defeat the darkness

|The next day - police station|

"Are you serious? You won't release Dr. Selvig even though I told you I need him for an international crisis?" Wei asks the police officer annoyed, with a lot of officers walking by him and Darcy who is standing next to him in astonishment.

"I'm sorry. The protocol..." the officer says.

"Let me make a call." Wei says looking at the man not amused.

"Wei here. Yes I know what hour it is and I don't care. I'm in England in the Londoner police station near Greenwich. Now I need you to call whoever you need to and let me get Erik Selvig out of jail. Yes, that Selvig. Why you ask? Well, the world is kind of literally falling apart over here and he knows why." Wei says, calling his UN contact.

"Give it a minute." Wei tells the officer and turns around, leaning against the counter.

"Do you think that worked?" Darcy asks Wei about 2 minutes later with them only waiting.

"I hope so for this place." Wei says getting impatient when the phone rings behind the counter.

"Yes sir. Of course sir. No problem sir." The police officer says answering the phone.

"Dr. Selvig will be right out." the policeman informs Wei.

"I thought so." Wei replies and soon after Erik heads over to the two while the cop puts the equipment Erik was arrested with on the counter.

"Here. This is yours." Wei says, tossing the older man his keys and Wallet before grabbing the man's bag full of pills and his devices.

"Erik. It's Darcy and Wei. Remember us?" Darcy greets the man with a hug.

"Of course. Darcy and uhh. Yes, you were in New York, right?" Erik says pointing at the two before the three of them leave the police station.

"So Darcy said you can shed some light on why nature is going crazy around here." Wei says, when the three exit the station moments later.

"Yes. Yes. The worlds are aligning." Erik says.

"Meaning what?" Wei asks.

"That laws of physics and nature are getting distorted by the alignment happening only every 500 years." Erik tells them.

"How is the alignment the cause?" Wei asks not getting it.

"Bring me to Jane's lab." Erik says, nodding at Darcy.

"Sure. Let's go. I think Ian is waiting there still too." Darcy says, recalling the young man appointed to meet her there almost every morning.

"Look." Erik says pointing at a flock of birds flying around frantically before they disappear in a invisible portal.

"Where did they go?" Darcy asks looking around.

"Careful." Wei says, dropping the equipment and wraps his arms around Darcy, pulling her tight against his chest while the birds shoot out of the ground around them.

"What the hell?!" Darcy says shocked.

"This is good." Erik says relieved.

"How? How is this good?" Darcy asks.

"You don't know how good it feels to know the world is crazy and not only yourself." The astrophysicist says, throwing away his meds.

"Bring me to the lab." He demands happily.

"Are you OK?" Wei asks Darcy concerned.

"Yeah. Thanks." She says, calming down a bit and takes his hand, pulling him with her.

About half an hour later the three arrive in the apartment Jane is using and meet up with the already waiting Ian.

"So explain doctor, why is this alignment interfering with earth's energies?" Wei asks.

"The worlds. They are linked. When they align then their energies mix and entangle. Luckily it's only passing and in a week there will be no further effects because of the alignment." Erik explains.

"When exactly is this alignment?" Wei asks.

"Today. In a few hours I believe it will be at its peak." Erik says.

"Peak? Meaning what?" Wei says.

"Meaning holes in the sky to the other worlds." The older man answers.

"Holes in the sky like in New York? That doesn't sound good." Ian says frightened.

"Actually yes. It will be similar to New York, but I hope that this time there will be no alien army storming through." Erik says with a gulp.

"Maybe I should call Tony." Wei says unnerved by the information.

"He can't stop this. This is a natural phenomenon." The doctor says.

"But he can help with damage control." Wei replies.

"Green dragon." The group then hear Thor greet Wei while stepping into the apartment with Jane, who's wearing a ruined Asgardian dress.

"Thor. What was going on in Asgard? I couldn't stay because Heimdall screwed up." Wei says.

"Heimdall? He called on you?" Thor asks surprised.

