mysteries in London

The next day he doesn't get to hold her in his arms however, because what the genius inventor and ancient warrior with a bond to the elements didn't count on was that Steve broke into the facility and broke everyone out before they could be released.

|2 weeks after the breakout|

"Leave it to Captain America to fuck us both sideways. Again." Tony complains angrily, standing in an elevator with Wei, headed to a meeting with the UN board.

"I see why you dislike him now. Yes." Wei grumbles annoyed, since it feels like he just about sold his soul for his friends only for it to be all for nothing.

"Will Roday meet us there?" Wei then asks, remembering that the former soldier also signed the accords and honors it, other than Natasha and as it turns out Vision, who left to find out more about himself with Wanda's help.

"Yeah. He's already there." Tony answers.

"Gentlement. Please follow me." A woman says, having waited for the two men and leads them to a large room with about 20 people sitting in it at a large u-shaped table. And a smaller table with three chairs standing in front of them.

"Wei, Tony. Glad you showed up." James greets the two, shaking their hand.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Rhoades and Mr. Yan we thank you all for coming here." The representative of the UN board greets them.

"The reason we have called you is regarding the escape of your former teammates in a way." The man says.

"We already told you we have nothing to do with that." Wei grumbles at the sore subject.

"We believe that. But the general populace will need an explanation as to what to think." A woman besides the head speaker says.

"We want you especially Wei, to go public and officially state that Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Vision, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff and Clint Barton are fugitives of the law." Another person says.

"Why me?" Wei asks, clenching his fists under the table.

"Because you are the strongest still on earth, have the best reputation and frankly we believe you will continue to honor our previous agreement." The head speaker tells him.

"Don't agree to it. They are only using you for their own image." Tony whispers in Wei's ear.

"If I do this then I have one request. Leave Clint out of it. He never wanted to do this. He was retiring when Steve convinced him to help." Wei says.

The panel members all murmur a bit and exchange looks, before the head speaker agrees "we accept as long as he will surrender himself peacefully and lays down his bow so to speak."

"Thank you. I assume you will have someone arrange the necessary appearances I will have to make." Wei says, receiving a nod.

"OK. I guess since the meeting is over I'll take my leave, Tony can you get in contact with Clint?" Wei asks.

"Sure." The inventor replies worried about his friend.

"Now Mr. Stark, Mr. Rhodes to you we want to talk about our mission selection process and guidelines." The woman beside the head speaker says.

The same day, after returning to his home in the avenger facility Wei receives a package. Within it is a letter of Wanda stating that she's hurt that he left her locked up and ends their relationship. Within it is also the necklace he gave her for their 6 month anniversary.

|5 months later|

"I don't think we're alone. I really don't want to get murdered in this place." Darcy Lewis tells Jane Foster, while Darcy's intern is carrying some kind of detection devices behind the young women.

"Hello, don't worry we're Americans!" Darcy announces loudly, worried about the noise they just heard.

"And you think that will help?" Jane asks perplexed.

"Who are you people?" Wei asks, stepping around a corner with three gleeful kids around 10 years old staring up at him in amazement.

"I'm Jane Foster and this..." Jane introduces herself, shocked to see the Avengers poster boy in a rundown building in London.

"Thor's Jane?" Wei asks interrupting her.

"Well. He knows me, we kissed and said he'd be back for me... but he hasn't!" Jane replies a little angrily.

"I'm sorry. I interrupted, who are you?" Wei says, looking at Darcy.

"Darcy Lewis... you're him right? I'm not just imagining you." Darcy says, poking Wei's muscular body with him wearing only a casual outfit of blue jeans, white shirt and green open jacket along with black outdoor shoes.

"No, I'm real." He says smiling and the perky scientist gives him a wide hug.

"What are you doing here?" Jane asks Wei while Darcy continues to hug the muscular man.

"I felt the earth's energies being changed in this place and came upon these children." He tells her, motioning to the three kids.

"Show the two beautiful ladies and their helper what you showed me OK?" Wei asks the kids with Darcy releasing him from her hug.

"You heard that right? I just didn't die and go to heaven? One of the sexiest men on earth just called me beautiful." Darcy whispers to Jane excitedly, making Jane smile at her usual upbeat attitude.

