The Sokovia Accords

Wei, wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants is sitting across from Wanda, who is wearing a brown leather jacket, red shirt, black skirt and black stockings.

"What do you see?" Steve asks over a com.

"Beat cops, small station, quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda answers, sipping on a coffee.

"Except it's covered by cameras, which means he doesn't care if he's seen. Sounds like Rumlow." Steve agrees, looking out from a apartment, scanning the streets as well.

"The red van." He says.

"It's cute, so?" Wanda replies.

"It's armored. Not that it'd provide much resistance for us." Wei tells her.

"You need to learn to watch your back on this job." Natasha tells her, sitting on a table behind the two youngest members of their team.

"Falcon. The garbage truck, tag it." Steve then tells Falcon, who is standing on top of a roof, sending his small drone to scan the vehicle.

"Armed driver, it's loaded for maximum weight." He informs them.

"It's a battering ram. Their target isn't here." Steve says and all of them follow the garbage truck, which crashes through the gates of the

Institute for infectious disease, which is surprisingly unprotected.

The first ones to arrive are Falcon, Wei, Steve and Wanda. Wei and Falcon flying in with their flight suits Steve and Wanda getting carried along by them. Wei took off his disguise, showing his green and silver mission suit underneath and let's go of Wanda, who floats to the ground while he takes his voulge and spins while flying, flying at three of the armed men standing in front of the building, which is filled with gas and some men with Gas masks inside.

"Sam." Wanda says, throwing one of the attackers at the soldier, who knocks him out, swatting him with a metal wing. Steve in the meantime knocked one out with his shield and then dropkicks another off a car.

"Like we trained." Steve tells Wanda, getting in position with Wei on either side of the girl.

"Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam informs them, scanning the building with his drone.

"The gas?" She asks.

"Funnel it out to the sky." Steve says, just before he and Wei get flung through one of the buildings windows each.

When the two arrive in the building with Wanda sucking the gas out, Wei snaps one attackers' neck and tosses Steve the mask, who puts it on.

Two men starts to shoot them, Steve blocking the bullets with his shield while Wei simply dashes towards one of the men, the bullets bouncing off him.

"Looks like you really are becoming bullet proof." Steve comments, tossing his shield at the other attacker, knocking him out as he was reloading.

"My powers increase, the longer I exist in this time. The energies here are much stronger. At least that's what Tony claims." Wei replies.

"Well he's rarely wrong." Steve says, running down the path of destruction left by Rumlow.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon." Steve tells the team, arriving at an empty container with Wei.

"On it." Natasha says, arriving at the building's backside, where Rumlow and some men use a rope to descent towards their escape vehicles.

She takes out a handful of men before Rumlow catches her, throwing her into an armored car from its opening on top and throws a hand grenade after her, as she's fighting the two armed men inside the vehicle, using one of them as a shield when she spots the grenade.

Rumlow and his remaining men in the meantime drive away in a hummer with a large caliber gun on top of it.

The mercenary fires at Steve and Wei who arrive at the backside of the building. Steve blocks the first shot with his shield, before running through the hallway of the building, Rumlow shooting it to bits with three more shots, shooting the floor out from underneath the two, who crash against a pole before landing on their ass.

"Stupid floor." Wei grumbles getting up, offering his hand to Steve.

"Sam they're heading north in a hummer." Steve says and Sam tasks his drone with finding the car in question.

When Sam finds them Rumlow and his men have already dumped the vehicle and are fleeing on foot with Rumlow handing the biologic weapon to one of his men, tasking him to take it to the air strip.

"There are four, they are splitting up." Sam says, seeing four figures run away in the crowd of the market they are in with his scanner.

"I got the ones on the right." Natasha says, following the two men, while Wei and Sam nod at one another, flying after the remaining two men, while Steve gets involved in a fight with Rumlow while Wanda is still on the way.

The two flying men easily knock out their targets, flying by them, searching them while lifting them up and then do a loop in different directions, crashing the two opponents in each other.

"Just like we planned." Sam says, bumping fists with Wei, before they take off in different directions, Sam going to help Natasha while Wei goes back to Steve.

Sam and Natasha then procure the biological agent from one of the two men.

In the meantime, Steve beats Rumlow in a fistfight, disarming him from his mechanical arm enhancements. When he confronts him about his buyer though the mercenary mentions knowing Bucky to throw Captain America off his game and uses a bomb vest, intending to take Steve with him. Lucky for the captain however Wanda arrived in time and contains the blast in a magic forcefield.

