"Ultron took you all out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. And judging by the amount of Vibranium he made off with I doubt it's just one thing." Nick Fury, who paid the team a visit at Barton's house tells them, with the whole team being assembled in the living room except for Thor, who's looking into something on his own.
"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asks.
"He's easy to track, he's everywhere. Which still doesn't give us any angle on his plans.
"Is he going after launch codes?" Tony asks the superspy.
"Yes he is, but he's not making any headway. I contacted some friends at the Nexus about it and the codes are constantly being changed." Fury replies.
"By whom?" Tony asks.
"Party's unknown." Fury replies, taking a bite from a sandwich he's been making himself.
"We've got an ally?" Natasha questions.
"Ultron's got an enemy, that's a difference." Fury replies.
"I think I should visit Oslo and find out who this unknown party is." Tony tells the group.
"I was kind of hoping for more than that boss, you know like old times." Natasha tells Fury.
"I do, I've got you. Ultron says that the Avengers is all that stands between him and his mission and whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction. So stand and outwit the platinum bastard. So what does he want?" He tells them.
"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies." Steve says.
"humanoid bodies, the human body is not very efficient, but he keeps focusing on it." Tony tells the group.
"He wants to make an example of how to evolve. Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Bruce tells the group, seeing a picture of a butterfly lying on the kitchen table.
"Not since the party." Wei replies, seeing the group's eyes wander to him.
"Alright, I'll take Natasha, Clint and Wei and see if your guess paid out." Steve tells them, pointing at Bruce.
"Before we leave, I think there's something we should know about beforehand. Right Wei?" Clint tells the ancient warrior.
"What do you mean?" Wei asks surprised.
"I know you got whammied by the Maximoff girl, how come you were able to fight the big green one with Stark?" Clint asks him.
"She lifted her… spell on me." Wei tells them, not thinking any of it.
"Why would she do that? Or is she really still in your head and spying on us?" Clint asks, stepping closer to the warrior with the others looking at him cautiously as well.
"I don't think so. She said it's… because I saved her from… a shotgun blast." Wei replies.
"Why'd you do that?" Tony asks annoyedly.
"Isn't saving lives… priority number one of… the Avengers?" Wei asks sternly in reply.
"Wei's right. The Maximoff kids are on the wrong side but they aren't beyond saving. Ultron is just using them and it's only a matter of time before they notice." Steve says, agreeing with Wei.
"Fine." Clint agrees and heads to his bedroom to gear up.
While the group is on their way to Korea and Doctor Cho, Ultron is indeed in the woman's lab, getting her to make him a vibranium based body, powered with the mindstone contained in Loki's scepter, which he previously used to warp the woman's mind and make her obey him.
When Ultron's Cerebral matrix is getting uploaded into Ultron's new body the Maximoff twins meet up with him.
"I can read him." Wanda says and goes over to the capsule, reading the bodies mind and seeing a vision of the earth getting destroyed.
"Ahh, how could you? You said we'd destroy the Avengers and make a better world." Wanda says shocked, breathing heavy.
"It will be better." Ultron insists.
"When everyone is dead?" Wanda questions.
"The human race will have every opportunity to improve." Ultron tells her.
"And if they don't?" Pietro asks, having stepped closer to his sister.
"Ask Noah." Ultron replies.
Wanda lifts the control Ultron has over the doctor with her powers when Ultron is focusing on something else, saying "Who's incoming? The Quinjet. We have to move."
"That's not a problem." Helen Cho says, stopping the upload.
"Ugh." Ultron groans, shooting a laser at the woman's shoulder while Pietro runs off with his sister.
Soon after Steve arrives and finds Helen in her lab, where she's wounded but alive. She tells him to get the body away from Ultron and to bring it to Stark.
Steve with the help of Clint and Natasha then chase after Ultron, who's escaping in a truck with the pod containing his new body being in the container loaded on it.
When they are fighting in the streets with Steve trying to stay ontop of the truck, brawling it out with Ultron, Ultron kicks him off and thows up the car Steve lands on to crush him, when the soldier is flying through the air Wei arrives with mechanical wings on his back (AN: similar to wingsuit from Falcon)
"Looks like I made it… just in time." Wei says grabbing onto Steve when he's falling and flying them over to the truck.
"What took you so long?" Steve questions.
"My hideout isn't exactly…. around. And it takes me… a while to get to Korea… with only these wings." Wei replies, throwing him towards Ultron with Steve using his shield to ram into the bot and rolling over the knocked over bot, landing behind him while Ultron gets up and fires lasers at Wei who's flying behind the truck.
"Over here." Steve says, punching Ultron in the back with his shield.
"Coming in hot." Wei says, flying towards Ultron with his voulge at the ready, flying past the bot while slicing off one of his arms before landing next to Steve.