"Come on, let's see what this is all about." Jane says, following after Wei and the kids.

The kids lead them to a large warehouse area with a massive truck parked in it. One kid walks up to the car and touches it, causing the car to fly up and slowly rotate as if unaffected by gravity.

"That doesn't seem right." Darcy says surprised, while Jane and the intern are stunned speechless.

"Or is it very right?" Wei suggests, sensing the intriguing energies in the room and offers a hand to the brunette wearing a red beanie.

"Hold this." Darcy says, tossing a sensor to the intern and quickly accepts Wei's hand.

He pulls her to the area near the floating truck, his eyes glowing light blue, while observing the energies and grabs her hand strongly, careful not to hurt her though and jumps up only a tiny bit with the both of them floating through the air, Wei steering them ever so slightly and Darcy looking down to the ground and up to the floating Avenger over and over.

When she removes her hand from his grip to stretch her arms while floating, he quickly pulls her in close by her jacket, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Now this is a good way to make a move." Darcy says amused staring into his blue eyes.

"Careful, just watch." He says taking off her red beanie and holds it out of the energy flow he sees, letting it go and the hat falls down quickly.

"Fine. Thanks, you've proven your point. You could release me now." She says.

"Maybe I don't want to?" He grins, keeping her in a tight hold and uses his wind control to make them fly over to the group, the beanie following them through the air.

"Thank you for the flying lesson." Darcy says smiling with Wei dusting off her hat.

"It was my pleasure." He replies, his blue glowing eyes turning back to his green usual ones before offering her the hat.

"What else is there?" Jane asks, ignoring the flirting between Darcy and the Avengers poster boy.

The kids lead them to a staircase, where two of the kids wait at the mid-level with one going further up. He throws down a bottle which disappears in the air.

"Where'd it go?" Jane asks and the girl in the group only points up with the bottle coming back down, disappearing again, caught in a loop.

"This is amazing." Jane says, tossing over an empty can she sees, but it disappears without coming back.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Sometimes they reappear, other times they don't. I launched a drone in earlier, but it didn't come back and no signal." Wei replies.

"I... I haven't seen readings like this since." Jane says stunned, watching an energy detector.

"New Mexico?" Darcy asks smirking.

"Don't touch anything." Jane advises and follows the energy flow with a sensor.

"Throw something else." Darcy says intrigued and the kids toss some trash in, watching some of it reappear, some not. Her intern then tosses in their car keys thoughtlessly and they look up expectantly, but nothing returns.

"Ahem, were those the car keys?" Darcy asks.

"Oops." She hears in response and sighs frustrated.

"Great." Darcy says, sitting down against a wall, watching the three kids and her intern have fun throwing stuff into the invisible portal.

"I'll give you a lift. I parked a bit away though." Wei offers.

"You drive?" She asks.

"If you haven't noticed I'm dressed casual today to not stand out too much. Flying through the air kind of defeats that purpose." He chuckles.

"I think you stand out anyways. I mean look at you all beefy and buff and wild looking." She says, checking him out.

"Well there go my chances of having a quiet lunch later then I guess." He laughs.

"It can't be that bad right?" She asks.

"Oh, it can. Ever since the team disbanded, leaving only Tony, Rhodes and me I have been the focus of attention and people come to me with any possible request or question you can imagine, ranging from couldn't you just have used your metal control on Ultron to requests for me to impregnate someone." He sighs, sitting down next to her with her smiling, raising her eyebrows.

"Not as sexy as you imagine it." He laughs putting his arms behind his head while leaning back into the wall.

"I promise I won't ask for you to impregnate me." Darcy teases him, scooting closer to him.

"Then I promise not to ask my security team to put you on the blacklist." He chuckles.

"You must be pretty used to all this though, right? I mean Jane and Thor are a couple and you work close together." Wei asks.

"Well, I only met him when he was mortal. Technically I even beat Thor." She says smirking.

"Oh, do tell, do tell." He says grinning intrigued.

"After I ran him over with our van I tased him before we dropped him off at the hospital for being a nutcase." Darcy says, taking off her beanie.

"Hahaha, I'm so gonna use that when I see him again." Wei laughs.

"Glad to be of service." Darcy says.

