|3 years later|
After a successful retrieval mission of Loki's scepter which was kept in a hydra base, the team consisting of Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Ironman are on their way back to the Avengers Headquaters, Tony's former Stark tower, now turned Avengers tower.
"Feels good right? We've been after this thing since Shield caught it. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties." Tony tells Thor and Steve, while they are standing in front of the case holding the scepter.
"This, this brings it to a close." Thor says relieved.
"As soon as we find out what else it's been used for and I don't mean just weapons." Steve adds.
"Banner and I are going to give it a once over before it goes back to asgaard, is that cool with you? It'll be just a few days until our farewell party. You're staying right?" Tony says,receiving a nod positive in return from the Norse god.
"Yes of course, victory should be honored with revels." Thor replies.
"Hopefully this'll put an end to the Chitauri and Hydra, so let's party." Steve says.
"Hey Tony I've been meaning to ask, any word from Wei?" Natasha asks the millionaire.
"Ah yes, he said he's going to come to the party we were just talking about as well. He's been keeping busy with fighting bad guys in the eastern world as far as I've heard." Tony answers.
A few minutes later the Quinjet lands on the avenger tower and Hawkeye gets send to Banner's lab turned medical office.
"Lab's all set up boss." Maria Hill informs Tony and Steve, who are finishing up in the Quinjet.
"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asks.
"NATO's got him." Maria informs him.
"And the two enhanced?" Steve questions.
"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. They were orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building." Maria tells him, handing him a tablet with information on the two.
"Their abilities?" Steve asks as they make their way into the tower.
"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation. Basically he's fast and she's weird." Maria informs her leader.
"Well they will show up again." Steve tells her.
Over the next three days Bruce and Tony spend their time focusing on trying to apply the seemingly artificial intelligence in the gem of Loki's scepter to Tony's automatic suits to try and finish an idea Tony had, the Ultron program where his automatic suits would defend the world against alien threats but in the end they don't have much success before their time is up and the farewell party takes place.
Everyone is having fun and drinking in the main area of the avenger tower's top floor when a loud thump echoes through the hall.
"Anyone want to check that out?" Tony asks and Thor, Steve and Natasha head out to investigate the noise.
"What do you think happened?" Natasha asks while they are walking through the halls, checking in every room.
"I'm just hoping Hulk isn't crashing the party." Steve replies jokingly.
"Maybe one of Stark's machines exploded?" Thor suggests.
"I think it came from this direction right?" Natasha says, when they arrive at the landing pad for the Quinjet, next to the greenspace on the tower's top floor.
"I think I see what caused it." Thor says, throwing his hammer up and down in a relaxed fashion.
Steve and Natasha follow his line of sight, seeing Wei standing on the greenspace, looking for a way inside, not having been to the newest version of the tower before.
"Wei made it." Natasha says with a small smile, leading the way to the door leading to the grass area with her two friends following.
"Wei, you made it." Natasha says, giving the man a big hug.
"Yes. Sorry I'm a bit … late." Wei says stuttering slightly.
"Hey, your English has gotten better. Still have that stutter though." Thor says cheerfully, patting the man, who equals him in size and muscle definition on his back.
"You know that is from… being frozen for … a millenia, my vocal cords… are damaged beyond rescue." Wei tells him.
"Yes, sorry buddy. Thor can be a bit direct as you know." Steve tells the man, shaking his hand and patting his arm.
"Come on, the party already started." Natasha says and they lead him to the party.
"You know you could've used normal clothes, with your mission suit you'll stick out." Steve tells him.
"I prefer to be prepared for anything." Wei replies, looking down his green and silver suit which Tony designed for him. (AN: basically, a tech version of his clothes in DW 8 with the bone being replaced with a silver metal color.)
"So what disrupted our fine party?" Tony asks the three loudly when he sees them arrive back in the main room.
"We picked up our remaining guest." Thor says and Wei steps out from behind the three, making his way towards Tony, Bruce and Clint.
"Good to see you … all again." Wei greets them, giving them a quick hug each.
"Buddy, where have you been the last year?" Tony asks cheerfully.
"The Eastern world needs… someone protecting it every now and then." Wei replies.
"Well if you run into any trouble give us a shout, you know I build in a communicator in that thing right?" Tony tells him, pressing on his forearm protector, pulling up the suits electronics.
"I refrain from indulging in the suits capabilities… I am more than content with the… weapon return function you added." Wei tells Tony, who presses a button which clasps Wei's helmet back into the neck part of the suit.
"There we go. That's better, I think you were scaring some of the other guests." Tony tells him, patting on Wei's back before going of to talk with Rodney.
