The next day Wei is waiting at the school entry for Peter to come out, ignoring the stares of stunned and freaking out teens.
"Mr. Stark needs your assistance Parker." Wei says when Peter comes over with Ned.
"You didn't tell me you know the green dragon." Ned says, pushing Peter lightly.
"He knows." Peter answers the unanswered question on Wei's face.
"Alright. Follow me." Wei tells them and leads the two boys away to an empty alleyway.
"I'm afraid this is as far as you can follow." Wei tells the Asian teenager almost 10 years younger than him.
"O-OK. I'll catch you later Peter." Ned says, nodding in acceptance.
"Put on your suit. We have less than 3 hours." Wei tells Peter, holding the boys backpack while he changes into his costume.
"I'm ready." Peter tells Wei excitedly moments later, with his mask backwards.
"Let's go." Wei says, correcting the mask and grabs the young heroes' arm, flying away in his street clothes.
The two sail through the air until Wei flies them in the quinjet hovering in the air with Tony relaxing in it with a woman Peter has only seen on newspapers and TV lately.
"No. I won't tell you that." Darcy tells Tony who was prying in hers and Wei's private life.
"Tony, you are like a brother to me but if you harass my girlfriend, I'll have to make an example out of you." Wei says, letting Peter down in the jet while its cargo opening closes behind them.
"Why is she here if not to satisfy my curiosity?" Tony asks with a sigh.
"Because she has some experience with the weather conditions we'll face and can provide analytical support." Wei says, starting to undress, Darcy watching him with bright eyes, until Peter steps into her line of sight.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Spiderman." He introduces himself to Darcy, offering a handshake.
"Darcy Lewis." She introduces herself, shaking his hand.
"Is it true that you dated Thor before green dragon?" Peter asks her in a whisper.
"No. My best friend and former boss is dating Thor though." Darcy tells him chuckling.
"Aww. You made me miss the show." Darcy pouts, when Wei comes over in his green metal mission suit.
"Is that the only reason you came with us?" Wei asks with a smirk.
"Well there was that and Tony offered me a good payday for support on your mission." Darcy replies, giving him a quick peck before the jet takes off to the neighboring city.
"How's it looking glasses?" Tony asks Darcy when they arrive at the outskirts of where the tornado should hit.
"Eta 15 minutes and your bots have cleared about 85% of the immediate area." Darcy tells him, looking at the statistics and Data on her laptop.
"Alright. Tony, bring the jet somewhere far away enough from the tornado." Wei tells him.
"Yeah on it." Tony replies and flies out of the possible vicinity of the storm.
"Alright it's starting. Stay safe babe." Wei tells Darcy concerned and she nods, before pushing him to the jet exit.
The three heroes then take position on a skyscraper and don't have to wait long before the strong wind descends to the city with a loud howling.
"Time to get to work." Wei says, his eyes turning a glowing blue and he hovers off the ground, holding out his hands to the tornado, attempting to slow it down, erecting his own wind tunnel around it turning the other direction, slowly getting overpowered though by nature's unrelenting forces.
"The tornado is only increasing in size half as fast as feared. Keep it up honey." Darcy tells them, getting real time data from many various sensors.
"Spiderman, get ready. That building with the green roof will be first and it'll move down in a 36° angle towards that supermarket." Wei inform Peter, who quickly makes his way there and Karen scans the buildings on the path, finding four life signs and Peter swings to them one by one, bringing them towards the guarded off area.
"It'll hit in 3 ,2, 1." Darcy says and the tornado touches down, ripping through the green roofed building.
"Careful Spiderman its heading your way." Wei says.
"Where to next?" Peter asks, fear registerable in his voice.
"That pink roofed sushi place." Darcy says and they repeat the process, the team saving about 16 more lives that way and reducing the damage on the buildings.
"Guys. Big problem. The wind is gonna pick up by 400% and it's heading towards me." Darcy tells them nervously.
"Spiderman, get her out of there, leave the jet. I'm going in." Wei says, using his suit to fly straight up and then flies into the eye of the storm, landing on the ground inside the tornado and draws energy from the earth beneath, trying to weaken the tornado from the inside, gradually managing to calm the winds until 5 minutes later the wind pulls back, the tornado being over with minimal human casualties, the only ones being from when the tornado behaved against predictions and went rogue.
"Now what?" Peter asks, swinging back to where he brought Darcy.
"Now we tell the officials to wait an hour or two before letting anyone back into the zone and Wei will clean up the largest of the rubble." Tony tells him.
"Come on, sit. This'll take a while." The girl tells Peter.
"OK. So, were you involved in a mission of green dragon's before?" Peter asks.
"Kind of. I was there when he and Thor fought some dark elf guy in London a couple weeks ago." She informs him.
