Chapter 8

After a few hours the pair finally reached the clothing budget yulis allocated.

"alright big sis let's go home." eara said while sighing.

"waddya mean go home? we're not done yet!"


Eara couldn't finish her word when yulis pulled her towards another section of the floor.

Womans Lingerie, the big sign caught Eara's attention.

"You also need a change of underwear! you're a growing girl and you need better pantsu!" Yulis declared while browsing the kiddy set displays.

While Eara was trying to pull her sister away from a pair of underwear for kids, a sales lady approached the two with great pressure.

Yulis noticed it and was about to defend when the sales lady screamed.

The lady pushed her glasses up her eyes and screamed "Code Cute Little Sister!"

Her scream travelled around the large room where several other sales lady poked their head up and stared at Eara, even the other female buyers followed their gaze.

"kyaaahh! what an adorable little girl!"

The sales lady quickly held Yulis's hands and asked with a serious expression. "Miss please leave your little sister under our care! we are professionals and are willing to do everything within our power to make sure she's taken care of!"

"What do you mean only her little sister! look at the big sister's body!" another sales lady interrupted.

"She's right look at her BODY! isn't it perfect!" a female customer butted in.

"A slim but not too skinny! a flat but still growing chest! her thighs are plumped but still slim! long legs but still complementing her butt and body! a true youthful body!!!"

*gasp!* "you're right!" the lady holding Yulis's hands inspected her body with critical eye. "Miss im truly sorry, i was blinded by your little sister's presence, please let us take care of you as well! simply tell us you budget and we'll begin picking the perfect lingerie for the both of you!"

"uhh... erhem, well... 3k credits will-"

"say no more!"

Yulis and Eara suddenly became the dress up dolls of 20 or so ladies, every underwear and swimsuit was brought and the pair had to change every time a new pair arrives. In the end Yulis lost 5k for buying underwear and other articles of clothing for her and eara.

When lunch arrived both of them entered a venue with open air tables, while they're eating yulis watched her little sister munch on her food. Yulis rested her face on her palm and pulled her sister's hair behind her ear.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?" Yulis asked with a soft tone, while raising a spoon towards Eara's mouth.

"Yup! i really did!..... Thank you sis, for today. Eara replied while opening her mouth and chewing and wiping her mouth and smiled," Yulis.... IM NOT A KID! "

Giyaaahhh!! my adorable little sister, your melting my heart! , yulis inwardly panted while hiding all of those emotions with a smile

Once done eating yulis asked eara if there's any place that she wanted to visit, surprisingly eara pulled her to the arcade.

"the arcade? why here?" yulis asked while buying some tokens.

"I've always wanted to try playing in an arcade!" Eara replied while eyeing the prizes displayed on the counter.

"alright then" yulis handed her a bag filled with tokens.

"thanks!" eara excitedly ran towards a shooting game and quickly placed a token down. "hurry up sis! you take the other gun!"

"im coming!" yulis laughed and followed.

While playing, three dudes entered the arcade and immediately eyed yulis and her little sister.

The moment their gazes landed on her yulis became aware of them, but ignored it while continuing to shoot down zombies.

The three dudes walked near them and surrounded her.

"hey hey hey babe! how about you have some fun with us!" the first one spoke while staring at yulis.

"and bring your little sister along, we'll make sure to treat you right!" anothe said while licking his lips and eyeing eara.

"aw come on don't ignore us, we'll make you feel good!" the third this time held yulis in the arms.

Yulis was fuming in anger, but instead she smiled. "did you know that there's a comfort room nearby how about we take this over there!"

"now we're talking!"


Eara looked at her sister with tears on her eyes, but yulis simply reassured her that she'll be back after a few moments.

"don't worry sis, i'll be back, just continue playing here."

"right, right! we'll take care of your big sis carefully!"

"hurry! hurry! i can't take it anymore!"

The group disappeared on the crowd leaving Eara behind.

When the three finally arrived at some nearby cr, yulis smiled at the three dudes.

"hurry take of you-" before the guy could speak his head suddenly jerked and he was knocked up and landed on his butt.

"wha! -" the second guy who was suprised was knocked of his feet as yulis sweeped her leg and hit the guy on his feet, he fell and smashed the side of his head on a urinal.

"why you!" the third managed to raise his fist only to be kicked on his balls.

