back to the UK

After landing at the boat rental he buys a small sailboat on Tony's expenses, since the inventor gave him a not limited credit card.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to buy the boat on Iron man's expenses?" Darcy asks Wei, who helps her aboard the boat.

"Sure. He doesn't mind." Wei replies.

"If you say so." Darcy says, shrugging her shoulders.

"He has enough money and for a fact so do I." Wei tells her chuckling.

"But what are we going to do with a sailboat? Not that I'm complaining about being on a sailboat with a muscular, handsome man who quite possibly saved my life." Darcy asks.

"We're going back to London and I'm not really in the mood to fly that far, so boat." Wei tells her with a smirk.

"Wouldn't it be faster to drive there in like 15 hours rather than sail on a boat around hoping a bit of wind will pick up?" Darcy questions, but Wei only keeps smirking, before blowing lightly in the direction of the sail, a massive gust of wind striking from behind them, speeding them up with Wei using his wind control to create his own wind, regardless of the weather around them.

"Quite handy, aren't you?" Darcy laughs.

"I'd hope so." Wei tells her, controlling an incoming wave into dispersing into a light mist.

"Awesome." Darcy says with a relaxed smile.

"So, what about Asgard? Thor and Jane are there right?" Darcy asks, coming back go the matter at hand.

"If Thor needed me, he would have relayed a message himself. What you saw was Heimdal the gatekeeper acting scared in the face of danger." Wei informs her, keeping the rudder steady behind him, with Darcy having taken a seat across from him.

"Why are you so determined on talking to Jane anyways?" Wei asks Darcy.

"Because I'm her intern and honestly I don't have the experience to deal with floating trucks and teleporting items." Darcy answers.

"Hmm. I think you'd do a great job even without her." Wei compliments her.

"Let's agree to disagree on that." Darcy says, using one of her feet to rub against his foot playfully.

"I think you're incredibly smart. Maybe not Tony smart, but then again even Tony isn't Tony smart, if you know what I mean." Wei says.

"I think I do and thanks." She thanks him a light blush hinting on her cheeks while she's pulling her hat down further.

"Man here we are talking, but where are we anyways? Are we going in the right direction?" Darcy asks changing topic.

"Yeah. I feel the anomalies being the strongest in that direction, so unless there was a drastic change in the past few minutes, then we're going in the right direction." Wei replies.

"OK. I trust you. But if we get lost on this nutshell let it be known that I suggested we get help from a map." Darcy tells him teasingly.

"I can live with that." Wei laughs, pulling her over, next to him by her hand and keeps holding her hand.

"Am I scaring you?" Wei asks, blowing again, the wind taking off her beanie which Wei manages to catch before it flies away.

"I'll hold onto that. I think you're prettier without it anyways." Wei tells her, leaning in close, his breath tickling her ear.

"Man. Jerk, you're gonna make me blush and I'm not the blushing kind of girl." Darcy complains happily.

"Then what kind of girl are you?" Wei questions.

"I don't know. I've been told I'm hardheaded, rash but never have I been told that I'm the giggling and blushing type." She tells him.

"I never said you were." Wei says.

"But you're gonna turn me into one sooner or later." Darcy accuses him.

"And you don't want that?" Wei guesses.

"No... maybe, oh man it's hard to concentrate with all your muscles glistening from the water." Darcy says, her eyes constantly drifting from his eyes to his wide torso and arms before going back to his eyes.

"I would offer to take off my shirt if I wasn't afraid you'd attack me." Wei tells her teasingly, pulling up his shirt a bit, revealing his strong stomach and abs to the girl, who stares for a moment, before catching herself and looking at his face instead.

"You're evil." She says with a cute pout on her face.

"Don't tell the public, I just managed to clean up the Avengers reputation." He laughs loudly, placing one arm around her shoulders, the other still holding the rudder behind him.

"I promise I won't." She says, leaning into his frame, hugging him around his chest.

"I like this. This feels calm." She tells Wei.

"Yeah, it does." He agrees.

"So how much longer until our honeymoon ends?" Darcy jokes.

"4 hours maybe?" Wei guesses.

"Good. So tell me more about yourself." Darcy says.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Wei asks and the two spend the rest of their travel to England taking turns asking and answering personal questions.

|4 hours later|

"You know what, I'm pissed. Erik still hasn't called me back." Darcy complains, showing Wei her phone, which doesn't have any new messages.

"Uhh, weird coincidence but Darcy, look." Wei says, pointing at a bunch of TVs in a store showing the news, where a naked Erik Selvig having run around with scientific equipment is the biggest news of the day.

"Erik, what's going on?" She asks herself saddened at the formerly accomplished physicist now being out of his mind thanks to his interaction with the tesseract.

"Let's go get him." Wei says, putting a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"How?" She asks tiredly.

"I think this ought to buy me some good will, right?" Wei tells her, his metallic green hood with mask covering his face moments later.

"Let's hope so." Darcy says.

"Let's get him out tomorrow though. I don't really want to deal with the police at this hour, plus they probably won't release him this late anyways." Darcy suggests.

"Right. Do you want me to stay at your place? In case Thor comes back?" Wei offers.

"No. Let's go to yours I'm rather curious how the guy with Tony Stark's credit card lives." She says, shoving him lovingly.

"Less fabulous than you think to be honest. But come on let's go." He says, reaching out for her and leads her to the hotel he stays at.

"Guess you weren't kidding. This certainly isn't how I expected one of the wealthiest people I know to live." Darcy says amused, looking around the basic hotel room providing only the necessities.