"Wanda." Wei says, worried,

Seeing her struggling to contain the forcefield and he uses his control over the earth element to create a pillar underneath the explosion, taking it up into the air with the magic forcefield, but a car gone rogue flies against the pillar, just as Wanda is releasing the forcefield and the pillar takes the explosion with it, crashing into an apartment building, making large hole in the building much to everyone's shock, the rest of the pillar also crashing on top of some people.

"Sam, we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building." Steve says, going towards it, while Wanda looks at it frozen in fear, feeling responsible for it.

"Get the people out from the pillar, I'll take care of the fire." Wei says, seemingly not affected by what happened and flies towards the burning hole in the building, raising his hands into the air, a cloud forming gradually. He then 'sucks' the water from the cloud and directs it towards the fire, extinguishing it in a few minutes.

When he lands back at the market, next to his gathered team he sees some people angry at them and asks "we got the biological weapon?"

"Yeah. Take Wanda and get out of here. We'll meet you back at the base." Steve tells him.

"Alright." Wei agrees, taking off after picking up Wanda in his arms and flies away, holding her tightly as they fly, with her crying into his chest, unseen by everyone else.

"It's not your fault. Accidents happen." Is the only thing said during the flight, from him trying to cheer her up.

A few days later the Avengers are in their facility when the news are talking about the incident.

Steve, after hearing a speech from the Wakanda King goes to check on Wanda and finds her sulking in front of her TV, which blames her for the explosion which killed 6 people.

"It's not your fault." Steve tells her, turning off the TV and sits down next to her on her bed.

"Turn on the TV, they think so and are very specific." Wanda tells him.

"I should have stopped the bomb vest. But Rumlow mentioned Bucky and all of a sudden I'm a 16-year-old kid again and people died." Steve tells her.

"It's on me." Steve says.

"It's on both of us." Wanda says.

"Phe, I would have thought at least you I wouldn't have to worry about captain, some war you must've fought when you have time to blame yourself for every death. You know in my time the results were what counted. We got the biological agent and stopped a terrorist." Wei tells them, stepping into the doorway, leaning against it.

"Did he just say the 2nd world war was child's play?" Steve asks the girl next to him.

"That's my boyfriend for you." She says with a small grin.

"I want to know how you're doing, but we have a visitor. Tony wants us all in the meeting room." Wei tells them.

Vision suddenly walks through the wall on the other side of the room.

"Vis. I told you to stop doing that." Wanda tells him.

"Yes, but the door was open..." Vision says, only to get shot by a lightning bolt coming from Wei's finger, the other hand placed on a electrical output.

"I told you to stop barging into my girlfriends' room, or do you want to see me really jealous?" Wei threatens the man, the light in the rooms around them flickering while Wei's hand shows a skull made of lightning.

"Uhh, that's OK. I'll use the door." Vision says confused.

"He means no harm you know?" Wanda tells her boyfriend, getting up alongside Steve.

"He needs to learn or he'll piss me off one of these days and I'll fry his metallic ass." Wei grumbles, walking ahead of the two, dressed in a blue tank top and black pants with no shoes on his feet.

When they arrive in the meeting room, they join the rest of the active team, with their visitor being the secretary of defense.

The man then tells the group that while the world is grateful for their help the governments also view them as dangerous. He underlines this with videos of the mass destruction following the avenger's greatest battles.

"For the past 4 years you've operated without supervision. But that's going to need to change and we have a solution. The Sokovia accords. It's approved by 117 countries and states, that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization and will only act under orders of an United Nation's panel and only if that panel deems is necessary." The secretary informs them and leaves them the document on their table.

"In 3 days, the UN will discuss the accords. Talk it over." The secretary tells the group.

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asks.

"Then you retire." The secretary tells them.

That evening they are discussing what to do about the accords.

"So, let's say we agree to this thing. How long do you think until they lowjack us like a bunch of common criminals?" Sam Wilson asks.

"117 countries want to sign this and you just want to be like, no thanks Sam?" James Rohdes asks.

"I have an equation." Vision interrupts them.

"Ever since Mr. Stark revealed himself 8 years ago the number of superhuman appearances have increased exponentially. As have the numbers of world threatening events. It's likely due to our strength. Power invites challenge and challenge leads to conflict, which results in catastrophe." Vision tells them.

