Thanos demise

|a couple days later|

They are in the Avenger facility, having just send Scott back and forth through time with him turning into an old man and a baby.

"Haaah!" Wei sighs stepping out of the facility and hears a familiar motor approaching.

"They didn't get it done?" Tony asks pulling up besides the man and lowers his window.

"No. Scott turned into a grandpa and then into a baby." Wei says.

"You moved time through him not him through time. Dangerous and uncontrollable." Tony answers.

"Can you fix it, or rather will you?" Wei asks.

"Sure. Can't have you moping after Wanda and Darcy forever." Tony says teasingly, opening his trunk.

"Here. Give that to Rogers, will you?" The inventor says, tossing the captain america shield to Wei.

"Sure." Wei says, patting the man's shoulder thankful for his help.

Over the course of a week everyone under Tony's lead build a working time machine with everyone but Ms. Marvel arriving one after another at the facility.

"Alright. We tested it and the machine works. Now we need to figure out where to go for the stones, or rather when." Steve says, everyone of the team sitting in a briefing room with information on the stones on boards around them.

"I got this one handled." Wei says, crossing out the timestone.

"How do you plan to do that?" Tony asks.

"I'll take it from the previous sorcerer supreme. The one before me and Strange." Wei says.

"Wait, you're a sorcerer now too?" Rodey asks surprised.

"And a supreme one at that?" Thor asks amused.

"I had time on my hand." Wei says, magic circles surrounding him with dangerous looking energy blades and tendrils appearing from them.

"OK. One down." Tony says, moving on to the next stone.

After a day of brainstorming they decide that they should split up into four teams. The first one being Wei, Tony, Steve and Scott. The second Nebula, Rodey and Banner and the third is Hawkeye and Natasha. The last one is Thor and Rocket.

"Alright. We got one shot at this. No mistakes. We bring the stones back to this time and bring everyone back." Steve says, standing in a circle with everyone.

"Alright we go in 10." Tony says, starting a countdown.

The group with Wei, Tony, Steve and Scott appear in the middle of the Chitauri invasion in New York.

"Alright, you know the plan. No room for mistakes. Scott and I will get the tesseract. Steve gets the scepter from hydra and you go get the timestone." Tony says, everyone standing in an alleyway.

"See you back in the future." Wei says nodding and creates a portal for them, sending them into the Avenger tower. Once they're all through he makes one for himself and steps through it, coming out in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

"Let's meet the current sorcerer supreme." Wei says, flying up to the roof where orange yellow energy can be seen to ward off Chitauri.

"I need the eye of Agamotto." Wei says, dropping down on the roof.

"You are fighting out there aren't you?" The woman holding the timestone says, pointing to the fighting underneath the hole in the sky.

"This time's me is." Wei answers.

"So you are from the future. I'm sorry but I can't give you the stone." The woman says.

"You will. It's just a question of how that's open for discussion." Wei tells her.

"It seems you have your mind set on that too." She says, seeing lightning crackling at his fingers.

"I have a bad run in with my predecessor and your successor." Wei tells her, clenching his fist.

"Strange?" The woman asks.

"Yeah. He's going to give away the Stone to someone who uses them to wipe out half the universe." Wei explains.

"Then it had to happen. Strange is supposed to be the best of us." She tells Wei.

"I doubt he's better than me." Wei growls, a magic circle appearing at his side and he reaches inside, taking out a voulge made out of wind.

"You are a sorcerer?" She says surprised.

"Someone had to do it after Strange's failure and death." Wei says angrily and jump at the woman, slashing down with the weapon and she blocks it with a magic barrier.

"I am curious to see how strong you are. Strange just was a whimp." Wei says grinning and kicks out her legs from under her before rearing one fist back, which is covered in a magic circle and punches through her barrier. The woman slaps his chest and his soul is expelled, a ghostly form of himself floating with elemental forces swirling around him.

"This is new, but it won't stop me." Wei says, grabbing a firey orb floating around him and points his other hand at the woman, a stream of fire hitting her straight on.

"What is this? It's not supposed to be possible." She groans, holding her burned arm.

"Shut up and give me the stone." Wei says, shooting a blast of wind at her, sending her against a wall with a loud thud.

"I can't. If you use it to safe your timeline's people, then this timeline will be in chaos because of the missing stone." She says, holding her arm in pain.

"What if I return it to now?" Wei asks.

"That... would work but why should I risk it?" She asks.