"In places like this you have more privacy in my experience." Wei tells her shrugging his shoulders.

"Guess so." Darcy says jumping backwards onto the bed.

"Sorry if I don't live up to your expectations." Wei says, standing at the window, peering out the blinds.

"It's fine, don't worry. Actually, it makes me feel like I might actually have a shot." Darcy says with a smirk.

"You certainly do." He replies with a smirk, walking up to her and picks her up by her lower back, holding her flush against himself once she's standing.

"What do you see in me? I'm really trying to grasp what's going on here, but I just don't get it. I'm only your average girl. Not crazy smart, rich, strong or beautiful. In what way am I your equal." Darcy asks perplexed, leaning her head against his chest.

"I don't care about all that. I just want a girl who is nice and not after what I can offer." Wei tells her, pulling off her red beanie.

"And you think I'm that girl?" She questions doubtfully.

"You could be." He answers, leaning down and capturing her lips with his.

"And I think you are crazy beautiful." He adds with a smile before picking her up by her hips, lifting her until she can wrap her legs around his waist.

He then leans down to the bed and the two engage in a wild make out session.

"Wei stop. I don't think now is the best time to start something up, I mean Jane and Thor are missing. Erik is in jail." Darcy tells him when Wei starts pulling down her bra's straps and kissing along her collar.

"You are right. Sorry, I got lost in the moment there." Wei apologizes, fixing the black strips back in place and gets off from above her.

"It's not that I don't want this. I just fear that once we start, I won't want to stop and am gonna lose sight of what really matters. That we get our friends back and afterwards that we get to know each other thoroughly, don't you agree?" Darcy asks.

"Yes, you're right. See, why won't I find a gorgeous woman who is smarter than me attractive?" Wei smirks, flopping down next to her on his back, making her bounce up slightly on the bed.

"Most men would find that threatening and be turned off." She says lying on her side, facing him.

"Well, I'm not most men now am I?" He asks, his eyes shining blue while he hovers his hand over her arm and holds a small flame in hand, warming her arm comfortably.

"No, you really aren't." She says smiling.

"Can I use your shower?" She asks after a moment of the two just looking in each other's eyes.

"Sure, help yourself." He says motioning to the bathroom door.

"Thanks. You know you should show this side of you to people everywhere." She suggests.

"A nice idea. But it doesn't really scream sole defender of the planet earth now does it?" He chuckles.

"Well do you have to bear that burden?" She asks through a slightly ajar door while undressing herself and turning on the shower.

"Kinda. Tony deserves his sort of retirement and Rhodes isn't as strong as us. And the rest of the team are vigilantes now." He tells her, sitting down next to the door to better talk with her.

"About that. How are you doing with that anyways? I don't think I've ever heard anyone ask you that in the interviews I've watched." She asks, stepping into the shower and lets out a muffled moan.

"Honestly, not good. I'm getting lonely, like I was before this time." He says with a sigh.

"Why were you lonely back then?" She asks, running her hands through her wet hair.

"People were afraid of me." He answers.

"Were you able to do what you can now back then too?" She asks after a pause, where she held her face under the shower head.

"Not exactly. I mean my weapon skill yes. But the elemental manipulation only really showed after New York." Wei answers.

"Sorry then. But at least that means even back then you must've been really strong." She says, hoping to cheer him up.

"I guess." He agrees quietly.

"If you really are that sad then come in here. I know what would cheer you up." She says teasingly, sticking out her head from behind the plastic see through cabin.

"I know you're only testing me, but it is tempting." He replies, sticking his head through the entry door.

"You better hope you'll never have to fight a half-naked chick or you're dead." She laughs, seeing him look up at her from the door.

"Only if that girl looks like you or Wanda." He says, retrieving his head and planting it against the wall with an audible thud.

"What do I even have in common with her? She's like super strong and famous." Darcy asks.

"I don't know, why?" He asks.

"Just trying to see if you have a type." Darcy laughs before getting back to her shower. After a few minutes of Wei intently listening to Darcy's every move inside the shower and every relaxed breath she takes he hears her turn off the shower and step out of it.

"Do you have any towels in there?" Darcy asks, seeing no towel in the bathroom.

"Here." He says, popping open the door while holding a hand over his eyes.

"Thanks." She says in a light tone, giving him a kiss on his cheek while one hand grabs the towel from his and her other hand drags her index finger over his chin.

"This feels really empowering." She tells him drying off in front off him, trying to see if he'll peek.

"What does?" He asks still shielding his eyes.

"Being naked in front of the world's most powerful hero." Darcy replies.

"Well, there you have it one more reason to go out with me." Wei says.

"What are the others though?" She asks mirthfully.

"Oh, come on I'm kidding." She says when he doesn't answer and starts dressing herself.

"Are you though? I have never had a woman since Wanda be interested in anything besides a fling now that I think about it." Wei says disappointed.

"I am interested in more than a fling." Darcy tells him, prying his hand off his eyes once she's dressed.

"That's good to hear." He says with a genuine smile.

"Come on it's late we should get some sleep if we're going to get Erik out of jail tomorrow." Darcy says, talking his hand and crawling in bed with him behind her.

"Can you hold me?" She asks surprisingly vulnerable into the dark room after a minute or so of them lying next to each other.

"Sure." He says gently and wraps an arm around her stomach, pulling her back into him while lying on his side, spooning the shorter girl.

"Thanks. It's all just a bit scary what's happening currently." She says, putting a hand over the arm hugging her.