
"OK, so we found them now what?" Tony says thoughtfully.

"We don't really need Strange alive to protect the time stone. I could just take them both out." Wei suggests.

"No, no, no. There has to be a way." Tony replies.

"Peter, any ideas?" Wei asks, knowing the teen is listening from above them as Strange's cloak floats over to them.

"Uhh, Hi Mr. Stark I know you said not to come, but I had to." Peter tells the inventor.

"Great and you are where I don't want you to be. In space on your way to the most dangerous being known to us." Tony groans.

"We can use the help Tony." Wei says.

"Said the guy who was about to squash the good doctor down there" Tony remarks, pointing zo where Thanos' follower is torturing Strange to get the time stone.

"Uhm actually about that plan, did you see that really old movie Alien?" Peter asks, coming up with a plan.

Soon after Tony is facing the white skinny alien who uses telekinesis.

"You will accomplish nothing here. You know your powers are inferior and inconsequential." He tells Tony, levitating some metal boulders.

"Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." Tony replies and shoots a hole into the spacecraft's hull, the alien getting sucked into space and before Strange can also get sucked outside Tony seals the hole while Wei holds onto Dr. Strange, having his voulge stabbed deep into the ship as a fix point.

"Thanks for the rescue." Strange says, his cloak wrapping around him.

"It was the kid's idea." Tony grumbles.

"Hi. I'm Peter." He introduces himself.

"Dr. Strange." Stephen replies.

"Oh, we're using made up names. In that case I'm Spiderman."

"See that, even the kid is more useful than you. You should've taken my advice and run." Tony berates the magician.

"What's the situation Tony? Any idea how this ship works?" Wei asks.

"So eager to return?" Tony chuckles.

"Yeah. But only after I killed Thanos." Wei replies.

"You can't he's probably already one of the most powerful beings in the universe. And by the time we'd face him who knows how many infinity stones he holds." Dr. Strange informs them.

"We'll have to stop him one way or another. Or do you just want to give him your stone and be done with it?" Wei asks.

"You're right." Strange says thoughtfully.

"We can't go back to Earth. We can't bring this fight back with us. The result would be disastrous. It'll be like New York times a thousand." Tony says thoughtfully.

"True. Just focus on getting control of this ship enough so we'll survive a landing." Wei agrees.

Hours later the group lands on Thanos's former planet which is now a baren wasteland and crash the spaceship.

"Everyone alive?" Peter asks with a groan, everyone having been banged around during the crash.

"Yeah." Tony groans, covered in his ironman suit.

"Stay down everyone. Where is Gamora?" Peter Quill says, flying into the ship remains with his guns aimed at Tony and Stephen Strange.

"Yeah. Where is she?" Drax asks, entering the ship with his daggers ready while Mantis also flies in looking more timidly.

"Where is he?" Tony shouts in response, aiming a massive gun at Quill formed out of Nanotech.

"Ah fuck it." Starlord says and flies around them, firing shots at everyone with Drax jumping at the most muscular target of the group.

Wei swats the man away with a back handed punch and sends him flying out of the ship with Drax smiling excitedly.

"Wei, mind helping out here?" Tony asks, fighting Starlord.

"Yeah." Wei says and levitates, following Quill until he locks him in a chokehold.

"You won't get me Thanos!" Quill shouts, trying to shoot Wei behind him, but Wei simply takes away his gun and tosses him onto a platform.

"Wait Thanos? You aren't with Thanos?" Strange asks.

"Of course not. You are, now where is Gamora?" Starlord shouts.

"We're not with Thanos and who is Gamora?" Tony answers, aiming at him.

"Alright. Everyone calm down. We're all enemies of Thanos." Strange says.

"Who are you guys?" Starlord asks, recalling his mask.

"We're the Avengers, well the three of us are." Tony says, his gun retreating into his suit.

"You're allies of Thor." Mantis says happily.

"Yeah. You know Thor?" Tony asks surprised.

"Tall guy, from Asgard, not that good looking." Starlord says.

"Wait you guys are from earth then right?" Starlord says.

"Yeah." Ironman says.

"Alright first, let's calm down everyone and lower your weapons." Wei says, easily catching Drax's daggers with the battle hungry man still trying to fight.

"Drax, aren't you listening? They are enemies of Thanos too." Starlord berates him.

"But he's so strong and seems like a true warrior." Drax says.

"I am, but we need to safe our energy for Thanos if he is really as strong as I've heard." Wei says, giving Drax his weapons back.

"He is. He has two stones already." Peter Quill tells them.

"Which means trouble for us." Tony guesses, the group going outside to make a plan.

Once out of the ship Strange floats in the air and looks through possible outcomes in time with his infinity stone.

"Uh does he do that often?" Mantis asks curiously looking at the wizard.

"We wouldn't know." Tony replies.

"Haah!" Strange groans, falling on his ass after he finished viewing the futures.

"You alright? What was that just now?" Tony asks the wizard.

"I went forward in time to view possible futures and see the outcome of this battle." He replies.

"How many did you see?" Wei asks, sharpening his double voulge on a rock.

"A little over 14 Million." Strange answers.

"How many do we win?" Tony asks.

"Two." Strange answers.

"So we can win. That's all. I need to hear. Tony any ideas on a plan?" Wei asks.

