|a week later|
"Hey, how's the vacation treating you? Quick question, are you interested in an extension to New York? Hit me up if you are interested lovebirds." Wei and Darcy hear Tony say on a video message for them while they are lying in bed together, looking at the screen displaying the message.
"This is a surprise. By the way we haven't talked about your avenger schedule much, do you have regular office hours aside from world ending crisis?" Darcy asks Wei, lying snuggled against his side, drawing circles on his chest with her fingernail, the two completely naked, covered by a thin blanket.
"No. The occasional PR thing and missions whenever the UN calls on me." Wei answers.
"I see. How often does that happen? Just so I know what to expect in the long run." Darcy asks, kissing up his chest and throat.
"You are in for the long run huh? What changed? Only three days ago you were still doubting that we're a good couple." Wei asks chuckling while caressing her back.
"Well, let's put it this way. You are even better at sex then saving the world." She teases him, biting on his earlobe while crawling atop of him.
"So you're only in it for the sex?" He asks huskily, sliding his hands downwards to her ass, firmly grabbing the round orbs, now no longer as pale as the used to from the week vacation in the tropical paradise.
"No It's only one of the reasons I love you." She tells him smiling coyly.
"Seriously, what changed your mind?" Wei then asks, caressing her arms, kissing up one, before sucking on her throat.
"I'm trying to get over my commitment issues. I mean most of my boyfriends left within the first week, so I figured you'll hopefully be different." She explains, squeezing his muscular arms and kisses him softly.
"I'm crazy about you babe. I have no interest of letting you go." Wei mumbles against her lips, before hungrily kissing her back.
During the kiss he grabs her thighs and turns the over, with him leaning above her, trapping her smaller body underneath his, their tongues wrapping around each other with pleasurable grunts escaping them.
"I love you too Darcy." Wei says, smiling down at her and pushes her legs apart a bit further and runs his hard cock over her pussy lips, soaking it in her juices. Once his member is lubed up they lock lips again and pushes into her, making her sigh into the kiss.
"What about Tony?" She asks, before biting her lips in ecstasy due to Wei idling inside her pussy.
"We'll call him tonight. For now, let's have some fun." Wei says, starting to fuck his girlfriend while kissing and licking her nipples.
"Goo-oh-od idea." Darcy pants in reply.
"I thought you'd agree." He smirks, looking up at her while paying attention to her breasts.
"Yesss." She moans, scratching over his back strongly, his skin not showing any marks though.
"You are really sensitive." Wei says, pulling out of her and kisses her hungrily, pulling her up so they kneel on the bed.
"That's your fault." She tells him between kisses.
"Then let me make it up to you." He says, turning her around, her back facing him and he gropes her large breasts from behind, idling his cock in between her butt cheeks.
"Mhh. So desperate." She hums, her hands covering his, with him tweaking her nipples while kissing the back of her neck.
"You tend to have that result on me." Wei tells her softly.
"I like the sound of that." She laughs happily, pushing her ass further against him, feeling his hot rod twitching against her skin.
Wei retrieves his hands and slowly pushes her forwards with one hand, the other roaming over her soft ass before gripping her hip strongly and shoves his cock back into her pussy, making her gasp erotically.
"I like the sound of that." He tells her, emphasizing the 'that'.
"Then you'll just love this." She smirks, pushing back against his cock and moans loudly, arching her back towards him.
"You're right. I do." He agrees, starting to fuck her passionately, their hips clashing against each other.
"So tight." He growls, licking over the back of her neck while his cock speeds in and out of her.
"It feels so amazing. I can't think of a time when I've felt this fulfilled." Darcy groans.
"Me neither. I love how open and accepting you are. You really are different than any other woman I know." Wei compliments her, one hand caressing her brunette, wavy hair.
"In, oh god. In a good way I hope?" She asks coyly.
"In the best possible way." Wei replies, hugging her close to his chest and changing his thrusts to high-speed fucking, pulling only out two centimeters or so before pushing back into her.
"Yess. Like that Wei. Just like thaaaat." She screams, cumming while clawing at the powerful arms wrapped around her.
"You're so gorgeous." He whispers in her ear, holding her tightly while she shudders and climaxes.
"I love being here with you. I could spend my whole life on this island." She says breathing hard.
"I'd like that too sweetheart but we'll soon need to rejoin the public world where you'll get your phd and I'll do whatever the UN asks me to." He tells her, slowly and carefully rubbing her front from her belly up to her breasts, fondling the orbs gently and starting to rock his hips against her again, making her mewl excitedly.