"Yeah. He didn't have time to explain though before I had to jump through the Bifrost again to protect Darcy." Wei tells him.

"Why was this human on Asgard?" Thor questions.

"That's what we were wondering. One moment we're eating lunch and the next I'm in the middle of a space invasion." Darcy says demandingly.

"It's over now anyways. Malekith is coming here." Thor says.

"Who?" Wei asks.

"Malekith is one of the few surviving dark elves from ancient times. They ruled the universe before my grandfather brought light and justice to rule." Thor explains.

"And what does he want here?" Darcy asks.

"He plans to plunge the 9 worlds into darkness and rule over all." Thor says.

"Naturally." Darcy says sarcastically while giving Jane a hug.

"Were you at a costume party?" She asks her boss.

"No, now what are we going to do about Malekith? He has the ether." Jane asks.

"Where will this alignment be Dr. Selvig?" Wei asks the physicist.

"There were clues left from a long time ago." He says and draws some lines from monument to monument in England and they all cross over Greenwich.

"Greenwich." Ian says surprised.

"Alright Thor, let's go." Wei says, tossing the god his hammer which he put on the coat rack.

"Not so fast. We need a plan." Jane says.

"Why? I'm sure Thor and I can deal with one bad guy." Wei says.

"He's not alone. He still has a large group of dark elves and a spacecraft." Thor informs him.

"OK. Well, that changes things. So, you were saying something about a plan?" Wei says, looking at Jane.

"Erik, how many of these do you have?" Jane asks, spotting the anomaly detectors.

"Three or four, why?" Erik replies.

"If we can use them to send a signal instead of only reading them, we could use them to teleport away Malekith's army." She suggests.

"Yes. Yes, that should work." Erik agrees and they spend the next 20 minutes reprogramming the remote control to be able to send signals.

Once they are done, they drive to Greenwich at the exact location Erik gives them, which is at a large river with a massive library next to it.

"So... here the worlds will align?" Wei asks, standing on the wide park, next to Thor.

"Yes." Thor says, nodding his head.

"Can you see the anomalies?" Wei asks his eyes glowing blue.

"No?" Thor replies.

"Well then your fight will be difficult." Wei tells him, spotting countless portals and other anomalies around them.

Behind them Malekith's ship then drops its invisibility and crashes through the bay, digging into the dirt.

"Big ship." Wei says, looking at the large object, before spotting Darcy and Ian who were setting up the devices around the place run away from the ship in a hurry with it hot on their heels.

He takes off, flying at the ship and slows it down enough for Darcy and the many other people to flee from the ship's destruction.

"You are very comfortable flying." Thor says crashing into the ship beside him, the two of them stopping it from leveling more of the ground.

"Yeah. I got a lot stronger. The earth's elements are mine to control now." Wei says, grabbing Thor's shoulder and flying down with the god, landing in front of what appears to be the ships entrance.

Seconds later a capsule descends the front of the ship and opens up with Malekith leading his dark elves out.

"Malekith! Your sinister intentions are going to be the reason your race will be wiped out for real this time." Thor says, holding his hammer out towards the elf threateningly.

"Kill them." Malekith orders, before shooting tendrils at Thor with the ether.

"Hurry Ian, we need to get out of here!" The two avengers hear from behind them and three dark elves move to attack Darcy and Ian who are hammering the last pike into the ground so Jane can use it against the elves.

"Get out of here already!" Wei warns them, raising his arm in their direction and erecting a wall of rock out of the earth, which the elves start shooting before Wei's wings unclasp from his suit and he flies at the three elves, knocking them over with an outstretched wing, while spinning on the ground half a rotation.

The three elves fly back towards one of the other pikes and Jane activates it from within the library, a pulse coming off the pike and sending the elves to another world.

"Yes. It works." Jane says happily and continues with activating the pikes whenever an enemy is nearby.