"how dare you..... HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY DAY WITH MY LITTLE SISTER!" Yulis screamed while she began savaging the dudes, a flurry of kicks and punches continued to rain upon the three perverts.... "it was perfect! first we had breakfast while i listened to my adorable little sister tell her stories about her experience in EOR next we went out and brought new clothes for each other while my sister and i tried them out, next we ate lunch while i enjoyed spoon feeding my adorable little sister, and then we went and played games in the arcade, it was a perfect day! a perfect day until you three sh*t heads came and ruined it! you motherf***ers go rot in hell! i'll make sure you guys never walk again! you hear me you little b****es! im gonna mur.... "

Yulis continued her rants and curses while beating the three dudes black and blue, let's not forget about those broken bones, broken ribcage and fingers. Yulis stomped and broke the knees of the unconscious dudes.

The confrontation didn't last 5 minutes and yulis exited the CR and returned to the arcade only to find eara accompanied by a security guard.

" s-she was taken by three guys a-and-" Eara tried her best to explain what happened when yulis spoke behind her.

"uhhh.... Eara? waddya up to?" yulis asked innocently.

"Yulis!!" Eara ran and hugged her big sister tightly.

"uhm what happened?" yulis acted like nothing happened.

Eara wiped her teary eyes and asked with a shaky voice. "wh-what about the three p-p-perv-"

"oh them? they simply wanted to borrow some tokens!" yulis interrupted while smiling.

"r-really?" Eara said and buried her head on Yulis's chest.

Yulis apologised to the guard and asked Eara if she wanted to go home, to which eara nodded. On the way Yulis picked up a stuffed teddy bear as a gift for eara, while buying the teddy bear, eara kept peeking in her pocket where her hands hid a small teddy bear keychain.

Once they came back home, eara pulled the sleeves of Yulis's jacket.

"hmm? what wrong?"

Eara hesitated for a moment before taking out a small stuffed teddy bear key chain and gave it to yulis.

"huh? where did you get this?" Yulis asked while playing with the key chain.

"i... won it from the arcade... it's..... a gift.... for you...." Eara said meekly while hiding both of her hands behind her back and looking down. "i was hoping to get more points and buy a bigger bear but... the three guys came and..." eara trailed of on her last word.

Ah! ahh! aahnn! my heart! your so gonna melt my heart! Damn those interlopers! i should've cracked their necks! yulis had mixed emotions when she gazed at her little sister.

" thank you Eara, i love it! "Yulis smiled and patted her little sister in the head.

" really?!" Eara asked in suprise before gazing at the large teddy bear her sister bought her." no, i'll buy you a much better teddy bear! "

" uh, no really i love your gift you don't have to do anything in return" Yulis tried to console her little sister. In the end she couldn't and she simply nodded when Eara promised her that she would get her a better gift.

Night came and the two sisters said their goodnights.

When Yulis returned back online, she appeared in the middle of the village. A lot of players are already forming parties, some of them are even wearing new gears, the official forum has exploded with information helping players and guiding them with gathering equipments and levels, information sharing also became popular as more and more players came around. Beta testers also published their own informations, causing the players progress to rise.

In order to change class, they needed to go to a town, the players current class is villager which they got on the village hall in exchange for a few coppers. The players needed to level up gain levels and be strong enough to venture out of the village and make their way towards a town.

The concept of class is quite different from the other games, there's several requirements in order to change class. For example, in order to become a basic swordsman you must own a sword with acceptable quality, you must have atleast 3 basic swordskills learned, and you must complete a class change quest.

Yulis made her way to the leveling ground, before getting called out by a group of players.

"hey you! yes you with the hood on, wanna join our party? we're already level 2 and our leader is at level 3! based on your gear you should be on the same level!"

Yulis looked at the party before shaking her head, "sorry but im busy" Yulis continued on her way.

The leader watched the person before gesturing to a group of players wearing bandanas that hidden their face, they nodded and followed the person. The three players accompanying the level 3 player simply shook their head as they watched the players with red crystals floating above their head move towards the direction the player went.

Yulis arrived at a river where a bunch of slimes unnaturally moved slowly around, yulis proceeded to stab the slimes at their core while dodging those that tried to tackle her. It took awhile in order to wipe out all the slimes, her loot consisted of 36 copper coins and leveled her up twice, normal players have to deal with fast moving slime thus making the difficulty higher, the slimes near the river are at mating course, making them extremely slow for various reasons like a part of their body being unnaturally rock hard while secreting white liquid.