"I read about that." Peter says, nodding his head.
"What did you do there?" He asks.
"Installed a few modified sensors." She tells him, thinking about it and not having had much impact on the event.
The two continue to chat for half an hour before Tony and Wei fly over to them, done with the job.
"Let's get out of here." Wei says.
"But didn't our jet get sucked up?" Peter asks.
"I got it covered." Tony replies and two empty suits come flying in, swallowing up Peter and Darcy.
"Wow, this is so, cooooool." Peter says excited, while getting send flying in the suit by Tony.
"Don't you dare Tony." Darcy warns the inventor.
"Oh I dare." He says cockily and hits the button to send her back with Wei and Tony flying besides the two suits on autopilot.
"How are you doing babe?" Wei asks her.
"I hate youu." She only says panicked.
About 20 minutes later they arrive back in New York.
"Get me out of here." Darcy says annoyed when the suit landed and jumps out of it as soon as it opens while Peter has to get shoved out, wanting to stay inside the suit forever.
"It couldn't have been that bad." Wei tells Darcy, putting a hand on the back of her shoulders concerned.
"Just take me home please." She tells him and Wei nods, hugging her to himself before flying to their hotel and they enter their suit.
"Was it really that bad?" Wei asks, setting his cube form of his suit on a table.
"Yes, it was scary." She tells him.
"I'm sorry. I'll make sure Tony won't do that to you again." He apologizes.
"Good." She says, hugging him.
"Man, you're freezing." He says concerned and sweeps her off her feet, bringing her to their king sized bed and lies her down, covering her with the cover and turns up the ac before joining her in the bed, hugging her close to himself, rubbing over her cold skin.
"You should've said something." He tells her.
"I was preoccupied with watching my boyfriend of two weeks fly into the eye of a tornado." She tells him tiredly.
"Hey. I don't care what situation I'm in. I'm nearly indestructible the longer I stay on this planet. It's you I'll worry about." He tells her.
"Fine. I'll tell you next time I'm not feeling well. I was just excited about getting to work with you." Darcy tells him.
"Still. If you're feeling unwell you should at least tell me. Tony could have cleaned up by himself." Wei says, cupping her face lovingly.
"Sorry." She mumbles tiredly, snuggling into his broad chest and relaxing until she's sleeping.
"Hey Wei. The city wants to give us a medal of some kind, you coming?" Tony asks over the earpiece still in Wei's ear.
"Sorry. Can't make it. Darcy is ill and I'm worried about her." He replies, caressing the brunette's hair, with her hearing the chat unknown to Wei.
"Get better soon babe." Wei says, kissing her head and slips out of the bed, making her worry for a moment until she hears him call her favorite restaurant and order a soup delivery.
|3 months later|
"Hah! now you can say you're dating a doctor." Darcy tells Wei proudly, holding her framed certificate against a wall in her apartment.
"So, I hope you don't mind. But I have a surprise planned for you." Wei says, while casually pushing a small nail into the wall for her to hang it on.
"A surprise huh? Afraid that now that I'm officially an intellectual I'll find all those muscles of yours no longer appealing and will look for a brainiac to date?" She asks him teasingly, leaning against him with him having his arms around her waist.
"I didn't until you just suggested that. Do I need to be worried?" He chuckles.
"No. Lucky for you I know your head is more than a hat rack." She tells him, turning around in his embrace and kisses him passionately.
"Geez thanks. Don't flatter me." He laughs, picking her up underneath her thighs and carries her through her apartment easily.
"So, what's my surprise?" Darcy asks curiously.
"Well, it involves you in a bikini and me in a swimsuit on a beach in Spain." He tells her huskily, kissing her along her neck.
"What kind of beach? Is the bikini optional?" She asks him with a grin.
"I'm sure I could make a few calls and get that settled if you want." He says.
"Nah. Just teasing you." She says, poking his side.
"So when would be board the plane?" She asks.
"Tomorrow morning." Wei says, sliding a hand underneath her shirt and pulls it off her slowly, keeping her secure against his waist with his other hand.
"If you're looking for that bikini I'm sorry to disappoint, I'm not wearing one." She says seductively, her lips hovering just in front of his.
"That works for me." He growls sexily and steps onto her bed, lying her down on it with him above her.
"Too bad you're not a MD. Otherwise we could have stepped up the roleplaying to another level." Wei teases her, sliding a hand up her stomach and to her sizeable boobs.
"You're such a boob fanatic." She chuckles when he squeezes the soft, bra covered flesh mesmerized.
"So? I never heard you complain about it." He replies, ripping away her bra and licks over her perky nipples.
"Mhh. Yeah, you're good at that." Darcy mewls, scratching through his hair.
