
"Erik, where are you? Jane left with Thor and I don't know what to do with the anomalies, let alone what happened to Jane. Call me!" Darcy says, leaving a voice mail on Erik Seelvig's phone.

"Good morning." A deep voice greets her, stifling a yawn.

"Morning Wei. Sorry, did I wake you?" She asks, quickly stepping into her bedroom to change into something more attractive, than the pajama she changed into sometime during the night.

"Don't worry. I have an uneasy sleep by nature of my profession." He says, getting off the bed and stretches his back.

"So, out of curiosity you don't happen to have some kind of space phone with which we could call Thor or Jane right?" Darcy asks, peeking into the room while zipping up a pair of jeans.

"I might. We should get to a clear area for it though." Wei says.

"You mean that beam thingy?" Darcy asks.

"Bifrost Thor calls it." Wei corrects her.

"And with this Bifrost you can call Thor?" Darcy asks.

"Well, we can join him in Asgard." Wei suggests.

"Asgard? Like Odin's Hall, Valkyries and nordic gods?" Darcy asks, her interest peaked.

"Yes. I know only the one Asgard." Wei chuckles.

"Well, in that case... it does seem acceptable to travel there." Darcy says, disappearing into her room again, followed by a loud cluttering.

"Everything OK?" Wei asks.

"Yep. Just dandy. I'm just realizing that nothing in my closet is going to make me presentable to the nordic allfather." Darcy says ruffling through her clothes.

"What are you talking about? You are lovely." Wei laughs lightly, stepping around the corner and sees her standing in front of a mirror in a pair of jeans, a blue bra and a pair of fuzzy bunny eared slippers.

"I'd suggest something more modest though." He chuckles, averting his gaze.

"Peeping tom's don't get a vote." Darcy replies, settling for a dark blue button up blouse.

"I'm ready." She says, turning towards him.

"Really Mrs. Bunny?" He remarks with a raised eyebrow and a kind smile.

"Shoot." She curses and quickly puts on some socks and a pair of sneakers.

"Alright let's go." Wei says and they leave the apartment to drive to an empty parking lot behind a supermarket.

"This should suffice." Wei says, stepping out of the car with Darcy and puts a few steps between them and the car, slinging his arm tightly around the girl's hip and presses her against himself.

"Heimdall. Bring us to Asgard." Wei says looking into the sky for about 20 seconds before looking at Darcy confused.

"I don't get it. He sees everything and he knows Thor has an open invitation for me. Something must be wrong in Asgard." Wei says thinking out loud.

"Why does Thor have an open invitation for you?" Darcy questions.

"In case he needs my help." Wei answers with a shrug, letting go of the attractive, woman.

"Great. Well that worked out perfectly." Darcy pouts, sitting down on the car's bumper.

"Want some breakfast?" Wei suggests, nodding at the store behind him.

"Heck, there is nothing else to do anyways since Erik doesn't answer his phone." Darcy agrees, standing up and joining his side.

"Erik?" Wei questions.

"Erik Seelvig. You should know him. He's the scientist who got whammied by Loki's magic staff." Darcy explains while they head to the store.

"Right. And why do you need to speak to him?" Wei asks.

"He's working with Jane and me. Or he was until he vanished too." Darcy says.

"Come on, let's get something to eat. My treat." Wei says, offering his hand nervously but to his relief Darcy nods with a smile and takes his hand.

A few minutes later the two are in the car, Wei driving them out of the bustling town to an quiet park.

"So, I don't know much about you. Tell me about yourself." Wei says interested, looking at Darcy while they sit in the car's hood their food next to them and eat their meals.

"Alright. I'm 26. My family is back in Detroid. I'm studying in political sciences and have been Jane's intern for a bit more than a year." Darcy says, before taking a bite of her sandwich and asks, "what about you?"

"I... Well I woke up about 4 years ago. Until recently I had a speaking disorder. I've only been in one relationship before and I'm probably the strongest person on earth." Wei answers.

"I've been wondering about that." Darcy says with a half-filled mouth.

"About me being the strongest?" He asks, but gets a headshake no in response.