"And what would you do if the UN asked you to stop seeing me or get rid of me?" She pants, turning her head so she can look at him.
"I'd take you with me to a remote part on the ocean and build our very own Island where we could make love all day long." He says huskily, one hand leaving her breasts and playing with her clit instead.
"Maybe we should make that plan a instead of b." She moans with a wide smile, grabbing his powerful hand and rubbing her pussy against it with him not stopping his cock from sliding in and out of her.
"You know I can't do that. Even if I don't like most of what comes with it. The earth needs a hero at the moment. I mean look what happened in London. Oh god you're so tight." He grunts, kissing down her back.
"So? I love you and need you too Wei." Darcy replies.
"I know and you will always be my priority from now on." He tells her panting hotly, before he cums inside her, sending her over the edge as well, making her climax again and collapse against the mattress.
"I promise I will protect you babe." He says, stroking through her brown hair before she turns around weakly.
"I know. But enough of that, if today is our last day in paradise, then let's end it in a bang. A long, endless, blissful, sexy, hot bang." She says longingly, holding out her arms for him.
"Yes maam." He jokes, burying his head in her breasts and stabs himself in her entrance again.
|A few days later|
After their vacation on the island Wei's relationship with Darcy soon made the news but with Tony's help they managed to keep the press from annoying them too much while they are in New York as Tony requested. His reason, other than him wanting his brother figure to enjoy himself with his new girlfriend being that he wants Wei to pay Peter Parker a visit, the teen having been busy dealing with some street thugs and minor crooks in New York, all the while longing for a real mission from the genius inventor.
"So, what's your plan for today?" Darcy asks Wei, sitting at the table in the luxury hotel they are staying at while reading the new headline in the news being about her and questioning why she and Wei are together.
"Don't pay attention to that. And I'll visit the Spider later." Wei says, kissing her head while tossing aside the newspaper.
"Alright. I'll see what my studies are gonna be like next month and look for a place to stay." She tells him.
"You could just move in at the avenger's headquarters. Most rooms are abandoned with only three active members." Wei suggests.
"No thanks. Tony is teasing me enough as it is and we're still in the beginning. Just cause you're rich doesn't mean I should mooch off you." Darcy tells him.
"Alright. I respect that. Are you gonna look for a job too?" He asks, receiving a nod while Darcy is drinking some coffee.
"I know you won't like this idea, but the UN does have open positions for people with your field of expertise." Wei says.
"Yeah, after I finish my phd. If I get in beforehand. I'll always feel like you hold power over me and that I'm only getting by because I'm with you." She says.
"It's fine. I understand. Say, before your home search how about we turn on the hot tub and have some fun?" Wei asks Darcy, who is only wearing black panties and a shirt of his while he's only wearing jogging pants and underpants.
"Now we're talking. That's something I wholeheartedly agree to." She says, hopping out of her chair and into his arms, Wei carrying her to their large bathroom.
|later that day|
"Nothing on the police scanner according to Karen." Peter says to himself.
"Hey." Wei greets Spiderman, who turns around surprised, sitting on a large sign and sees Wei hovering just behind him, floating to the spot next to him.
"H-hey. What are you doing here?" Peter asks stunned.
"Tony said you could use some real experience." Wei says.
"So what? You're gonna teach me how to fight?" Peter asks excitedly.
"No, but you can join me on a UN sanctioned mission if you want." Wei says.
"What mission?" Peter asks.
"The UN fears that there will be a massive tornado in Philadelphia according to some scientists." Wei informs him.
"And what would we do against that?" Peter asks confused.
"I'm not powerful enough to contain something of that size completely yet. I will be able to weaken it and tell you where it'll move so you can work on clearing its path." Wei says.
"Whoa. And you want me for that, not Tony's many robots?" Peter asks.
"Tony is going to work on clearing the general area but his suits wouldn't be able to function well due to the winds and electromagnetic interference." Wei answers.
"Wow. Of coure I'll join you." Peter agrees.
"Listen kid, I'm glad to have you help me but you have to realize it will be dangerous. If something goes wrong I might not be able to save you." Wei tells him.
"I face danger everytime I put on this mask and stop a robbery. I am aware of the risks I'm taking. Peter says responsibly."
"Very well. I'll fetch you when it's time." Wei says.
"But what if I'm in school at the time?" Peter questions.
"Like I said I'll fetch you." Wei simply says and jumps off, his mechanical wings extending as he flies away.