battle in germany

While Wei is dealing with a depressed Wanda and tries to cheer her up, with no success Steve tries to save his old friend Bucky and draws out his arrest longer than necessary. He's fighting with the winter soldier, the police force sent to capture him and the new Wakanda king in his black panther costume before he, Bucky and Sam who helped him get arrested.

After their arrest Tony tries to get Steve to sign the accords, but he refuses again. In the same building Bucky gets interviewed by a person send by the UN. At least he was supposed to be. The one interviewing him actually used an emp to cause a power outage and uses a secret code to get control over Bucky, due to a chip in his brain.

The winter soldier gives him the information he wants and then breaks out, causing a massive distraction during which the mastermind behind the Bucky problem uses to slip away.

Steve, Sam and Bucky all end up hiding with Sharon Carter sneaking out their equipment for them.

During their time hiding they find out about the man using Bucky and figure out where he is going next, to a secret hideout where 5 more, more vicious winter soldiers are in stasis.

Steve and Tony both know that the other won't let them do as they want and gather their allies. Which is why when Wei enters the Avengers facility with a present for Wanda, he sees a giant hole in the living room, going down into the ground at least 50 meters.

"What the heck?" Wei curses quietly and flexes his arms, lightning coating the muscular arms, not having his suit and weapon with him.

"Wanda! Wanda!" He shouts rushing to the private rooms in the building, only for Vision to phase through the floor in front of him.

"I'm sorry. She left with Clint." Vision tells him.

"Why would she do that? She knew I was coming back shortly." Wei asks disappointed when his phone suddenly rings.

"What? Yeah, no she's gone. What's going on?" Wei answers his phone with Tony calling him in to get the currently strongest Avenger to come help him stop the others in berlin.

"Alright, come on Vision we have to go to berlin." Wei tells the android.

"Why?" The machine asks.

"To stop Wanda and the others before it's too late." Wei tells him, heading to his room to get his suit and other equipment.

"Why would Wanda go against your wishes? I thought you feel love for each other?" Vision asks.

"She's afraid. And Steve presents her with a freer future." Wei answers.

"Don't you want her to be free?" Vision asks.

"I just want her to be safe and happy. If she's free or just staying in the house I don't care." Wei informs the machine.

"I don't understand but I respect your opinion." Vision tells him.

"Good enough, I guess. Give me 5 and then we'll head out." Wei says, closing his rooms door to get changed into his mission suit.


"Cap." Clint greets Steve, stepping out of his van with Wanda once the former soldier parks next to them in a parking garage.

"Thanks for coming you two. I wouldn't have called if I didn't have to." Steve thanks Clint with a handshake, nodding at Wanda.

"How about our new recruit?" Steve asks.

"I would put a little coffee in him." Clint says, sliding open his van doors, presenting a freshly awoken Scott Lang.

"Whoa. Captain America it's such an honor to meet you. And to think you asked for my help when you know so many others." Scott says, shaking Steve's hand longer than necessary.

"Have you heard what we're up against?" Steve asks.

"Something about psycho assassins." Scott replies.

"We're outside of the law on this. If you come with us you'll be a wanted man." Captain America tells him.

"Yeah, well what's new." Scott says somberly.

An alarm then plays, asking everyone to evacuate the airport.

"Stark." Sam says.

"Suit up everyone." Steve tells them and once they are all geared up he goes to a helicopter with Tony disabling it with an emp device before he reaches it while he and War Machine land in front of the war hero.

"Here me out Tony. The psychiatrist. He's behind all of it." Steve informs the tech genius.

"Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago, can you help a guy out?" Tony asks while black panther jumps over the helicopter joining Tony and James.

"You're going after the wrong guy here." Steve says.

"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed a lot of innocent people yesterday." Tony tells him.

"And there are 5 more super soldiers like him. I can't let the doctor find them first. I just can't." Steve says in reply.

"Steve, you know what's about to happen, do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Natasha asks, stepping behind the man.

"Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Tony says and spiderman jumps over Captain America and webs his shield, yanking it out of his hands before webbing those together.

"Uhh, captain. Big fan, spiderman. Uh hi everyone." Spiderman greets the group, landing on a car with the shield.

"I don't really care if you surrender or not. I will get you sooner or later, what I want ro know however is, where is Wanda?!" Wei says, joining the group and lands face to face with Steve, his green metal mask retreating into his collar while glaring at the war hero.