"About you and Wanda. Why did you guys break up? I mean one day you're the world's strongest couple and then nothing." Darcy asks.

"I love Wanda. Even now, but she's changed since Lagos. I don't know if she's feeling guilty or realized that the general populace will always be afraid of what she can do... but something changed. And I'm giving her the space she wants. Even if I know she's with Vision now." Wei answers honestly.

"Sounds rough. I wouldn't have thought that with how you flirted yesterday." Darcy smirks teasingly.

"Well, Tony has been pressing me to move on and well you've caught my attention." Wei tells her, looking at the girl who's licking her fingers clean of some jam which dripped on them.

"Sorry. I usually can eat normally." She apologizes flustered.

"Don't be. After attending a feast in Asgard no eating manner can surprise me now." Wei laughs, squeezing her thigh gently.

"If you've been to Asgard, did you fight on other worlds?" Darcy questions.

"A bit. Yes." He replies.

"And how was it?" She asks interested.

"Pretty similar to New York. I've learned though that the further I am from earth, the weaker I become." Wei answers.

"Why's that?" She asks.

"No clue. It has something to do with the earth elements though by my guess." He replies.

"So, why'd you bring me here anyways? And thanks for breakfast." Darcy thanks him.

"I thought a walk through the park might relax you a bit." He suggests and offers his hand to her.

"You know what'd relax me even more? A piggyback ride through a park." She grins and hops onto his back, Wei gripping her legs under her knees and takes a few steps, Darcy shifting a bit before settling in a comfortable position, her head lying on her arm on top on his shoulder and her front tightly pressed against his wide back.

"You good back there? Wei asks.

"I sure am." She replies, her hands drifting over the pronounced muscles on his torso.

"Let's go explore then." Wei says, walking through the area.

"You said you're studying political science, right? Then why intern for Jane?" Wei asks, peeking at the girl on his back.

"Because she needed an intern and I need the extra credit." Darcy says.

"Alright, my turn. Thor's hammer why can you use it?" Darcy asks.

"Because I'm worthy I guess." Wei replies.

"Aha and a man worthy enough to wield possibly the strongest weapon known to man is allowed to peek at a fair maiden while changing?" Darcy asks laughing lightly.

"Fair maiden?" He chuckles.

"Hey." She protests, slapping his shoulder.

"You do realize that bullets crumble against my skin right?" He says amused, throwing her up with ease, scaring her for a moment while sailing through the air before he catches her.

"Don't worry fair maiden I won't let you get harmed on my watch." He says, holding her in front of him, Darcy face to face with him due to him hugging her against himself and keeping her lifted off her feet.

"So, I am a fair maiden." She smirks winningly, trailing over his nose with her index.

"The fairest I know of." He compliments her, staring into her grey eyes.

"Aww. You're gonna make me blush." She says, Wei placing her on her feet.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asks.

"No, it's encouraged." Darcy answers, letting one hand drift down his chest and abdomen.

"Your shirt is a bit too tight you know." He says, not breaking eye contact.

"That's Erik's shirt. Sorry your own got destroyed while shielding me." Darcy says mesmerized.

"You are worth a ruined shirt and a wound or two." He tells her.

"Only two?" She asks teasingly, starting to walk through the park with him again, holding hands with the ancient warrior.

"It'd hard for me to get even one." He replies.

"Care to back up that claim?" She asks, seductively adding "because I can get wild between the sheets."

"Oh I don't doubt that. But I think we should take it slow." He laughs, squeezing her hand.

"Fine. You don't know what you're missing though." Darcy tells him, patting his cheek.

"Hey, how was the time before, well before you froze?" Darcy asks intrigued.

"Violent. Destructive." He says somberly.

"That bad?" She asks nervously.

"Battlefields everywhere, thousands upon thousands sacrificing their life for worthless land out of a sense of duty." Wei says.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Darcy apologizes.

"No it's fine. Reassuring honestly." He replies.

"How's that?" She questions doubtfully.

"Because not many people are interested in my past. Only my future and what I can provide." Wei explains, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand.