"Tony. You're being uncharacteristically quiet." Natasha tells the inventor who's lying on a couch, holding his head.

"That's just because he already l made up his mind." Steve remarks.

"Oh, you know me so well." He says sarcastically, getting up and fetching a coffee as well as some headache medicine.

"There is no real decision-making process here. With the damage following us, we need to be put in check. In whatever form that is, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, then we're no better than the bad guys." Tony tells them.

"Just because someone dies, you don't give up." Steve says.

"Who says we're giving up?" Tony remarks.

"If we sign this we are. We are giving up control, if we sign we can no longer determine ourselves where we are needed and if what we're send to do is the right action." Steve tells them.

"And how long do you think until the Panel will decide to strip Vision for parts or lock away Wei and Wanda, whose powers are getting stronger every day?" Steve adds.

"Pfft. You forget, the only ones capable of that are in this very room." Wei tells him confidently.

"Yes, and I bet in a year or so, there will be an order to go against one of our own because he's become too dangerous to control. We'll be forced to fight each other." Steve warns them.

"Don't you think we should at least give this a chance? I trust Tony's judgment. He's the smartest person I know of and I doubt he's going to go ahead with the accords blindly." Wei says.

"Thank you. And if we don't do this now... it's going to be done to us later anyways." Tony tells them.

"Great choice." Sam remarks.

"I'm just telling you how it is." Tony replies.

"I need to go." Steve says when he gets a text, informing him off Maggy's death.

2 and a half days later he's in London, attending the funeral when Natasha approaches him.

"She was a good woman, she really cared for you back in the day." Natasha tells him.

"I know, so... who signed?" Steve answers.

"Tony, Rhoday, Vision, Wei and I." Natasha answers.

"What about Clint and Wanda?" Steve asks.

"Says he's retired and tbd. But with Wei having signed she's likely to do so as well." Natasha answers.

"Think about it. I'm heading to the UN conference now." Natasha tells him.

While most of the Avengers either are attending Maggy's funeral or helping iron out the accords Wanda, Vision and Wei are the only ones left in the Avenger facility. The meeting of the UN is thrown into chaos however when Bucky is seen on video, blowing up the UN meeting and killing the Wakanda King.

"What are you cooking?" Wanda asks the android as he's cooking something, going by recipe.

"Something that might cheer you up." He replies while Wanda joins him behind the counter, looking at the recipe and tastes what he cooked so far.

"Spirits lifted." She says rather unimpressed.

"In my defense I've never actually eaten anything before." Vision tells her and she simply takes over the cooking, taking the ladle from him.

"Wanda. No one dislikes you. It's an involuntary response in their brain which makes people unable but to be afraid of you." Vision tells her.

"Are you afraid of me?" She asks.

"I only have a machine's brain." He replies with a smile.

"Would you stop hitting on my girlfriend already? Why are you here anyways? I thought you were going with Tony and James?" Wei asks, entering the kitchen area, going over to Wanda and kissing her cheek.

"Mr. Stark asked me to stay behind." Vision replies.

"I don't know what's in this. But it isn't Paprika. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm just going to the store." Wanda says, patting her boyfriend's cheek and steps out from behind the kitchen isle, only for Vision to phase in front of her.

"What are you not letting me leave?" Wanda asks surprised.

"As a question of safety." He replies.

"I can protect myself." Wanda tells him.

"Not yours. Mr. Stark wants to avoid another public incident until the accords are on a more secure foundation." Vision says.

"Let me talk to him." Wei grumbles annoyedly, moving behind the machine-like man and pulling him away from Wanda, while dialing Tony's number.

"Hey Tony, what did I just hear Vision saying about wanting to keep Wanda contained in the facility on your order? You surely were joking right? " Wei asks the inventor.

"Oh you weren't? And did you really for a moment believe that the tin man's little gem would be able to stop either of us from leaving if we wanted to?" Wei says.

"Right. I didn't think so. Now I advise you from putting me in this situation again, because while I see you as a trusted friend, Wanda is the love of my life and there is nothing I won't do for her, including ripping off your precious Vision's head." Wei warns the inventor angrily, hanging up.

"He said we can leave." Wei tells Wanda with a victorious smirk.

"No, thanks. I'll just go to my room." Wanda tells him saddened that Tony and Vision don't trust her.