"Who is that?" Helen Cho asks Natasha, when she walks over to the bar, looking at Wei.
"Wei Yan, I would have imagined you'd know about him. He is part of the Avenger team but has mostly been focusing on protecting the Asian continent for about half a year to a year now." Natasha replies.
"Oh, is he the Green Dragon?" Helen asks.
"Yup. Tony gave him that nickname, I don't think he'd have picked a name at all if it were up to him, but for the first half-year he couldn't speak a word of any language." Natasha informs the doctor.
"Could you introduce me to him?" Helen asks, looking at the man who equals, maybe even surpasses the physique of the Norse god she previously thought to be the hottest guy on earth.
"Just go talk to him, he's pretty tame if he isn't in a fight." Natasha tells her with a smirk.
Helen downs her drink and walks over to Wei, who's standing next to Clint.
"And there she is, my savior. Wei, let me introduce you to Helen Cho." Clint says overly ecstatic.
"Hello." Helen greets him timidly.
"Nice to… meet you." Wei replies, shaking her hand.
"So Natasha told me you mostly make an appearance in Asia, is there any reason for that?" She asks.
"The Asian culture… is similar to mine from… a millenia ago, so I… think I fit in there best." Wei tells her.
"I'm sorry to ask, but why are you stuttering?" Helen asks.
"He's had his ass frozen below caps for a buttload of time and his vocal cords signed off." Clint chimes in.
"You were frozen like the captain was?" She asks interested.
"I don't remember… how I ended up frozen, but yes." Wei answers.
"Well, you should come see me some time, maybe I can do something about your vocal cords with my technology." Helen suggests.
Wei looks at Clint, who gives him a thumbs up and grins, saying "That'd be awesome, your stuttering was getting on everyone's nerves before you left."
"Clint. You shouldn't say that." Tony reprimands him, passing by the three.
"So he was joking?" Wei asks.
"No, it's infuriating sometime." Tony replies with a shrug of his shoulder expressing a 'what can you do?'
"Alright, I will come… see you then." Wei agrees, nodding to the Korean woman.
|A couple hours later|
"It's a trick." Clint says twirling around a pair of drumsticks.
"No, no, no it's much more than that." Thor replies.
"Ah come one, whosoever be worthy shall haveth the power. It's a trick." Clint says in a funny voice while the avengers and Maria are sitting around a table with Mjolnir on it while Helen Cho is sleeping on the couch next to them.
"Please, be my guest." Thor offers.
"Really?" Clint asks surprised.
"Yeah." Thor says.
"Clint, you had a tough week we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony jokes.
"You know I've seen this before." Clint tells Thor, walking over to the Hammer and tries to pick it up.
"I still don't know how you do it." Clint laughs when he can't lift the hammer.
"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony asks with a smirk.
"Please, Stark by all means." Clint tells him.
"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Tony says, taking Clint's place.
"It's physics. So if I lift it do I then rule asgaard?" Tony asks.
"Yes, of course." Thor chuckles.
Tony grunts, trying to lift the hammer before releasing it, saying "Be right back."
Moment later he's trying to lift the hammer with his suits arm, even getting Rodey to help him but the hammer doesn't budge.
The noise from the competition wakes up Helen Cho, who looks to Maria asking "What are they doing.
"Trying to lift Thor's hammer." Maria chuckles in response.
The next one to try it is Bruce, who puts on a show, feigning turning into the Hulk, which no one believed, after him Steve tries his luck, pulling on the weapon, making it budge slightly before it falls back in its original position.
"Widow?" Steve offers when he can't lift the hammer.
"Oh no, that's a question I don't need answered." Natasha tells them.
"The handle is imprinted right? Like a security code, meaning who ever has Thor's fingerprints can lift it is the literal translation right?" Tony asks.
"Yes, that's a very interesting theory, but you're forgetting one thing. If you'd be so kind Wei." Thor says, motioning the man to the hammer.
Wei walks up to the hammer and grabs it.
"No way he can lift that thing." Rodey says, only to be silenced when Wei easily picks it up, passing it to Thor as if it were a softball.
"See, you are all not worthy." Thor laughs loudly.
A loud noise then rings through the room.
"Worthy." A creepy voice says from the room's entrance, catching everyone's attention.
"How could you be worthy? You're all killers." A robotic skeleton of Tony's ironman suits says.
"Stark?" Steve asks Tony.
"Jarvis?" Tony asks the machine in return, looking at his watch where he can oversee his suits.
"I'm sorry I was asleep, there was this noise and I was tangled in strings, and I had to kill the other guy, he was a good guy." The machine says.
