks and become loyal Followers of the Light

Another factions called the Followers of the Shadow, called the players as spawns of hell, their souls are cursed and they were not granted the ability to die because the demons have ordered them to become undying slaves for the Followers of the Shadow.

As Yulis wandered around the village, she finally found the house she was looking for.

"excuse me good madam?"

"what is it? im quite busy making breads"

"yes, i noticed that, i would like to help you in making breads"

"hm.... i see, but i won't be needing help from the likes of you" the baker said and turned around.

Yulis was confused for a moment and suddenly slapped herself in her face. "oh yeah right! who would accept help from a dirty looking bum?!"

Yulis turned and head towards the village center and looked for a huge board.

"here it is!" yulis touched her chin while reading the notes placed on the board, the villagers would place these notes with job descriptions and rewards to be picked up by fellow villagers who are willing to do the job.

(Find my missing cat, the cat is brown with white patches in her stomach and return it on the village hall, i will be giving 3 copper coins as reward.)

(Harvest 5 moonlight drip flowers on the forest, and deliver it to the pharmacy, 1 copper coins per flower. )

(Find and capture my pig that escaped, the pig must not be injured, bring the pig at the farm house in the west side of the village, 7 copper coins as reward.)

(Help me repair my house, find me in the north side of the village, rewards depends on the quality of the work 5-10 copper coins)

Yulis found atleast 20 or so notes pinned on the board, after pondering for a bit, yulis took a note at the board and the quest tab suddenly gained a new quest with time limit. First yulis began running around the village, a few minutes and she finally found a cat, returned it and took another note and after that she caught the escaped pig, she took the reward and ripped another note from the board, when she finally found the missing shovel, the players began entering the village one by one.

Yulis quickly delivered the quest and received the rewards, she picked up one more from the board and ran as quickly as she could. she did this 2 more time before the players found the board, yulis only managed to snatch one more before the players took all of the quest. A player could only take one village quest at a time to avoid quest hoarding.

Yulis successful completed seven quests before the players grabbed all of the quests, she managed to scrounge up 30 copper coins and gained a few bits of experience. Yulis then went to the tailor and bought a set of cheap clothes, A shirt, a pants and a pair of leather sandals. Yulis blowed through her money that she just earned and emptied her pockets, she only had 5 copper coins remaining.

After that she went to the well and washed the old dirty robe and returned to the tailor.

"excuse me good madam, i wish to learn how to sew clothes, i hope you could sell me your old tools for these 2 copper coins."

"only two copper coins? do you know that even if they're old, i can still use them when my tools breaks, i don't want to sell you my old tools."

"then how about i help you around while you work?"

"it's true that i need an assistant, but my tools are quite valuable to me."

"then how about i pay you 5 copper coins and help you in your works"

"hmmm...." the tailor looks at the big pile of clothes on the table and nodded. "alright, if you help me sew those clothes for the coming winter then i will give to you my old tools.

" i would love to!"

"do you know how to sew?"

"of course!"

In this game, real life skills like sewing, swimming, cooking, etc are immediately registered as basic skills by the system.

"alright here are the designs, please finish these incomplete 5 heavy jacket, 5 heavy pants, 5 pair of socks, and 5 pair of heavy gloves, remember that they must be of acceptable quality or else you'll fail."

"will do" for about 3 hours or so yulis managed to complete the task, not only that but she learned the basic sewing skills and gained the tailors old sewing tools.

While Yulis was sewing clothes, the village guards issued quests to the players, like defeating slimes, catching rats that ruins the crops or collecting herbs from the forest.

Once yulis got the old sewing tools she began to fashion herself some basic clothing that has minimal protection, by using the old robe she began to enhance her cheap clothings, but first she had to wash it first. She fashioned a shirt made from the dirty robe, a shorts, and used the robes pockets as a makeshift socks tied to secure on her barefeet finally she fashioned a hoody and a bandana from the remaining cloth from the robe.

Her protection doubled.… well atleast it's better than old stinky robes, using the bandana she wrapped it on her lower face in order to hide it and put on the hoody while lowering the hood. Yulis looked like completely different frok the new players who were chasing rats with their sticks.

Yulis quickly left and avoided the eyes of the players and went to the baker, before talking she undid her mask.

"oh great madame i have come here in hopes to earn a few loaves of bread could you spare me some? in exchange i would help you around"

"hm... you seem competent enough , do you know how to bake? "

"of course!"

"well, the lord has asked me to bake 3 crates of bread for his soldiers so i'm a little short handed.... alright then. "

"thank you, madame."

"well don't dilly dally now, help me in making doughs, there is a sack of flour there and a barrel of water over there, the other materials can be found in the cabinet, do note that their quality must meet the lord's demands"

"will do madame"

In a short span of an hour yulis kneeded the sack of flour into doughs, the baker was delighted and brought another sack of flour.

"we are out of water, go fetch me some in the well"

While yulis was fetching water on the well, a bunch of players immediately noticed yulis who was wearing a different set of clothes, they quickly surrounded yulis and asked.

"hey you! yes you where did you get you clothes!" they said while eyeing the clothes yulis wore like a pack of wolves.

"me? oh! these! go aske the tailor! he issued me a quest when he saw me!"