"You can't escape me!" Malekith shouts at Thor, shooting another wave of Ether at him, knocking him back a bit, before Thor tosses his hammer through the black-red substance and jumps after his hammer, grabbing it again while kneeing the elf leader before slamming down Mjolnir with Malekith erecting a shield with his ether, the collision sending out a massive shockwave.

"Do it now!" Malekith orders and three soldiers cut open their stomach before placing a black-red stone within them and they transform into the giant creatures Thor had to fight against before.

"Wei! We have a problem. Three in fact." Thor says when he gets pushed back by Malekith and lands next to the green armored warrior, who is grabbing a metal baton from his back and twists it, his double voulge springing out with a light blue glow on either blade.

"You get the half burned one. I'll take the others." Wei says, holding out his hand and Thor hands him Mjolnir for a moment with Wei raising the hammer into the sky, dark clouds and thunder joining the ominous holes in the sky.

"Thanks." Wei says, giving Thor back his hammer, before he gets struck by lightning and rushes at a group if elf soldiers, with a lightning beam staying on him and knocking away the elves as he run through their ranks.

"Take him out!" Malekith orders and the three transformed monsters nod at each other before rushing at Wei, one of them shoulder dashing him into the library.

"You should put some distance between you and this place." Wei says, digging himself out of the rubble and sees Jane, Ian, Erik and Darcy as well as some others staring at him stupefied.

"Now!" Wei bellows and the civilians start to flee.

"Stay save." Wei tells the others, his eyes focused on Darcy before he jumps out of the hole in the building and taps something on his left forearm protector, a red glow coming off the inside of the armor, with Tony's muscle stimulating current injected into his body.

"Now you made me angry." Wei says, twirling his voulge over his head once before shooting an arced beam at one of the three hulking monsters with a downwards slash of his weapon.

The creature collapses to his knee for a moment with black blood oozing out of a large gash in his chest.

The three creatures all charge at Wei and two tackle him over.

"Got you." Wei smiles under his mask, blood dripping down his lip and arm from where one of the creatures stabs him with a dagger.

Thor sees this out of the corner of his eyes and is about to go help when Wei and the creatures get swallowed by the earth.

Moments later Wei appears from the earth again and kicks the other creature, who blocks it with its arms.

Wei continues an assault of kicking and drives the creature back to one of the sticks in the ground, shooting a low powered lightning bolt at the stick, which then rips the creature in half, its other half landing just behind him coincidentally.

"I can work with that." Wei says, his eyes lighting up again and he looks around the destruction, spotting one of the creatures appearing behind Darcy and Ian by chance when it digs out of the earth right into a portal.

"Oh fuck! Run!" Darcy says panicking and runs away with Ian, before the creature stops for a moment, when Thor and Malekith fly past it before disappearing through a portal.

"No you don't!" Wei shouts, tossing his green metal cube to Darcy, who gets covered in the armor and it automatically flies her down the street while grabbing Ian.

"I'm your opponent you oversized bug!" Wei yells, kneeing the creature in the face before it swats it away.

Wei's body is making a trench in the ground while skidding over it.

"Wei!" He hears Darcy's worried cry before she and Ian disappear around the corner, the armor bringing her three blocks away from the ship before flying off her body and back towards Wei who is fighting the two monsters with his voulge, his body covered in bruises and a few cuts while he cut off the horn of the unwounded creature.

Wei jumps out of the way when one creature tries to smash him with a car. While in the air the armor starts surrounding him again and he does a few flips before his metal wings unfold and he takes off at great speeds. He does one round around the spaceship and comes flying at the wounded creature, stabbing right through it with a layer of wind covering his blade.

"Just us now." Wei says, most of the foot soldiers gone by now, either struck down in the chaos or send away by Jane and Erik.

The last creature snarls at him angrily and jumps to flatten him, but Wei catches its leg in the air and tosses it into a car carcass.

Wei takes a deep breath and concentrates, levitating off the ground with a lightning cloud forming underneath his feet.

He flies right over the last opponent and stabs his voulge down at the blinded and confused creature, splitting its head in half with his voulge crackling with lightning.