Once yulis finished picking up the loot a group of players emerged from the forest and surrounded yulis.

"you must be a beta test player! otherwise you wouldn't know this place! we got lucky boys! we'll be taking over this area as our exclusive leveling ground!" the leader sneered while sizing up yulis.

Yulis simply stared at them and raised her knife.

"look! an actual knife! that's the reason it took only a few stabs to kill those slimes! leader your leveling speed will sky rocket once you obtain i-" The guy not paying attention was suddenly stabbed in the neck before collapsing at the ground.

"im lucky some red players came, i can now level up, earn money and get new equipment while killing slimes and red players at the same time! lucky me!" yulis said while chuckling.

"why you! kill that bastard!" the leader ordered while swinging his wooden baton in Yulis's direction. However Yulis who was meters away suddenly appeared in front of the leader and slashed her knife on his neck, blood immediately spurted out of his neck before falling on his knees and kicked on the face by yulis

A cold atmosphere suddenly surrounded the group of players, it felt like a monster suddenly removed it's human skin. Her eyes moved around and locked on, suddenly she charged towards the guy furthest away, the guy tried to pull his weapon up to defend but his vision suddenly turned red as he felt like he has falling, the world suddenly started spinning and when it stopped he saw only his body on a pool of blood.

"what are you guys doing! charge!" a player holding a staff tried to rally his comrades. " we outnumber her 6 to 1 how cou-" his tirade was stopped and followed only was gurgling sound as blood emerged from his mouth and neck.

"your too noisy!" Yulis hissed and moved to her next target.

"Monster! it's a monster!"

"run! run away!"

The first player that turned around, went limp, like a puppet that had its string cut, blood followed.

The players ran into the woods like crazy while uttering blood curling screams, one by one their scream got cut until everything went eerily quiet. Yulis came back to the river to wash of the blood on her body causing the river to turn red while yulis was taking a bath, unfortunately she couldn't remove her clothes and take a bath naked, the game prohibited it, well atleast she could wash her clothes and herself at the same time.

Killing red players won't turn you into a red player as well, but being killed while your a red player will induce heavy punishment. The red player that is killed will lose 3 whole level, next is that he is guaranteed to drop 1 piece of equipment while increasing his equipment and item drop rate to x3, he will also drop 25% of all the money that he's carrying.

From a nearby hilltop, the group of players that yulis met earlier watched the whole thing unfold, they were shocked that yulis easily killed the pk group so easily.

"w-what was that?!"

"we're very unlucky! to meet someone who's actually very skilled in combat!" the leader clenched his fist before ordering his subordinates to leave.

After farming near the river for the whole morning Yulis leveled up to lvl 3, the higher your level goes the harder it is to level up, which is quite unfortunate.

When leveling up a player with a normal class will receive 3 status points and a skill point to allocate for their characters, the rarer the class the higher the number of status and skill points you receive every level up, it will also be harder it is to level up.

Yulis then returned to the village in order to finally finish the blacksmithing sub class.

[Do you wish to Learn Basic Blacksmith as your subclass?]


The village blacksmith continued to teach Yulis before finally yulis crafted a knife similar to the one she got earlier.

[Used broken farm tool x1]

[Obtained, small knife x1]

Tier 0 Small knife

Rarity: common

Atk: 3-5

Sharp: 2

Atk Spd: fast

Durability: 10/10


A small knife crafted from old farm tools, it is small and very fagile, good for peeling fruits.

[Congratulations, you have learned basic blacksmithing!]

"There! you are officially a blacksmith! i am quite happy to have taught someone my craft! here take this! as a blacksmith you will be needing it"

[obtained, old small iron hammer]

Tier 0 Old small iron hammer

Rarity: common

Atk: 17-21

Blunt: 4-6

Atk Spd: slow

Durability: 21/21

Description: a small hammer used by novice blacksmiths.

"thank you very much esteemed sir! but i need one more thing from you."

"hm? and what is it?" the blacksmith said while narrowing his eyes.

"i would like to borrow your crafting room, i want to try and apply the knowledge that i have learned from you"

"Hahahaha! of course of course! i mustn't hinder you from learning further!" the blacksmith enthusiastically offered his work room to Yulis.