"Just a gist. We draw him in and pin him down until we get the gauntlet away from him." Tony says.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." Wei says.

"Alright all of you listen. I like the idea of a plan but it sucks, so why don't I come up with the plan and then it might be really good." Quill says, making Tony groan at his attitude.

The group makes a plan and lies in wait for over an hour with Strange waiting for Thanos in the open to draw him in.

Thanos steps out of a portal and sees the wizard.

"I guess that means the maw is dead. Today the price to pay is indeed high." Thanos says.

"You may wish he hadn't brought me here. I am a master of the mystic arts afterall." Strange says, a magic circle enveloping one fist.

"What can one magician possibly do? I already have 4 stones." Thanos says, showing him the gauntlet.

"Who says there is just one enemy?" Strange says and Thanos looks up, seeing a massive piece of ship flying right at him, curtesy of Tony using it as a battering ram.

"Let's go everybody." Tony says when Thanos yells and the ship part explodes into million pieces before they turn into bats and chase after the flying inventor.

Drax screams while charging Thanos, slicing at the back of his knee, failing to do much damage though.

Next comes Peter who shoots a web in Thanos's face.

Quill uses this to shoot Thanos a bunch of times before placing a grenade on the purple giant's back and blow it up, making him drop to one knee.

Tony follows up with a shower of rockets while Strange holds him down.

Thanos sucks up the firey explosions however and sends a beam of fire at Tony.

Wei walks up to Thanos and slices at the gauntlet, forcing it upwards and breaks his blade while making him dispel the fire.

"Urgh!" Thanos grunts angrily and headbutts Wei, who recovers however and punches Thanos in the face, sending him skidding back a good 3 meters.

"Now!" Strange shouts, magic bindings restraining the gauntlet and Quill shoots a gravity grenade at Thanos's other arm while Drax kicks him in his knee, making him drop on his knees with his arms stretched out.

Thanos rips himself free of the magic bindings however, just when Mantis drops down on top of him curtesy of a portal from Strange.

"Is he under?" Tony asks, grabbing onto the gauntlet and tries to pull it off when a pod lands behind the group and Nebula steps out, punching Thanos while shouting "where is Gamora?"

"What did you do to my girl?" Quill demands to know the entranced Thanos.

"I had to..." Thanos says sadly.

"He is in grief." Mantis says, struggling to keep the man under.

"Let me Tony." Wei says, grabbing the edge of the gauntlet roughly, his fingers digging into Thanos's skin with him groaning in pain.

"OK, one more push!" Wei shouts to Tony, who nods and the two rip away the gauntlet, Thanos waking up from it with Wei having ripped off a part of his forearms skin.

"Where is Gamora?!" Quill shouts, shooting at Thanos who throws away Mantis with Peter jumping after her and catching her.

"She's dead..." Thanos says distraught, staring at the Gauntlet Wei is about to put on, when suddenly Strange grabs the gauntlet and shoots a spell at Wei, freezing him in time.

"What are you doing?" Tony asks and aims a plasma beam at Strange, who portals the gauntlet at Thanos's feet however with the purple giant slipping it on and sending everyone flying back except Strange and a frozen in place Wei.

"I will give you the Stone, if you promise me one thing." Strange says.

"What?" Thanos asks angrily.

"Don't continue this fight. Leave and finish your mission on earth." Strange says, a green stone floating in front of him.

"You have a deal." Thanos says, putting the stone in his gauntlet and disappears through a portal, coming out on earth in the middle of the battle for the mind stone.

He quickly pushes through the avengers and their support until he reaches vision who just had Wanda destroy his mind stone.

"Such a tragedy." Thanos says evily and turns back time on the android, giving him back his life only to rip the mind stone out of his skull, leaving a deep hole in it with Wanda crying angrily and sorrowfully.

Thanos freezes her in time however and puts the mind stone into the gauntlet, seconds before Thor and his new axe Stormbreaker come flying and slices right into his shoulder.

"You should've gone for the head." Thanos says grinning and snips his fingers, before falling backwards into a portal to safety.

In a matter of minutes all over the universe half of the population just falls into a pile of ash.

On Titan Wei gets released out of his stasis when Strange dies and only Tony, Wei and Nebula remain on the barren planet.

"What happened?" Wei asks urgently.

"The wizard betrayed us. He handed Thanos the gauntlet and his time stone." Tony says angrily, tears falling out of his eyes, having just watched Peter who is like a son to him die.

"Where is that fucker? I'm gonna rip him in half." Wei shouts.

"They died. They are all gone. Thanos won the avengers on earth couldn't stop him either." Tony says.

"We need to get to earth." Wei says with urgency.

"Why? It's over." Tony says.

"Even if that's true we need to be there for Pepper, Darcy and our friends." Wei says stoically.

"Fine, but how are we gonna get there?" Tony asks.

"With the guardian's ship." Nebula says, mourning her sister herself.

"Who are you anyways?" Tony asks.

"Nebula. Thanos's daughter. He turned me into this. I tried my best to kill him but he is too strong." Nebula says angrily, showing them her electronics.

"Let's take her with us. We can't just leave her stranded here anyways." Wei tells the Inventor, anxious to get back and check on Darcy.

"Fine let's go." Tony accepts and they get into the ship and take off towards earth, the damage on the ship unnoticed by the three until they are floating dead in space about a week later and about to run out of Oxygen.