"You don't have a chance. I can kill you whenever I want to and just take it. Even if I won't get the stone right away I have all the needed books to figure it out." Wei tells her.

"Alright. I suppose I have no other choice." She says disappointed and fuses his body to his soul again.

"Try to teach your times Strange not to betray his comrades." Wei tells the woman, accepting the timestone and presses a button on his suit, appearing back in his time in the Avengers facility.

"Does everyone have their stone?" Steve asks and everyone but Hawkeye shows their stone.

"Where is Nat?" Bruce asks the agent.

"She gave her life as a sacrifice for the stone before I could." Clint answers, darkening the mood of everyone in the room except for Nebula, who is actually the Nebula from the past intending to open a passage for her father to this time.

"We have to push on or everything will have been for nothing. Plus we might be able to brig her back." Wei says, intending to finish their plan as soon as possible.

"Have some compassion." Rodey says.

"My compassion died with my girlfriend." Wei says, leaving the group to prepare the gauntlet with Tony.

About an hour later the group sets the stones in the mechanical gauntlet while Nebula opens a rift for Thanos's mothership.

Just as Tony finished putting all stones in the gauntlet Thanos launches a missle strike on the facility, everyone landing separated from each other, other than Steve, Thor and Tony who all land in the same area and Rocket who got saved by Wei grabbing him and creating a barrier around them.

A few minutes after the missile attack Thanos is fighting the three Avengers who see him standing in their ruins and lose their cool.

"Idiots." Wei grumbles, Rocket blasting them a hole out of the rubble they're buried under and flies out with him, hovering in the air while seeing their comrades fight the purple giant.

"You got that right." Rocket grumbles, the two watching an army of creatures assemble behind Thanos.

"How do you feel about massive destruction?" Wei asks him.

"I'm all for it." Rocket says grinning madly.

"Good." Wei says, placing him at the remains of Tony's lab.

"Think you can do something with that?" Wei asks.

"If you buy me enough time i can make a bomb strong enough to take out their ship." Rocket says excited.

"Alright. Get on it. I will take care of his ground forces." Wei says, flying over to the other three.

"In all my years of conquering planets it has never given me pleasure, but this time I will enjoy it very much." Thanos tells them darkly, pointing his sword forwards and his minions start to rush towards them.

"Can you handle Thanos? He has no stones." Wei asks the others, his eyes glowing a deep blue and two portals open with one female humanoid figure each coming through.

"Darcy, Wanda. I need your help." Wei says, looking at the blue water spirit and red fire spirit he created.

"What are those?" Tony asks, not having known about the beings he named after his past loves.

"Elemental spirits." Wei says, pointing Darcy, the water spirit to the lake next to the destroyed facility and Wanda to the other side.

Tony can I borrow a couple bombs?" Wei asks and Tony hands him some rockets quickly.

"Eat up you two!" Wei shouts, tossing the rockets in the group of approaching monsters, creating large amounts of flames which Wanda sucks up, increasing in size with Darcy sucking up the lake's water, growing even bigger than the other elemental creature.

"Let's destroy these pests." Wei shouts and the two elemental figures start punching and firing at the army in front of them while Wei jumps into the middle of the mess and gets covered in massive amounts of rock, creating a trench of missing ground which gets filled by torrents of powerful water.

"You will not succeed Thanos!" Wei yells and starts destroying Thanos army single handedly.

"Whoa. I like that guy." Rocket says, reminded of the powers Quill's father had.

"I think we can win this guys." Tony says, watching Wei use his stored-up anger and sorrow against Thanos's army.

"Fire the main cannons." Thanos orders panicking, and the ship starts firing at Wei and his elementals, but he blocks the barrage with a massive magic shield in the sky.

"Rocket!" He bellows. The small creature rushing towards his stone form while finishing his latest bomb.

"Here it is. How do we get it up there though?" Rocket says, standing on the very top of Wei's mountain like form.

"Get to cover." Wei says, the elementals and his earth form falling apart with him taking the bomb and flies towards the ship, holding a magic shield in front of him and places the bomb right in the middle of the ship. He then outs some distance between himself and the ship, before firing a blast of lightning at it, blowing up the bomb, the resulting chain explosion is strong enough that he gets send flying into the ground below hard.

In the meantime, Thanos seeing his army getting annihilated starts fighting the three Avengers on the battlefield and is winning. He then spots Hawkeye climbing out of the rubble with the gauntlet and rushes towards the item. He slaps away Hawkeye and grabs the gauntlet, Antman appearing with Rodey and Bruce out of the rubble with Scott being as tall as Wei's earlier form.