"You killed someone?" Steve asks.
"Wouldn't have been my first call. But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." The machine tells them.
"Who sent you?" Thor asks and the machine plays a recording of Tony's conversation with Bruce.
"Ultron." Bruce says.
"In the flesh, or well no not yet. But I'm ready, I'm on mission." Ultron replies.
"What mission?" Natasha asks.
"Peace in our time." Ultron replies and a handful of Tony's suits bust through the wall, attacking everyone.
Steve and Rodey get knocked down the railing of the room, landing in the lower part of it with groans while Thor attacks one of the machines, flying at it with his hammer. One other flies at Natasha and Bruce, who both flee behind the bar. The two other machines target Tony, Wei and Helen while another steals the scepter from the lab.
"Tony." Wei says, lifting up Helen quicky and throwing the woman towards Tony, who catches her, falling backwards onto a couch, which Wei then kicks off the balcony as well, using his musou to control air and lower them to the floor below safely.
He then get knocked over by the two machines flying at him and lands on his back, quickly grabbing one machine by the leg and getting lifted up in the air with it. Wei quickly takes out a stick from its holster on his back, pressing a button and it turns into a double edged voulge.
He pulls his hand down with enough force to send the machine into the floor beneath him and then lands ontop of it, pushing his weapon through the machine's head, destroying it.
"The other machine flies at him again, firing blasts from its wrist, sending the warrior flying into the outer wall of the tower.
Wei jumps out of the hole he made in the wall, landing back on the balcony again, readying himself for the next attack and the machine repeats the attack, this time with Wei dispersing the attack with his musou before slicing the machine flying over his head in two halves with his glaive.
In the meantime Thor has finished off his opponent while Captain helped Clint, who got attacked by another machine and they managed to take it out with captain using his shield to throw back an energy blast from the suit towards itself.
"Well that was dramatic, but there is only one path to peace. The Avengers extinction." Ultron tells the group who's assembling near the table.
Thor then throws his hammer at the suit, smashing it to pieces before recalling Mjolnir to his hand.
What the group didn't know is that Ultron uploaded itself to the hyrda facilities factory where he creates his own army of ironman suits under his control.
A few minutes later the group is in Bruce's lab, where they see what Ultron did, using the the internet to escape and accessing everyone's files until Thor walks up to Tony, picking up the inventor by his throat.
"Come on use your words buddy." Tony chokes out.
"I have more than enough words to describe you Stark." Thor says.
"Thor." Wei says, pushing his arm down until he releases Tony.
"The legionnaire?" Steve asks.
"The trail went cold 100 miles out and it has the scepter." Thor replies.
"Now we need to retrieve it again." Thor says pissed.
"Our focus now should be Ultron." Natasha chimes in.
"I don't understand this. You build this program Stark, why is it trying to kill us?" Helen asks Tony.
Tony chuckles at this.
"You think this is funny?" Thor asks.
"No, probably not right? This is terrible right? It's so terrible." Tony says still laughing.
"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand." Thor reprimands Stark.
"I'm sorry, but it's funny. It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this." Tony says annoyed.
"Tony, now might not be the best time." Bruce tells him.
"Really? That's it? You just roll over and show your belly everytime someone snarls?" Tony asks disappointed.
"Only when we've created a murder bot." Bruce replies.
"We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?" Tony replies.
"Well you must've done something right. And you did it right here, in secret. The Avengers are supposed to be different than Shield." Steve tells him.
"Anyone remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole? We're standing 300 feet below where a hole in space appeared with an army of aliens charging through it. We're the Avengers. We can bust Arms dealers all day long but that up there? That's endgame." Tony tells them.
"How were you planning on beating that?" Tony asks Steve.
"Together." Steve replies.
"We'll lose." Tony tells him convinced.
"Then we'll do that together as well." Steve says.
"Natasha's right. Ultron needs to be dealt with and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us." Steve tells the group, getting back on topic.
While the Avengers are trying to locate Ultron Pietro and Wanda Maximoff meet with the bot, joining his plan on taking down the Avengers, not knowing that Ultron's real endgame is the end of all of humanity. Ultron tells them that the first step is for Wanda to cause chaos and tear them apart from the inside and make them self-destruct with her mind control.
The Avengers find out about the alliance between Ultron and the Maximoff twins as well as Ultron killing Strucker. Leaving the message 'PEACE' written in blood on his wall. They figure out that Strucker must've known something Ultron wanted to be kept quiet, so they look through the hardcopies they have on the man. Tony recognizes and illegal arms dealer from a picture in the files and they find out that the man must have the strongest metal on earth, Vibranium, which is something Ultron probably wants.
