5 years

Carol Danvers lands in front of the Avengers Headquarters with the damaged ship and its three occupants, Tony barely looking like a shell of his former self, both from the way they lost and losing Peter as well as them being stranded in space for a prolonged period of time.

Wei looks more worried than anything, having conserved his strength during the flight to try and understand why Strange gave up the stones after they had won.

He tried to get a grasp on the mystic world he gained knowledge of during his time in Asia where one of its practitioners gave him pointers on how to control the elements which want to obey his command.

"Tony, my god." Pepper says, rushing to the scientist relieved and hugs him with Nebula giving the blonde control of the inventor who is barely awake.

"You look troubled." Wei says stoically, looking at Natasha, Rodey, Banner and Steve.

"Thanos succeeded. We lost a lot of people. And half of every living thing is gone from Earth." Steve says while Tony gets brought into the compound by Pepper, Rodey and Nebula.

"It's the same for other planets." Ms. Marvel informs them.

"Who are you?" Natasha asks.

"Carol Danvers, now where is Nick Fury?" She asks.

"He disappeared as well. How do you know him?" Steve answers.

"We have a past together, he called me here for help." Carol says.

"I see." Steve says.

"Where is Wanda? She must be distraught with Vision... I mean Thanos got the mind stone." Wei says awkwardly.

"Vision is dead and Wanda is amongst those who disappeared." Natasha tells Wei heavy heartedly.

"Damn." Wei growls, the earth trembling underneath them.

"Where is Thanos then? And what about my girlfriend?" Wei asks.

"We don't know where Thanos is and we don't know who she is." Steve says.

"I need to talk to Pepper." Wei says walking towards the compound, anger visible in his steps which indent the earth.

"He won't be happy." Natasha whispers worried, watching him and the newcomer woman enter the compound.

"You'd feel the same." Steve says.

"Probably but I don't have enough power to destroy the whole planet." She answers.

"Come on. We need to talk to everyone." Steve says, the two following everyone inside as well.

"Pepper. I need to talk to you." Wei says, pulling the woman out of a medical station where Tony is lying on a bed.

"What is it? Did something happen in space?" Pepper asks.

"That too, but I just need to know, where is Darcy?" Wei asks.

"I'm so sorry. I held her in my arms when she disappeared." Pepper says saddened.

"No. Not her too." Wei stammers, his arms shaking in anger and he tosses his broken weapon right through a wall with it, leaving a soccer ball sized hole.

"Thanks, go back to Tony. We lost the kid and he blames himself." Wei says closing his eyes, taking deep breaths with some tears dripping to the floor while he's leaning his hands against the destroyed wall.

"What happened?" Steve asks.

"We beat him, but were betrayed by the protector of reality. Doctor Stephen Strange." Wei hisses upset.

"Why?" Natasha asks.

"I have been asking myself the same question ever since, but he was among those who disappeared. Peter as well." Wei says.

"Sorry. We had no chance against him. We did for a while, Wanda destroyed Vision's stone but Thanos brought him back with the time stone and killed him right in front of her to get the stone." Steven answers.

"So what are our options? Where is Thanos?" Wei asks.

"No idea. But what can we even do?" Natasha asks.

"Kill him and use the stones ourselves." Wei says.

"We already failed to kill him once, why should it be different now?" Rodey asks.

"I didn't fail. Just bring me to him and there won't be enough left to identify him." Wei says darkly.

"Also you now have me." Ms. Marvel says.

"I know where Thanos is. While working on perfecting me he often spoke of the garden, which is where he wanted to go after achieving his goal." Nebula informs everyone.

"Any coordinates?" Wei asks, receiving a headshake no.

"Actually, there was one thing two days ago." Rocket says, pulling up a planetary map with two glowing points.

"The same energy released when Thanos killed half the universe appeared two days ago on this planet." Rocket explains.

"Alright. Show me how to get there." Wei says.

"Wait. We'll all go." Steve says, hoping to stop Wei from rushing headfirst into a fight against the purple monster.

"Fine. Then get everyone ready. I'll wait in the ship." Wei says, leaving with Rocket, who gets started on quick fixing the ship.

Two hours later the crew of Nebula, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Wei, Rocket, Rodey and Carol arrive in the atmosphere of Thanos's planet and Carol flies ahead to check on their enemy.

"There is nothing. He is alone." She informs them.

"Alright. Let's go." Wei says, angrily, floating out of the ship with the others landing it.

The group then assaults Thanos, Wei and Ms. Marvel crashing through their enemies house and push him down, each holding one arm down while choking him together.

Wei quickly pries off the gauntlet from the giant's hands and is surprised that he didn't fight back much.

"Something is wrong here." Wei says, his knee now placed on Thanos's throat while Roday looks at the gauntlet, arriving with the others.

"They're gone." Rodey informs everyone.

"Where dis you take them?" Carol asks angrily.

"I destroyed them. I used the stones to get rid of the stones and nearly died because of it." Thanos says.

"I don't believe you." Natasha shouts.

"My father is many things, but not a liar." Nebula tells everyone disappointed.

"Rahhh!" Thor then bellows and swings his axe, intending to behead the madman, only for Wei to catch it in one hand.

"I need him alive to make sure he's telling the truth." Wei says grimly and spins around, kneeing the man in the temple hard enough to knock him out.

"What are you going to do?" Steve asks.

"What's neccessary." Wei simply replies and drags the unconscious man outside, grabbing a hot poking iron on his way outside.

Once outside the hut he makes a small fire with the hot poker and ties Thanos up at the scarecrow pole he made in the planet's field.

"You might want to wait on the ship." Wei tells the others who followed him outside.

"Wei. Why are you..." Nastasha says worried but gets pulled away towards the ship by Thor.