"How can one not be asking questions? Technically you're 2000 years old. Older than Thor." Darcy says.

"True. Though my lifespan isn't changed." He says thoughtfully.

"You told me about Wanda, but what about other women?" Darcy asks.

"In my past life I was a general and didn't have time for a relationship. And in this life I never saw the point of a fling." Wei tells her.

"Wow. So only Wanda..." she says.

"What about you? Anyone I need to know about?" He asks.

"Not really. I've went out with five guys, but well one cheated on me. 3 broke up because they found my voice annoying and one moved to India." Darcy explains.

"India?" He asks.

"Or so he claimed. I could've sworn I've seen the little bastard 3 months after he told me he's leaving." Darcy says.

"So bad luck in the guys department?" Wei surmises.

"Up till now. If a certain muscly hunk would care to break the curse on me, I wouldn't be opposed." Darcy says, walking backwards in front of him, her hands behind her back and swaying her breasts sideways enticingly.

"Careful." Wei says, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her flush against himself, before Darcy would trip over a large root in the ground.

"Thanks." She smiles, her eyes half lidded while leaning into him. Wei closes the distance greedily and locks lips with her, one hand moving from her waist to her plump ass, giving it a squeeze.

"Mhhh. If you keep doing that, I won't let you return to your place ever." She tells him, her hands exploring his spiky hair with Wei kissing her again.

"Sounds like a promise rather than a threat to me." Wei smiles, kissing her hand before starting to walk again, sitting down the girl on top of his shoulders with ease, Darcy grabbing onto his hand and his head for support.

"It could be." She agrees.

"I'll be excited to wait and find out." He says.

"When do you think you're willing to take those steps?" Darcy asks, brushing through his wild brown hair.

"I don't know. But if it's with you, soon I'd imagine." Wei tells her.

"Only with me huh?" She asks happily.

"Yeah, only with..." Wei says, but a orange beam crashes down on the two of them and Wei wraps his arms around Darcy protectively while Heimdall is calling for Wei using the Bifrost.

"Heimdall. There you... what the heck happened here?" Wei asks shocked, seeing the Bifrost's shiny bridge damaged and some parts of Asgard being in ruins.

"And what's up with those eyes." Darcy questions, staring into Heimdall's orange ones.

"Darcy Lewis, you are not supposed to be here." Heimdall says, trying to push Darcy back into a portal, only for the golden armor wearing guard to get flung through the air and impact against the Bifrost harshly.

"Don't touch her." Wei warns Heimdall.

"Fine. But you take responsibility for her." Heimdall warns.

"OK. Now what is happening?" Wei asks.

"Dark elves. They are still alive and are trying to use the ether to plunge all nine worlds into darkness and chaos. They are somewhere here and are laying siege to Asgard." Heimdall explains.

"Sorry." Wei only says, stabbing the man's sword into the machine and jumps through the first portal that opens while carrying Darcy in a bridal carry, seconds before a hidden dark elves ship attacks the Bifrost building.

"Hold on tight." Wei tells Darxy when they suddenly drop out of the sky. Wei activates his suit and saves them just before impacting the ground and lands them softly on the green grass below.

"Where are we?" Darcy asks, looking around confused.

"Earth. But I don't know which country though." He says, looking around.

"You trust me right?" Wei asks, looking at her hopefully and gets a nod positive in reply.

"Good." He says, kissing her nose and levitates with her in his arms, flying into the air and loooking around.

"I think we're in Denmark." Darcy says, spotting the many Dane flags on the buildings they fly over.

"Seems like it." Wei agrees.

"Let's see if I can charter a boat." Wei says, heading for the shoreline he spots.

"Boat? How long do you want to take till we're back in England and are we going to talk about what just happened? I mean we arrive in Asgard and you carry me through a portal before some kind of spacecraft attacks the place." Darcy says concerned.

"First of all, you don't have to worry I'm right here. And regarding the boat I know a few tricks to speed up the travel time drastically." Wei tells her.

"What about Asgard?" She asks.

"I don't care. Your wellbeing is more important right now." He says confident, touching down near a boat rental soon after.