The Avengers arrive when Ultron is picking up the vibranium from the seller with the Maximoff twins.
"Don't compare me with Stark, he's a sickness." Ultron curses, kicking the seller down some stairs while they are inside his ship, which he uses as a base of operations for his armsdealing.
"Aww junior, you're going to break your old man's heart." Tony says, landing in front of the bot with Thor and Captain at his sides, while Wei is sitting ontop of a beam a couple feet over Ultron and the twins.
"Who are those two?" Wei asks, pointing at the twins, not having seen them before since Ultron deleted their files.
"Those are the enhanced, they work with Ultron now." Steve tells him.
"Ahh Stark, it's funny right, this must be comfortable, like old times?" Pietro asks Stark accusingly, looking to the weapons around them while Wanda looks up to Wei, inspecting the sitting man curiously, not having seen much of him previously since he went relatively silent a year ago, seemingly splitting off from the Avengers.
"This was never my life." Tony tells him.
"You two can still walk away from this." Steve tells the twins.
"Oh, we will." Wanda tells him.
"I know you've suffered…" Steve says, trying to convince them but Ultron interrupts him grunting "Ugh, Captain America. Pretending you could live without war. I can't physical throw up with his mouth but…"
"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor tells the bot.
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron tells him.
"What's the Vibranium for?" Tony asks.
"I'm glad you asked so I could explain my evil plan." Ultron says and shoots Stark against a wall with lasers coming out of his fingertips while other bots attack the avengers. Ultron and Stark then fly towards each other and engage in an airborne fight against the other.
Pietro rushes past Captain America and Thor, knocking the later off his feet while he run past him while Wanda pushes Steve into a bot coming from behind with her magic.
"Stop this. Why do… you fight for Ultron?" Wei asks Wanda, dropping off the beam, landing behind the shorter girl with his mask going back, revealing his face to her.
"Stark took everything from us and now he's being hailed as a hero with the rest of your murdering comrades." Wanda tells Wei angrily, pushing him against a wall with a telekinetic blast.
"Shoot all of them!" The armsdealer orders, recovering from his fall and his men start to attack the Avengers as well as the bots.
Black widow and Hawkeye start to fight off the arms dealers while Steve, Tony, Thor and Wei deal with the bots. Bruce was left behind in their jet, to not have the Hulk go on a rampage if it can be avoided.
"Watch out." Wei shouts, running towards Wanda when he recovered from the hit against the wall and gets in front of her when a gunman aims a chitauri-enhanced pump-gun at the girl from the side. The force of the shot sends Wei as well as Wanda flying. In the air Wei wraps his arms around the girl, shielding her from the impact against a metal crate. Wanda then sends the shooter flying against the opposite wall himself with her telekinesis.
"I'm sorry about this." Wanda says guiltily, using her mental manipulation on him, making him think he's in a battle which happened a millennia ago.
While his sister is subduing Wei Pietro runs around, hitting over Hawkeye and knocking out Captain America's feet until he grabs Thors hammer mid air and gets send flying by it.
While they are all fighting inside the ship Tony and the main Ultron bot fly though the side and fight outside of it.
"It's time for some mind games." A bot tells Wanda and she hides herself, trying to sneak up on each Avenger, first hitting Thor with her magic, making him believe he's at an fest in asgaard.
Steve gets hit next with Pietro knocking him against a crate and Wanda then using her powers on him, making him think he's at a dance with Peggy.
The next one hit is Wanda, who relives her childhood, where she was trained to be a killer.
When Wanda tries to get Clint, he sees it coming and sticks a shocking arrow to her forehead, knocking the girl out momentarily, only get flung through a window by Pietro, who speeds his sister to safety afterwards.
While the Avengers are all out of commission, safe for Stark, who's still fighting Ultron his bots take the Vibranium and escape.
"I'm alright, I want to finish the plan. I want the big one." Wanda tells Pietro once they are out of the boat and she's back on her feet, although with a killer headache.
Pietro speeds her over to the man waiting in the jet and she sends him on a rampage as the Hulk.
"Sister, are you OK?" Pietro asks her concerned when she leans against a tree in the woods near the quinjets landing place.
"Yes, I'll manage. Can you get the green one?" She tells her brother.
"Hulk? I don't think I can…" Pietro says.
"Not him, the green one in the ship." Wanda replies.
Pietro nods and is back in front of her with Wei standing next to the two, looking around, thinking he's back on the battlefield with his comrades all dying around him.
Wanda removes the spell from the warrior and Pietro is immediately on guard when he sees the red vanish from the man's eyes.