"You shouldn't have involved Wanda in this. Not everyone is just yours to command. Especially on a suicide mission like this." Wei tells him.

"She had a choice and she chose to do what's right and stop the world from falling into chaos." Steve says.

"You've been a complete idiot. Now do what's right and come with us. Because it's us! You know we won't take no for an answer." Tony tells Steve.

"I found the quinjet, it's in the far right hangar." Sam reports to Steve over an earpiece.

"Alright Lang." Steve says, raising his hand and hawkeye fires an arrow through Steve's webbed together hands while Scott enlarges, standing on Steve's shield and kicks away Spiderman before tossing the shield to Steve.

"2 on the parking deck, one of them is Maximoff, I'm going to..." Tony says, his sensors analyzing the surroundings, only for all of the people gathered to fall over with Wei suddenly standing on a mini tornado, flying towards the parking deck.

"Right. He got her, I'll get Clint." Tony says, watching the element controlling warrior fly towards his girlfriend.

"There are two in the terminal, one of them is Barnes." War Machine says, scanning the other structure.

"Barnes is mine!" Black panther says and runs off towards the terminal, but Steve blocks him off.

Spiderman then starts chasing after Barnes and Sam, attempting to arrest them while Steve fights Black Panther and Natasha is trading blows with Scott.

"Wanda. Stop this, you can still walk away and we'll fix the situation together." Wei pleads, landing in front of Wanda and Clint, who fires a normal arrow. The arrow shatters against Wei's armor and skin, leaving a tiny penetration in the metal.

"Quiet wasting time and take her." Tony says landing next to him.

"Stay out of this Tony. Fly away with Clint or something." Wei says, walking towards Wanda, who then uses her power to keep Tony from flying at Clint, keeping him elevated in front of the former spy.

"Wanda. What happened? This can't be what you want." Wei says concerned.

"People feat me all the same, accords or not." Wanda says angrily, pushing back Tony in his suit while a gun opens on his back, aiming at the girl.

Wei quickly moves in front of her, taking the hit in his back and knocks her over, making her lose her control and Tony grabs onto Clint flying away with him, saying "let the lovebirds deal with their problems on their own."

"You're right." Clint says, stabbing Tony's armor with an electric arrow causing him to be released, once on the ground Clint rolls over the floor and goes to help Steve.

"Are you OK Wanda?" Wei asks, getting up, pulling her with himself.

He receives no reply and only sees her hold her hands in front of his eyes pensively, the fingers dancing with red energy.

"What do you want to know?" He asks, feeling secure, since Wanda made a promise to never influence his mind again when they started going out.

"I'm sorry." She says, a tear rolling down her cheek before covering his eyes with her hand, Wei falling down unconscious on her command.

Wanda then sees Clint run towards her with Tony on his tail and uses her powers to throw cars from the top of the parking structure at Tony, pinning him underneath the wreckage.

Steve and his group soon after regroup and run towards the hangar, having escaped their opponents for a while.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is good, but for the collective good give up." Vision says, shooting a laser out of his forehead while hovering in the air and creates a line in front of Steve and his group.

"Wanda, you really broke your promise to him?" Tony asks the girl, spotting the sleeping vitals of Wei displayed on his interface.

"I had to." Wanda replies, while Spiderman, Natasha, Black Panther and War Machine join the android and Iron man.

The two groups then engage in a fierce fight, which changes direction when Scott enlarges himself, becoming even taller than the airport building and distracts most of the ones trying to stop Steve, only the new Wakanda king chasing after Bucky and Steve, who get to the Quinjet and flee with it after Natasha switches sides and slows the king down.

"Uhm, spiderman, wake up our sleeping beauty, will you? We can't bring this guy down." Tony says, firing at the hulking figure of Scott who creates massive destruction by ripping apart a plane and nearby car alike.

"On it." Spiderman replies and swings over to Wei, shaking him awake.

Wei' eyes snap open and he gets up with a scowl.

"We need your help." Spiderman says, pointing at the large figure of Scott.

"I got it." Wei replies and leaps over to Tony, who's trying to take down Scott.

Wei then punches both arms into the ground and the earth beneath the giant breaks away until he's trapped in a hole, only his helmet sticking out.

"Wrong day to cause problems." Wei tells the giant head, punching the helmet hard enough for it to come off and Scott to appear on the floor next to the hole, reverted back to normal size.