"Just at that?" He asks, pressing his hardening cock against her, Darcy feeling its shape even through his shorts and her jeans.
"No. Just at the moment. You are taking your time in giving me my graduation present." She says.
"You know about the present?" He asks with a smirk, reaching underneath her bed and fishes out a jewelry box, presenting it to her while pulling her into a sitting position in his lap, her shins on either side of him on the bed.
"That's not the present I was talking about, but I'll take a peek." Darcy whispers in his ear while grinding on his clothed crotch.
Darcy opens the box and takes out a gold necklace with a picture of the two of them kissing when they first met inside a locked shaped like a heart.
"It's amazing." She says smiling happily.
"Just so you know, Tony insisted he puts a tracking device in this. But I can turn it off." Wei says.
"No. Keep it. I have no secrets from you. Not that I could probably with Tony Stark as your best friend." She says, patting his cheek while putting the necklace around her neck.
"Well if I didn't find you hot before, I definitely do now." He chuckles, kissing her.
"Look who's on an ego trip? I barely have your proof of claim around my neck with your own image in it and you want to pounce me." Darcy says pushing him back a little.
"I think you spend too much time working on your doctorate." Wei tells her with a grin.
"Maybe. You know what? Definitely. Whose idea was it to go without sex for 3 weeks?" She asks, kissing him hungrily.
"I'm looking at the beautiful woman right now." He replies in between their clashing lips, during which she pulls his shirt off him and pushes him down on the bed, sliding his pants down his legs before unzipping her pants and sliding them off herself along with her panties.
"Now give me my real present or I'll get mad." She pants, staring into his eyes lustfully.
Wei positions his cock underneath her, never breaking eye contact and she sinks down on the hard tool.
"Oh yeah!" She shouts delighted.
"Oh. I missed this feeling." Wei moans, gripping her hips tightly until she slaps his hands, saying "give me some room to move lover."
"Sorry." He replies, kissing over one of her hands, which he pulls to his lips.
"Oh yes. God." Darcy then squeals, bouncing on his cock, her breasts swaying in front of him seductively and he starts groping the bouncing orbs.
"My ass, squeeze my ass." Darcy mewls, taking one hand and placing on one of her ass cheeks, Wei spanking her lightly.
"That's it. I'm cumming." She moans soon after, having an orgasm, with Wei nibbling at her hard nipples once she leans down on him, coming down from the orgasmic bliss.
"Not again. Honey, they're doing it again." The couple hears Darcy's next-door neighbor quietly.
"I think we are getting on Hank's nerves." Wei says with a grin.
"You know that Lucy is into listening to us though." Darcy replies and they soon hear a female moan from next door.
"See. I bet she's imagining how the earth's mightiest avenger's cock is plowing me like he's saving the world." Darcy says, trailing on his chest with a finger.
"Then let's not disappoint them." Wei says, before grabbing onto her and putting Darcy on her back with him above her and he grabs her legs, pushing them outwards before inserting his cock back into her pussy.
"Yes." She huffs, grabbing onto his strong arms while he starts to fuck her all the while holding her legs out nearly in a split.
"You have such nice skin." He grunts, rubbing her inner thigh while feeling himself close in on his ejaculation.
"I know. Ever since I started dating this amazing guy and he kept fucking me whenever I wanted it." She says in between moans.
"I know what you mean. I know this gorgeous woman who is really sexy and has an incredible thirst for sex." Wei replies, his grip getting stronger on her skin before he grunts "I'm cumming." Into her ear, hugging her close to himself while his cum shoots into her entrance.
"Hah, god Wei. If I didn't regret the sec ban before, I really do now." Darcy says sweating covered and sensitive from her second orgasm at the feeling of his cum filling her insides.
"Then I better make sure you won't forget it so you'll think twice before making that decision." Wei tells her, licking her ear.
"Good idea. Make this a memorable bang like our last day on our first vacation." Darcy says.
"So that's what you were hoping for huh?" He asks laughing and grabs onto her while they start to float above the bed until Wei's standing upside down on the roof with Darcy being upside down hanging from his arms.
Wei laps at the woman's pussy with her gasping for air.
"This just the foreplay babe." Wei says and continues to eat her out during which Darcy's head gets red.
"Just fuck me please." She begs after 2 minutes and thinks she can literally feel Wei smirk against her pussy.
He pulls her further up to him and then starts to fuck her while they are upside down, making Darcy scream and moan in pleasure like crazy.
About 10 minutes later they are resting on the bed from the exhausting sex in the air.
"What do you think about another doctorate?" She asks laughing.
"Sure. If I get to do that with you after every doctor title you get, I'm cool with it." He tells her, kissing her forehead.