"You are even more annoying than the Asgardian pest." Malekith says, appearing behind Wei after falling out of another portal. The dark elf sends a volley of spears at Wei, two of which stab him in his leg, with Wei getting held down by the almost dead monster he's standing on.

He then flies backwards, the creature still having a firm grip on his foot.

"Let go!" Wei shouts angrily, landing on the floor and decapitates the creature.

In that time Malekith is enveloped by a whirlwind of dark red energy which starts to spread to the other worlds through the holes in the sky.

"Fuck." Wei curses, hovering in the air since his leg is hurt.

"We can stop him with this." Jane says, holding some parts of the detection devices in her hands.

"I don't know how I'm gonna get in there though." Wei says, putting the devices in a bag he slings over his shoulder, before wrapping a random cloth lying around, around the stab wounds on his leg.

"If I don't make it, tell Darcy I meant what I said. She's amazing." Wei says, punching against the vortex, not noticing the girl and Ian actually arriving behind him, hearing him.

Wei then forces his way into the vortex one step at a time before Thor flies into the small tornado and grabs one of the devices, shooting it at Malekith with his hammer as a bat.

Malekith blocks the attack with an arm and Jane activates the device, the arm getting ripped off into another world.

"We can do this! We have to do this!" Thor shouts, grabbing another device and tosses it at Malekith's other arm, but some ether tendrils stop it before it reaches the dark elf.

Wei takes a deep breath in before blowing a massive wind gust at the device, pushing it through the ether's hold and into Malekith's remaining arm, which Jane sends away as well.

"You think this will stop me?" Malekith asks, assured of his victory.

"No, this will." Wei and Thor say, Wei tossing up the last device and Thor jumps up, catching it before Wei erects a stone platform underneath the god and sends it flying at Malekith, with Thor's hammer crackling with lightning and he literally nails Malekith's chest against his spaceship.

Jane activates the last device and the ether vortex around the god and ancient warrior dissipates, revealing a kneeling Wei and Thor lying flat on his face.

"We did it!" Jane says happily, hugging Erik and Darcy.

The ship then starts to topple over, headed right at the group and the two warriors.

"Wei do something!" Jane shouts desperately.

"Relax." Wei says smiling, seeing a massive anomaly over them in the path of the space craft.

"Ahh!" The four civilians shriek fearful, closing their eyes and cowering before they open their eyes confused why the spaceship didn't crush them.

"Where is Wei?" Jane asks, seeing the warrior also gone from his spot.

"Ahem." Erik coughs and looks at Darcy who is in a heavy lip lock with Wei, who has his arms wrapped around her back.

Jane smiles, happy for her intern and rushes over to check on Thor.

"Were you hurt?" Wei asks Darcy, his forehead resting against hers.

"Well, I scraped my elbow." Ian says from beside them.

"No. I'm fine." Darcy says, taking off her beanie with one hand and hitting her intern with it.

"Good. You have to be more careful though if you want to go out with me." Wei tells her with his eyes closed.

"That's fine with me." She says, kissing him again.

"I think we should help Jane with Thor." Erik says, pulling a staring Ian with him to Thor and Jane.

"I think I'm gonna take a vacation to heal up. Are you interested in joining me?" Wei asks, taking her hand and limping over to Thor's unconscious body.

"I'd love to. I'm getting my degree soon though." She says.

"If I can help, let me know." Wei chuckles, squeezing her hand.

"Make some room guys." Wei says, stopping at Thor's body and grabs Mjolnir.

The four humans put some distance between them and the heroes.

"Wake up sleepy head." Wei says amused and slaps Thor's cheek with a lightning covered hand, waking the god of thunder.

"Here. I believe you dropped this." Wei says, offering Mjolnir to the god of thunder.

"You really are one resilient bastard. Half of Asgard failed to take down one of those beasts he sent on you." Thor replies with a proud grin.

"Well, someone has to have your back every now and then." Wei says, offering a hand and pulls up the god, who has Jane hugging him once he's standing.