"I think you've made him angry." Steve says when Ultron flies off the truck and shoots his lasers at them with Steve blocking them with his shield while Wei takes cover behind it as well.
The two of them then get throwing into the train passing by behind them when Ultron tackles them off the truck, sending two smaller bots to get the container and take it away by flying off with it.
Recovering in the train Steve kicks his shield at Ultron, who blocks the hit and flies at him with Steve jumping up to dodge a hit, only for Ultron to shoot a sonic wave from behind the captain.
"Steve, you alright?" Wei asks, jumping in front of his comrade, who's kneeling on one knee while holding his ears.
"I'm going in, can you keep him occupied?" Natasha asks over the com, jumping into the back of the truck, where she removes the constraints around the pod after the bots lift the cargo into the air and she jumps onto the pod, falling with it towards the Quinjet which Clint positioned so the pod will fall into its cargo bay. Natasha however gets taken hostage by one of the bots, who then fly away headed to their base in Sokovia.
While Natasha and Clint secure the pod, Steve and Wei are still fighting against Ultron.
"Can't you, you know do that thing you did against the Chitauri carrier?" Steve asks.
"Not is you don't want… thousands of casualties." Wei grunts, getting hit in the face by Ultron.
When Ultron is about to kick him out of the train with Wei holding onto the edges of a door which got blown out during the fight Pietro runs past the machine, knocking him in the other direction and pulls up the voulge wielding warrior.
Wanda uses the railing in the wagon to try and contain Ultron, who turns towards her saying, "Please, don't do this."
"What choice do we have?" Wanda replies desperately.
Ultron turns around and shoots a laser at the front of the train, destroying its control before flying out of the busted open door.
"I lost him." Steve tells Clint over the com.
"Have you seen Nat?" Clint asks worried.
"Do you have the package?" Steve asks in return.
"Yeah, but where is Nat?" Clint asks.
"Take it to Stark, Go!" Steve orders and Clint flies to the Avenger tower, cursing silently.
"There are civilians in our path." Steve says looking at Pietro who blurs away, saving the people in front of the train from being run over.
"Can you stop this thing?" Steve asks Wanda.
"Steve, watch out." Wei tells him, pointing behind the captain, who barely manages to turn around and raise his shield when part of a building they run through crashes through the window, sending him flying through the train while Wei pulls Wanda down, covering her with his larger body while some debris flies at them.
"Come on, we got this." Wei tells Wanda, helping her up, before he jumps to the very front of the train, looking back at her once and giving her a smile and a nod before jumping in front of the train, trying to stop it by pushing against it with his legs which carve trenches into the ground below, the tracks having ended long ago.
While Wei is trying to stop the train from the outside Wanda uses her power to stop the train's wheels from rolling, slowing it down as well until it comes to a dead stop.
"You alright?" Wei asks, helping Wanda out of the train, getting a nod positive in return before she rushes over to her brother who is leaning against a wall out of breath.
"I'm fine, just give me a minute." Pietro says, sitting down.
"I'm tempted not to give you one." Steve says, approaching the twins with Wei.
"The cradle, did you get it?" Wanda asks.
"Stark will take care of it." Steve informs her.
"No he won't." Wanda says dreadfully.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Steve says defending his fellow Avenger.
"He will do anything to make things right. Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it, where do you think he gets it from?" Wanda asks the Captain, who looks thoughtfully, trying to reach Tony over the com with no success, however.
"What now?" Wei asks the Avengers leader.
"We go to the Avenger tower and pray that you are wrong." Steve says, pointing at Wanda, walking past the twins.
"You coming?" Wei asks the two when he's about to follow the captain.
"Just a minute." Pietro says exhausted.
"We don't have a minute. Come on." Wei says, picking the man 2 years younger than him up, putting him on his back and grabs Wanda's hand, following after the captain with their two new comrades.
"Where are we going?" Wanda asks, freeing her hand and falling into step with the two Avengers.
"We need some kind of transportation to get to the tower." Steve says, looking around to try and get an idea.
"I know someone, follow me." Wei tells them and leads the group to a luxorious estate.
"Ah Wei, good to see you friend." A middle-aged man says in Korean, stepping out of the estate a few minutes after his guards informed him of his visitors.
"Who are your companions?" The man asks.
"That's Captain America and these two are helping us." Wei replies.
"So what brings you by? From how you look I doubt you're just stopping by." The man asks.
"I need to borrow your jet." Wei tells him.
"What Jet?" The man asks, trying to play innocent.
"I know about the Jet hidden under your guesthouse. Let's not play games, the world might end if we don't get to the Avenger tower fast." Wei tells him.
"Alright, alright. Han, bring them wherever they want." The man tells one of his subordinates.
"Alright, we've got our transportation." Wei tells the group while they are following after Han.