"Whoa." Spiderman says astonished their attention quickly shifting to the Quinjet flying away from them.

"I'll get them!" James says, flying after the jet in his War Machine suit with Tony doing the same and Sam following after them.

"Vision I got a bandit on my six." James tells the android, who then fires a beam at Sam's glider but Sam dodges by rolling in the air with his wings closed and the beam hits James across the front of his War Machine suit. His suit fails and he sails through the air lifelessly in his armor, unable to do a thing. Tony and Sam both rush to their falling comrade, Steve disappearing with the quinjet.

"Damn. Be more careful with that Vision!" Wei curses and stomps all four limbs into the ground up to his knees and elbows.

"I can make it... I can make it." Wei chants to himself and about 5 meters before James is about to hit the ground a massive fountain of water sprays out of the ground, suspending James and lifting him up giving Tony enough time to catch his friend and bring him to the ground safely, quickly getting him out of the War Machine suit after knocking Sam out cold with a punch.

"Come on Rhodes. This'll be another story you can tell. Don't give up on me." Tony says, checking on the soldier's vitals.

"I don't understand what happened." Vision says perplexed while everyone gathers worried about the soldier with Wei making the water reenter the ground and closes the hole and the hole he made earlier, not leaving a visible mark on the earth.

"Hah, maybe you shouldn't have woken me." Wei says, weakened from Wanda's earlier attack while Spiderman helps him pull himself out of the ground.

"Thanks." He says, before lying down on his back looking into the sky with a sour mood.

"You OK?" Spiderman asks.

"Not really, no. But it's not your problem." Wei says, looking at Wanda sadly, the Sokovian girl returning the eye contact guiltily.

"Let's get these guys ready to be taken in for trial." Wei sighs and slowly gets back on his feet.

Tony and James then return with Sam, both men carried by Tony in his Ironman suit.

"Alright everyone now behave and surrender to the UN because my patience is running out." Tony says, hovering in the air with his ful arsenal aimed at Clint, Wanda and Natasha while Scott is knocked out with Sam.

"Don't. You will only make things worse than they are." Wei stops Wanda, who raises her hands with a slight glow coming from them.

Wei grabs some scrap metal and puts the girls hands behind her back, covering the hand with the metal, reshaping it with newly learned his element control over metal.

"What are you doing? This is too much." Vision asks Wei, against chaining up the redhead.

"She brought this on herself." Wei says, leading Wanda over to the unconscious Sam and Scott and then creates some handcuffs for Clint as well the other two men.

"Wei stop this. This isn't right." Vision insists once everyone is chained up.

"Shut up. You have no idea." Wei grumbles, shoving the vibranium android out of the way.

"Trust me when I tell you I'll keep my promise and keep you safe." Wei tells Wanda quietly, before walking away from the four captives and sits down next to Spiderman, who is relaxing, feeling sore all over.

"So, you're the intriguing young hero Tony talked about?" Wei asks.

"I guess?" Spiderman says surprised the currently strongest avenger heard of him.

"Don't disappoint him. Tony may be self-serving and hard to understand from time to time, but he's doing the best he can and thinks that you have great potential." Wei says.

"What do you think?" Spiderman asks curiously.

"I don't know. You didn't die, so that's good and you seemed to give most of these experienced heroes quite the trouble." Wei compliments the arachnid powered hero, patting his shoulder.

|2 days later|

Tony and Steve split up the Avengers officially once Tony tried to kill Bucky for murdering his father and mother while he was being controlled and the tech genius blames Steve since he knew about this beforehand.

The plan of the psychiatrist as it turns out was exactly this. He wanted the Avengers to break from the inside out and succeeded to a large degree with only Wei, James and Tony still being Avengers, while Steve and Bucky are fugitives and the others were all arrested.

"We understand your situation, but this is something we need to discuss as a panel before reaching a decision." A man tells Wei, who asks for them to release his former comrades and put them under surveillance or house arrest instead of locking them up in a prison, to which he has no access on orders of the secretary of defense who fears Wei's relationship with Wanda is a danger to their security.

After another day the panel agrees to a house arrest for them due to their past services for the world. The condition however is Wei actively being the new face of the Avengers alongside Tony and to follow the UN's missions without question. Wei jumps at this offer and happily waits to see Wanda the next day in his arms again.