"I enjoy your presence." He tells her after a long moment of silence.

"So back to hitting on me?" Darcy asks with a playful smirk.

"Why not? You are a beautiful, smart and funny girl and I have been single for half a year by now." Wei says looking at her for a reaction.

"What uhm, so you what, you're really asking me out?" Darcy asks flustered.

"Yeah." He answers looking at her.

Darcy basically throws herself at him, kissing him hungrily, biting into his lip lightly while smushing their lips against each other, Wei putting one hand in her hair during the kiss.

"Ahem. Sorry, I meant to say, sure let's go on a date sometime." She says, getting back to her original sitting position with a warm smile on her face.

"Sounds good." He chuckles, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment of peace.

"Do you mind if I kiss you again and post a picture to all the girls who said I couldn't land a man if I tried?" She asks after maybe 3 minutes of silence, other than the kids and the intern occasionally tossing something down the staircase.

"Hahaha. Sure." He laughs, pulling her over to him, sitting her down in his lap with her getting out her phone. She then kisses him, Wei replying to the kiss as well before they break away for oxygen after a while.

"So, how'd the picture turn out?" He asks.

"Huh?" Darcy asks having forgotten to take one.

"Give me that." He smirks, taking her phone and pulls her close once more kissing her deeply and snaps a couple of pictures.

"Can you send me that one?" He asks, seeing one with her grabbing his wild hair, both of them having closed eyes with their lips rubbing against each other's.

"Sure. You gotta give me your digits then." She smiles.

"Good point." He says, creating his contact on her phone.

"Say, I enjoy this time to ourselves, but where did your scientist friend go?" Wei asks.

"Uhh, dunno. But you're right, maybe we should look for her." Darcy says, taking back her phone and stands up.

"Jane!" The busty brunette shouts, a bit disappointed Jane's absence stopped her make out time with the hot avenger.

"Come on, she was up there last." Wei says, lifting her up in front of him and jumps to the top of the building through the open staircase.

"You stay put!" Darcy tells the four watching this stunned, having been unaware of the romantic interaction behind them.

"Jane!" Darcy shouts loudly once on the roof.

"You have a beautiful voice." Wei says walking to a door leading to another part of the building.

"Really? Usually guys tell me it's annoying." She asks surprised.

"I like it." He tells her with a shrug.

"Hmm something feels weird." Wei says when they enter an empty corridor. His eyes glow blue again and he sees malevolent energies coming from a door before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Uhm. Yeah, I think I'll make a call." Wei says, taking out his phone while his eyes return to normal.

"Who are you calling?" Darcy asks, Wei showing her a picture of a chibi Ironman.

"Hey Tony, can you send a drone over to my location and scan the building I'm in?" He asks.

"I'm relaxing with Pepper you know.

I'm not a workaholic like you anymore." Tony says.

"You always have some tech on you, just do it alright? Thor's girlfriend vanished." Wei says.

"Thor? He's back?" Tony asks, not having seen him since Ultron.

"No. I'm looking into these weird energies and bumped into her and her lovely partner coincidentally." Wei says.

"Ahh. Trying go impress a girl, now we're on the same page. Drone's on its way." Tony says, before ending the call and observing the drone's process remotely, the drone hacking into Darcy's phone and displaying the kiss photo with Tony smirking.

"I finally got him!" Tony cheers victoriously.

"Tony. We're here to relax!" Pepper reprimands him, coming over with cocktails.

Tony only shows her the picture and she smiles, saying "about time. You were way too worried about him after Wanda." Pepper says.

'I got a new background for the Avenger facility servers.' Tony texts Wei with the photo attached to it.

"Uhh." Wei groans, looking at the drone's readings and reads the text plopping up.

"What?" Darcy asks and Wei shows her the message.

"At least you got my good side." She chuckles.

"The Drone doesn't read anyone besides us and the four in the stairwell." Wei says.

"Do you think she found another anomaly and is trapped in it?" Darcy asks.

"It's possible." Wei says.

"Great. Now what?" Darcy asks looking at him hopeful.

"I don't know." He says, looking around with his eyes shining blue again, but sees no sign of the energy he sensed before.

|four hours later|

"What is someone like you doing in this place illegally?" A cop asks Wei.