"He is hurting and needs Thanos to feel it too." The thunder god says.

The crew waits on the ship for nearly half an hour before Wei flies over to them, purple blood covering most of his clothing.

"He destroyed them." Wei says.

"Great so we lost, there is nothing we can do?" Rocket asks angrily.

"Yeah." Bruce says heavy hearted, slumping down in a seat.

"Let's go home." Steven says and they head back to earth to try and figure out how to live from now on.

|5 years later|

During that time Natasha and Steve along with Rodey tried holding onto their role as earths defender while Carol, Rocket and Nebula left to help other planets.

Wei also stayed on earth but most people rarely catch sight of him, safe for Tony, Pepper, their daughter and the now orphaned daughter of Scott Lang, Cassandra Lang. The heroes daughter having no one left in her life like himself.

But unlike to popular belief the hero never stopped trying to be of service. He took on the mantle of sorcerer supreme, having taught himself most he knows, with some assistance from a practitioner of an eastern location, Wei having taken over Strange's old home.

Cassandra Lang hears her doorbell ring and goes to answer the door, thinking she's dreaming when her father is standing in front of the door looking like he didn't age a day in the time he was missing.

"Dad!" She says, rushing to him and embracing him while crying.

"Cassie. I'm so glad you're here. What happened?" He says, holding onto his now teenaged daughter tightly.

"Come in dad. I will try to explain what I know." She says, pulling him into the house.

Once inside the house he sees a lot of photos of himself, Cassie's mother but is confused why she has multiple pictures of herself with Wei Yan.

"How do you know the green dragon?" Scott asks surprised.

"He looked out for me after everyone I knew disappeared." Cassandra says, showing her father a picture with her and Wei ontop of the Sphinx, reading a book each.

"I missed a lot didn't I?" Scott asks.

"It's been 5 years dad." She says glumly.

"To me I was only five hours in the quantum realm." Scott says.

"What?" She asks.

"Doesn't matter. But so you have a way to reach the green dragon? And maybe something to eat?" Scott asks.

"Yeah." She says and twirls her hand in front of her, a magic circle appearing in front of her and she pushes it forward with it changing from yellowish to a blue color.

"Come. I'll see if we have peanut butter and jelly." Cassandra says, knowing that it was her father's favorite years ago.

Half an hour later after Scott had eaten and his daughter told him about Thanos and a bit of what happened afterwards Wei steps into the living room through a circular glowing portal.

"Cassie. What's... Scott?" Wei says shocked.

"He knows my name." Antman says happily.

"How are you here?" Wei asks on guard, using a magic spell to see if he's using trickery, but he's clean.

"I was stuck in the quantum realm for 5 hours and came out here five years later apparently." Scott says.

"So you never were snapped a away." Wei says a bit disappointed.

"No. But don't you get it? Time travel is real. We could go back and stop this Thanos." Scott says.

"We should talk to who's left." Wei says nodding his head.

"Are you leaving already?" Cassie asks worried and upset.

"No. We'll stay here tonight. But tomorrow we need to head out." Wei says, ruffling the girl's hair.

"Thank you for looking out for her." Scott says happily.

"We were looking out for each other. I lost the loves of my life when Thanos snapped." Wei says saddened.

"Maybe you can bring them back now." Cassie says, holding Scott's hand.

"Yeah. Maybe." Scott agrees thoughtfully.

That night Wei spends most of it tossing and turning, holding a scar going over the right side of his face, from his eyebrow to the top of his lips.

|the next day|

"Come on Scott. We should get going." Wei tells the man who's reluctant to leave his daughter.

"It's fine. You can help everyone." The girl says with a nod.

"Don't test my patience Scott." Wei says, standing arms crossed in front of a magic portal.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." Scott grumbles and follows him through the portal, coming out at the avenger facility in Wei's old room to be exact.

"Follow me." Wei says and leads them to Natasha and Steve who are sulking in the conference room.

"We need to talk." The ancient warrior says, Scott waving behind him.

"Scott?!" Steve asks shocked, since they thought he got snapped away.

"Hey Captain America." He greets them.

"How is this possible?" Natasha asks.

"He was stuck in a place called quantum realm and he thinks we could use it to travel through time and get our own version of the stones." Wei says.

"Is that even possible?" Natasha asks.

"We're intending to find out. Now come with me." Wei says, opening another portal.

"Since when can you do that?" Steve asks shocked.

"A while now. I have replaced that disgrace Strange." Wei says angrily.

A few minutes later the group walk down a path in a forest heading to a large house by a lake.

"Where are we?" Scott asks.

"Tony's place." Wei says and soon after they see Tony talking to his daughter.

"Uncle Wei!" The girl shouts upon spotting the muscular warrior and rushes over to him.

"Hey Morgan." Wei greets her, lifting her up with ease and carrying her back over to Tony.

"Talk to them. I'll bring her inside." Wei tells his brother figure.

"Fine." Tony sighs, brushing through his daughter's hair.

"Tony." Steve greets the inventor with a hug.

"We need to talk to you." Natasha says, also giving him a hug.

The group then explain their idea to Tony, who tells them that time travel is too dangerous and they would have no way to properly navigate it.

"What do we do now?" Scott asks, the group refusing to give up on their plan.

"We're gonna talk to another genius." Wei says and portals them to Banner, who is sitting in a diner, being in his Hulk form with glasses and clothes on.

"Guys. It's been too long." He greets the group, hugging them with Scott groaning uncomfortably, the rest of them used to this.

"We need to pick your brain on something." Natasha says, the group sitting down at a booth with the big green man and inform him of their idea.

Bruce tells them that it's not his area of expertise but he's willing to try his best.