"really?!" the dudes practically raced towards the house of the tailor. They thought they have to resort to violence in order to get the information, it turns out that the player was actually a noob.

Yulis hurriedly returned to the baker, and completed her tasks.

"good! good! i but i can't just let you leave without paying you..."

"i don't need coppers just a few loaves of bread will do!"

"no no no! i can't take advantage of your kindness, here take these as your rewards"

[obtained copper coins x10 and slices of bread x9]

Yulis expected this as long as she doesn't show any greediness, they'll evaluate her higher and her reward will of course be higher! too bad it only depends on their personality.

Once waving goodbye yulis turned next to the farmer, this time yulis asked to him buy his broken farming tools for 10 copper and offered to help him in his farm work.

"my back hurts these days, could you plow my fields?"

"that would be fine but im getting hungry you see..."

"very well here have some apples."

[obtained apples x10]

"thank you good sir"

After a few back creaking work, yulis wiped away her sweat and walked back to the farmer.

[obtained broken farm tools x3]

Next to the blacksmith!

"good day esteemed blacksmith!"

"what do you want?"

"i would like to learn how to craft blades!"

"unfortunately i can't, i don't have any materials to use all of them are needed to forge swords for the lord's soldiers, that means im quite busy."

"how about i help you around while teaching me!"


"you don't have to tutor me and i see your quite hungry, i can offer you 6 pieces of bread and 5 apples as payment!"

".... you have passion young woman, you remind me of my past self, when times were tough and i also had to learn blacksmithing by paying the blacksmith with bread.... very well i shall teach you the ways of blacksmithing, but keep the apples i only need the breads, but still, i don't have any materials... "

" how about these old farm tools? "yulis was waiting for this moment, she already finished the first part of offering bread, and now the second part requires to offer the broken farm tools!"

"oh? these would do, i could make some knives out of these broken tools and use the wooden parts as the handles! young woman watch carefully now, first you have to separate the...."

It took yulis the whole afternoon to learn basic smithing, because yulis don't know how to craft swords, isn't it obvious?

[Obtained, small knife x1]

Tier 0 small knife

Rarity: common

Atk: 3-5

Sharp: 2

Atk Spd: slow

Durability: 10/10


A small knife crafted from old farm tools, it is small and very fagile, good for peeling fruits.

Weapons, tools and equipments have their own Tier, rarity, and qualities.

" young woman you have learned well from me, but im afraid your not strong enough to lift a hammer.... return to me when you are stronger and i shall personally tutor you"

Although yulis know the knowledge, the application is a bit different.

In order to get more exp yulis have to hunt monsters but that's for the next day, it's already night time and her avatar is exhausted, yulis entered the village in and logged out and when she opened her eyes it's already morning.

While Yulis was making breakfast, eara walked out of her room while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning!"

*yawn* "good morning big sis..."

"how's the helmet? did you enjoy playing with it?"

Eara perked up and started blabbering about her experience.

"Yup! i really did! did you know that EOR is actually free when i used the helmet?! it seems that the company pre paid it when using the helmet you bought me!"

"oh really i didn't know that"

"uh-huh! usually you have to pay for the game! and when i played the game it's soooo realistic!"


"did you know that your perception of time their is different? i mean 1 hour in real life is actually 3 hours at the game! isn't it awesome!"

"you seemed pretty excited."

"m-hm, i can't wait till i have to log back in!"

"did you encounter any perverts over there?"

"actually now that you mentioned it, several where caught and beaten to death, serves them right"

"Foods are ready, hurry up and let's finish breakfast we're going out today"

"huh? to where?"

"shopping of course! you need new sets of clothes! your old ones won't do."

"ehhhh? but... what about you?"


"look at your clothes!"

"they seem fine to me..."

Eara glared at her big sister, yulis on the other hand trembled and blushed while hugging herself.

"oh dearest little sister of mine! you look extra cute today! i wonder why!" Yulis kept salivating, but this time her mouth is actually salivating.

"ugh, if you don't buy yourself some new clothes then i refuse to go out with you!"

"aaaghh!" Yulis clenched her chest and said to herself. "my heart! my heart won't take it!...

" fine i'll get my self some new clothes..." Yulis finally relented but," the cheapest ones would do!" yulis inwardly said.

"good! i'll be the one picking them"

"picking what?"

"your clothes"

"how!?" Yulis slumped on her chair.

"hurry it up big sis! im almost done eating!"


At the largest building in the shopping district, a pair of girls entered the building.

"A-are you sure we're in the right place?" Eara couldn't help but look around the large building, she expected to enter a small thrift store or a credit store but her expectations didn't match.

"of course we are! i got myself a bonus you know! the company's doing exceptionally well!"

"if you say so..."

Of course that was a lie, yulis couldn't just spend money while keeping quiet, her sister will just keep getting suspicious and she might just limit herself.

The two went around and began selecting new clothes for each other, while yulis kept buying cute small clothes, with frills and ribbons, eara chose different styles of clothes for her sister, she picked up a light one piece summer dress, a set of pink pajamas, a black hoody paired with black short skirt and black stockings, and a shirt that says world's sexiest big sister paired with a skirt that matches her own, Yulis was shocked when she found said shirt.

The pair went and tried the clothes in the changing room. Eara looked especially cute in the doll like clothes. While Yulis turned into a tomato while wearing the on piece summer clothes.