"Who was that guy?" Steve questions.
"Someone I saved once." Wei replies.
Half a day later the group arrive at the Avenger tower where Bruce and Tony are meddling around with the pod.
"I'm going to say this once, shut it down!" Steve orders the two scientists, stepping into the room with Wei and the twins.
"No, not going to happen." Tony replies.
"You don't know what you're doing." Steve says.
"And you do? She's not in both of your heads?" Bruce asks angrily, staring at Wanda with hatred.
"I know you're angry…" Wanda says.
"We're way past that, I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce threatens her.
"Bruce. Stop." Wei tells him, getting in front of Wanda.
"With everything that's happened…" Steve says only for Tony to cut him off, saying "Is nothing compared to what's going to happen." And a wild discussion breaks out until Pietro speeds around the Pod, removing all of the wires from it.
"Go on, you were saying." He says before a shot rings out and he sees a bullet fly upwards, past him moments before he falls through the glass floor with Clint stepping on the teen, aiming his gun at him.
"I'm rerouting the upload." Tony says when the pod starts to beep and Steve throws his shield at the console he reaches for with it bouncing back to him, only for Tony to summon parts of his suit and shooting his blaster at Steve, knocking him over.
Wanda gets ready to stop Tony but Bruce takes her in a chokehold, saying "Go ahead, piss me off."
"Stop it!" Wei shouts, slamming his voulge in the floor empowered by musou, knocking everyone over.
"We're supposed to… be on the same side." Wei tells them, helping up Wanda and afterwards Bruce.
Thor then arrives, sliding into the room and jumps onto the pod, raising his hammer and channeling lightning into the pod and the mind stone implanted at the bodies forehead.
Once he's done the top half of the pod explodes and the robotic man steps out of it, looking around himself, with everyone staring at him before he flies at Wei, who catches him in the air in a chokehold with Thor punching him away, towards a window, where he can see his reflection and freezes up.
Thor motions for everyone to stand down while they gather around the bot.
"Sorry, that was odd. Thank you." The robot apologizes, nodding at Thor while he creates black clothing and a golden cape around himself.
"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve asks accusingly.
"I've had a vision, a whirlpool that sucks in all live and in its center is that. The mindstone, it's one of the six infinity stones, the greatest powers in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor explains.
"Then why would you bring…" Steve asks.
"Because Stark is right. The Avengers can't defeat Ultron." Thor cuts him off.
"Not alone." The robot says.
"Why does he sound like Jarvis?" Steve questions.
"Because he has Jarvis's matrix." Tony explains.
"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" the robot asks.
"You're not?" Steve questions doubtfully.
"I'm not Ultron, but I'm not Jarvis either." He answers.
"With the mindstone on our side we can fight Ultron." Thor tells the group.
"Is it? Are you?" Steve asks the robot.
"I don't think it's that simple. I'm on the side of life. Ultron isn't." The robot informs them.
"What's he waiting for?" Thor asks.
"You." He replies.
"In Sokovia, Nat's there too." Clint informs everyone.
"If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster Ultron made you to be…" Bruce says, stepping closer to the robot.
"What will you do?" he asks, getting no answer however.
"I don't want to kill Ultron, he's unique. But he's in pain and that pain will roll over the Earth and destroy everything, so he must be destroyed. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others. I can't make you trust me, but we need to go." The robot tells them, picking up Thor's hammer and handing it to the god with the Avengers exachanging stunned looks with one another, other than Wei.
"alright." Thor says, following the robot.
"5 minutes, get what you need." Steve orders.
"You two, follow… me." Wei tells the twins, leading them to a room with spare equipment, where the twins suit up.
"Why do you seem so OK with us helping? The others aren't and I've made you see horrible things too." Wanda asks Wei, who's waiting for them at the door while Pietro changes into a new shirt and takes some shoes before throwing a red coat to his sister.
"I've seen plenty… horrible things without the… help of magic. And I know… you aren't bad people." Wei tells her.
"How could you know? From what I know only I can read minds out of the two of us." She says.
"Read mine then and you'll find out." Wei chuckles, shrugging his shoulder and Wanda closes her eyes for a moment, reading the ancient warriors mind, seeing his thoughts from when they first met, which where that the twins can't be evil, based on their exchange of looks and that he finds Wanda very attractive.
"I've learned a lot about… reading someone, just by their eyes… and you don't have the… eyes of killers." Wei says breaking the silence.
"Oh yeah, don't underestimate us." Pietro says, trying to intimidate Wei but Wei stares at him in return, causing Pietro's knees to buckle from the intensity and the feeling of helplessness radiating over him.
"It's not about… underestimating, it's about knowing… who you are and what's right… Now come on, the others… are waiting." Wei says, leading them back to the group.