"I win!" Thanos says grinning evilly but Thor stops him from snapping his fingers, holding them in place while getting beaten to a pulp by Thanos's other hand.

Antman tries to squash Thanos but is send flying when Thanos takes the power stone in his free hand and punches the incoming foot the size of a bus away.

Thanos then backhands away Thor and puts the stone back in place.

Before he can snip his fingers however a bloodied Wei flies past him, slicing off Thanos's arm with his wind voulge, the appendage dropping to the floor with the gauntlet.

"Meddling pest!" Thanos yells enraged and starts stomping on Wei who is struggling to defend himself, weakened from getting caught in the explosion and from using too much energy against Thanos's army.

Tony looks around the battlefield, seeing Rodey and Rocket hold the remaining army in place with their weapons, Antman unconscious, Thor nowhere in sight and Captain America failing to stand with a broken leg, arm and shield.

His eyes then land on the cut off arm and he grabs it, putting the stones into his own suit's gauntlet, his whole right arm turning black and getting fried from the power. He manages to snip his fingers before he dies due to the overload of power.

Thanos, his army and the remains of his ship then start to disappear, while all over the universe the snapped away people reappear.

"Tony. No." Wei says sorrowfully, crawling over to the inventor's corpse and rips off the gauntlet, trying to revive him with his lightning powers but is unable to do so.

Wei then hears a beeping coming from a device on a necklace, with its screen shattered.

"Darcy?" He says, taking out the device which he has been carrying with him ever since she disappeared, since it's tracking Darcy's necklace.

"He did it." Steve says, hobbling over with the rest of them coming over to pay their respects as well. "Who was he?" The group hears a green skinned woman ask.

"Tony Stark. My friend sister." Nebula says, Gamora of the past now being trapped in their time.

"I need to go." Wei says panting heavily and lifts Tony in his arms with the gauntlet placed on his stomach and steps through a portal just before many portals open to the ruins of the avengers facility and comrades from all over appear.

"You said Thanos is here." Wong says looking at Strange.

"You are too late. It's over." Rocket says and drops his gun, rushing to Groot, hugging the tree and a confused Quill.

Meanwhile Wei appears on the porch of Tony's house and knocks on the door.

"Tony no. No not you." Pepper says crying with her dead husband held in his best friend's arms.

"There might still be a chance." Wei says weakly, looking at the gauntlet. Pepper is about to reach for it when Wei stops her and places Tony on his couch, putting the gauntlet into his own vault at the sorcerer supreme house with a note on it saying "do not remove or die" through a small portal.

"I will try to bring him back once I'm at full strength." I'm sorry I can't tell you for certain if it'll work." Wei says.

"I know you will do what you can." Pepper says, hugging the close to collapsing warrior.

Moments later her phone rings and she sees the caller.

"It's for you." She says sniffling, handing Wei her phone where a picture of Darcy making a funny face is displayed.

"Darcy?" He answers the phone with a raspy voice, not knowing if Tony brought everyone back while getting rid of Thanos.

"Wei. You're back, what's going on?" Darcy asks.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Stark Industries penthouse." Darcy answers.

Wei hands Pepper her phone and opens a portal to the room.

"Hi." Pepper answers the phone.

"Where is Wei?" Darcy asks.

"Behind you." Wei says stepping through the portal, with Pepper hanging up and looking back to her husband's corpse sadly.

"How did you get here? My god what happened?" She asks seeing him covered in blood and brings him over to a couch, about to fetch some water and a first aid kit when Wei refuses to let her go.

"I'll life. Please just stay." Wei says sorrowfully.

"What happened?" Darcy asks, sitting down beside him.

"We lost. It's been five years since you along with half the universe disappeared." Wei says, hugging her strongly.

"You're kidding right?" She says, but his tight grip tells her differently.

"Tony is dead. Maybe I can bring him back, but it's not certain." Wei says quietly, tearing up, rubbing his tear covered eyes tiredly

"Tony? I'm so sorry." Darcy says, holding her boyfriend close to her.

"I promise you I'll get you a new one if you want to marry me. I carried this with me the last 5 years and promised Tony that the moment I see you again, I'll ask you." Wei says, showing Darcy a sliver, mangled ring hanging on his necklace.

"Yes, I will marry you. But don't worry about that now." She says, holding him tightly while sniffling a bit both at him proposing and at losing their friend while Wei cries into her arms.