"Why did you do that?" Pietro shouts.
"Ugh, what was that?" Wei asks, tears streaming down his face.
"I had to do it. I removed the spell on you, because you saved me and we're not like the Avengers doing whatever we want to follow our goal, not caring who gets hurt in the process." Wanda explains.
"Anyone still ready for combat there?" Tony asks the group.
"I am here." Wei replies, pressing a button on his mask.
"I'm coming to pick you up, the witch warped Banner's mind and he's a raging Hulk." Tony tells him, flying towards his location.
Wei presses the button on his mask, shutting off his mic.
"Why? Hurry and leave, he can't find you." Wei tells the two, looking at the girl sorrowfully and disappointed, knowing how much Bruce avoids being the Hulk. Pietro then speeds them away.
"Up you go." Tony says, picking up Wei with one arm around the muscular man's torso.
"Where is he?" Wei asks.
"We're about to find out. News keyword Hulk." Tony says and sees footage of the Hulk causing mayhem in a city closeby.
"Natasha I could really use a lullaby." Tony says.
"Not happening the whole team is down, I don't know where Wei is." Hawkeye says.
"He's with me." Tony replies while Wei has his mic still off.
"He was here a second ago, something weird's going on." Hawkeye warns him.
"Either way we have bigger fish to fry." Tony tells him, glancing at the ancient warrior before focusing on taking on the Hulk, calling in Veronica, which are Suit parts and other inventions meant to be ablet to take out the Hulk.
When Tony and Wei arrive in the city where Hulk is rampaging Tony let's Wei jump down, landing in front of the metal containment unit in which Hulk is thrashing around currently and digs through the ground beneath, coming out to Wei's right in the middle of the street.
"Not good." Tony says as he and Wei rush over to him with Wei punching the Hulk in the face, stopping his assault on a car a woman is trapped in. Meanwhile Tony assembles his Hulkbustersuit with parts from Veronica.
Hulk screams at the two and throws a car at Tony before jumping at Wei, trying to crash the man but he manages to block the blow with his weapon, his feet sinking into the road beneath him while he holds off the hulk, who's basically sitting on the staff of his weapon before he leans over and knocks away Wei across the street and into a bus.
"That witch is messing with your mind. You're Bruce Banner." Tony says but the Hulk screams even more enraged and charges at the large metal suit.
Tony grabs the Hulk's face and drags him through the street, creating a massive trench in the road before the Hulk kicks him off himself and Tony crashes into a building. He quickly digs himself out of it and intercepts the Hulk's next attack, firing a laser at the Green monster, sending him flying into a building himself.
"Throw me." Wei yells over the com, having recovered and stored his weapon in it's holster.
"Why?" Tony asks uneasy.
"Just do it!" Wei shouts, jumping into the suits large hand.
Tony then throws Wei at the Hulk while Wei uses his musou to encase his right fist in flames, punching the Hulk in the gut with his flaming attack, using the speed to increase the damage.
Hulk screams painfully before looking down at the man half his size and slamming down on him wth both large fists repeatedly, causing Wei to be knocked into the street, bleeding from his lips and arms, where he has a couple large gashes from the debris Hulk knocked him through.
"Bad Hulk." Tony says, tackling the Hulk away from Wei, who slowly picks himself out of the rubble.
Hulk grabs onto the flying Ironman and digs his feet in the ground below, throwing him against a wall.
Tony is about to fly back to the Hulk when he's already upon him, smashing his suit further into the building.
"Damage report." Tony says while he tires to block the Hulk's attacks, only for everything to blink red.
"That's general." He says worriedly.
"Grab his hands!" Wei shouts, jumping on the Hulk's back and choking him from behind with his arms.
"I doubt that'll work." Tony says, encasing the Hulk's fist with his suit, stopping him from knocking off Wei.
Hulk jumps up instead, trying to squish Wei beneath him but the warrior strengthened his body with musou, landing on his feet with the Hulk landing on his ass in front of him with The Hulkbuster on top of him.
"Let go now!" Wei shouts.
Tony quickly disconnects the arms from his suit and flies away moments before Hulk would have kicked him halfway to the moon.
"What now?" Tony asks through the com.
"THIS!" Wei shouts and screams in pain while he and the Hulk get hit by a blue bolt of lightning, knocking both out with Wei having minor burns all over his body while the Hulk is turning back into Bruce Banner.
Tony picks both up and quickly flies them to an rendezvous with the rest of the team who are waiting in the Quinjet. Once everyone's on board Clint flies them to a safehouse, which as they find out really is his own house, where he has a family which has been kept secret from everyone but Natasha."