"I sensed the earth's energies being disrupted here." Wei says with the cop writing it down, looking at him funnily.

"I'll have to write you up. I'm sorry." The cop says.

"You are just doing your job. No need to be sorry about that." Wei says.

"Jane! Where the hell were you?" Darcy shouts suddenly, splitting off from Wei and the cops, seeing her friend walk out of the building she just woke up in again after getting invaded by some red fluid in what feels like a dream to the woman.

"Did you call the cops? Are you serious? They'll call the feds or shield and the next thing we know the whole building is under quarantine and we don't have access." Jane complains while Wei makes his way over to them, taking off his jacket and levitates a iron bar to him, forming it into an umbrella with his metal control and drapes his jacket over the top, holding it out for Darcy.

"Huh?" The woman asks confused, taking the makeshift umbrella.

"He's here. It'll rain." Wei says, looking up and seconds later rain starts pouring all around them save for a 3-meter radius around Jane.

"Whatever, Jane you were gone for five hours." Darcy says.

"Uhm, I'm not doing this by the way." Wei mentions, sticking his hand out of the radius, pulling it back in drenched.

Wei then turns his head sharply, catching Mjolnir with ease, tossing it up and down a few times, before throwing it back to Thor who's standing about twenty meters away.

"Good to see you're still worthy." Thor shouts to his friend before his eyes land on Jane.

The two walk towards each other, the rain free zone moving with the scientist and Wei corrects Darcy's hold on the umbrella just before rain comes down on them, soaking him completely, his white t-shirt sticking to his muscular frame.

"Thanks." Darcy says, staring at his clearly visible abs for a moment.

"Hah." Wei laughs, looking behind the girl.

"What?" Darcy asks confused, ripping her sight away from the man and looks to her friend and the god of lightning.

"Jane just slapped Thor. Just like that. " Wei smiles gleefully, when Jane hits the muscular blonde again.

"Come on." Darcy tells Wei and goes over to the couple with Wei following her.

"Hey. Is this you?" The girl asks Thor, pointing up and the rain stops moments later.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm pretty sure we're getting arrested." Darcy says.

"Excuse me for just a moment." Jane tells Thor and walks over to the policemen with Darcy.

"So, need help with your space wars?" Wei asks.

"Not currently no. How's the whole connection to the elements going for you?" Thor asks.

"Good." Wei says, his eyes shining blue again. He then notices an energy inside of Jane, which starts to build up.

"Crap!" He curses and uses his wind and lightning element to speed in front of Darcy, being almost on par with Piedro's speed and arrives just before a red energy dome pushes out of Jane's body, knocking away all of the cops and shatters the car windows, only Wei and the shielded Darcy remaining standing with Wei's shirt ripped to shreds on his back.

"Jane. Are you OK?" Thor asks coming over to the woman, helping her to her feet after she got knocked over herself.

"Yeah, I think so." Jane says.

"Place your hands on your head and step back." A policeman says, all of them approaching with drawn weapons.

"Stay back OK?" Wei asks Darcy, who nods, putting some distance between herself and the conflict.

"Calm down everyone, she has no idea what just happened herself." Wei says calmly walking in front of the cops.

"She's dangerous." A cop says.

"So am I." Thor says and looks up, while holding onto Jane and the two get swallowed by the orange energy beam of the Bifrost, shocking everyone but Wei and a cop instinctively pulls the trigger, Wei catching the bullet in his palm.

"Holy... crap." Darcy curses, seeing the destruction left by the beam, having taken a good chunk of cop car with it.

"How about we go somewhere to talk about this calmly." Wei says, flicking the smudged bullet out of his hand, getting fearful nods in response.

"Come on, let's take my ride." Wei says, offering his hand to Darcy who just came back over.

"Yes uhm, can I ride with you? That was my car." One of the cops asks awkwardly.

"Seriously? I was hoping for a romantic drive and now we got a cop tagging along." Darcy says disappointed.

"Sure. You can direct us to the police station." Wei says, leading the two to his car which is parked a block away.

"By the way I'm not only here for one day, so we could still take that car ride another day." Wei suggests, his fingers reaching for the woman's hand.

"Yeah. Sounds good." Darcy says happily.

|5 hours later|

"Well, this day was great. It started so good. Finding a cool anomaly, flying through the air, kissing a dreamy avenger and then everything turned to shit." Darcy grumbles, sitting in the car with Wei and her intern.

"This is me. See ya mates." The intern says, quickly fleeing the car when Wei stops at a crossing.

"Day's not over you know." Wei says from the driver seat.

"Well it is pretty much." Darcy says, looking into the dark surroundings through the car's windshield.

"What do you want to do while in England?" Wei asks Darcy.

"I don't know? Lots. I have only been focused on Jane's work so far. I really want to see the Big Ben for example." Darcy says.

"Alright. Get out." Wei says, stopping the car.

"What? I thought we're getting along." Darcy says shocked and disappointed, stepping out of the car, Wei also getting out. He rips off the remainder of his ruined shirt, putting on his mission suit and grabs her, slowly flying while holding her close, Darcy wrapping her arms around his neck for support.

"What are you doing?" She yells shocked when he flies them through the city at great speed.

"We're going to see the big ben." Wei answers, flying directly towards the large tower.

"Here. Best seats in the house." Wei says jokingly, making some stones from the tower move outwards to give them a ledge to sit on, overlooking the city below.

"This is crazy. You just defiled a monument so we can sit here." Darcy says in shock.

"I'll put it back when we leave." He says in his defense.

"You are really amazing." Darcy says.

"What?" She then asks, seeing his disappointed expression.

"Maybe this was a bad idea afterall." Wei says.

"No. This is great. What's going on?" Darcy asks.

"I know this may sound vain or childish but I want to have someone like me for who I am, not what I can do, because I'm famous or because I'm a pretty face." Wei tells her.

"And you don't think I can do that?" She asks in understanding.

"I want to believe that you can, I just think if I continue to do stuff like this, what I could offer far outshines who I am." Wei tells her.

"I see. It's fine we don't have to do this really. How about instead of us going to your place we go to my crummy place instead and talk." Darcy suggests, grabbing his forearm hopefully.

"I'd like that." Wei says happily, relieved at her understanding.

He then flies them back to the car and lets her drive them to the small place she rents during her stay in London.

"Come on in. Like I said crummy. Hope I didn't get your hopes up too much." She says, hanging her jacket over the coat rack.

"You can sit down and pick something we can order." Darcy tells him, pointing at a small couch with takeout ads being on the coffee table in front of it.

She in the meantime steps into her bedroom and changes into dry clothes, going for a pair of black sweatpants, a push up bra and a tight blue t-shirt hurriedly, to pronounce her well above average breasts, wearing pink socks on her feet.

"So, picked anything?" Darcy asks, stepping out of the bedroom and joining him on the couch fast, smirking victoriously when she sees his eyes drawn to her seemingly much larger breasts.

"Yeah. Uhm, Pizza sound good?" Wei asks, getting a nod from the woman.

They quickly select the toppings and then wait for the meal.

"You didn't have to change you know. I already thought you were beautiful before you had juicy written on your backside." Wei chuckles awkwardly.

"Damn. Wrong pants." Darcy curses silently.

"Just believe me when I tell you that you are a very attractive woman. With a tight shirt or a baggy pullover." He says, looking at her intensely.

"Alright. I just think you're way out of my league and tried go compensate with..., well with cleavage." She says, cupping her breasts from below.

"We're in completely different fields. I'm completely certain that when it comes to science and other stuff you are way out of my league." He tells her, squeezing her hand.

"So that's a no for the cleavage?" Darcy asks coyly.

"It is a sight for sore eyes... but I want to get to know what's beneath." He says, looking in her eyes.

"You only had to ask." She teases, pulling up her shirt a bit with one hand, revealing the lower edge of her bra with a smirk.

"Well played." He says, cupping her face gently and kisses her briefly.

"Thanks. These puppies got me out of a bunch of speeding tickets already." She says, pulling her shirt back down.

"So, tell me about yourself." Wei then starts the conversation which lasts at least 3 more hours with Darcy seemingly falling asleep on the couch and Wei carries her to her bed, unaware that she is awake and pretending.

"Good night gorgeous." He whispers, kissing her temple while putting her under the cover before he lies down on the living room's couch.