
"Ultron knows we'll be coming, so odds are we're flying into heavy fire. That's what we signed up for, the people of Sokovia didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve tells the group, when everyone assembled at the quinjet just before they take off.

"So, you two, anything else about your abilities we should be aware of?" Hawkeye asks the twins, who are sitting side by side.

"No. I think you already know everything we can do." Wanda answers.

"Why are we even bringing them with us? What's to keep them from siding with Ultron and putting up even more resistance?" Bruce asks angrily while glaring at Wanda.

"Bruce, everyone does wrong things sometime, is it fair to judge them for falling for Ultron's mind games?" Steve asks.

"Mind games huh? Who's saying she isn't playing some with us right now?" Bruce asks, his skin turning slightly green before receeding.

"Bruce. Stop it!" Wei warns the out of control scientist.

"Stop What?" He bellows, turning to Wei before falling over unconscious after Wei knocked him out by decking him over his head with Thor's Mjolnir.

"You're right. It's frighteningly well balanced." Wei grumbles, handing the hammer back to the norse god.

"Yes, well so… Who's doing what when we get there?" Thor asks, wanting to change the mood and get back to topic.

"You and Banner go find Nat. He might need a powerhouse if she's being guarded and I'd like to complete this mission without the Hulk showing his face if it can be avoided." Steve says.

"The twins will try to warn the people of Sokovia with Clint leading their team. Wei and I will help in the evacuation at the border and Tony and Vision, you'll seek out Ultron and try to take him out quickly if we get the chance with our new addition to the team." Steve tells them, patting Vision's shoulder.

"Alright." Vision agrees.

"Green Dragon. Thor, can you two give me your hands for a moment?" Wanda asks, looking at the two powerhouses of the Avengers.

"Sure." Wei says, going over to her, sitting down across from her and holding out his left hand.

"Wei. Are you sure this is wise?" Thor asks, being on guard.

"Thor, are you… saying you're scared of… one mortal girl? Granted… a powerful one, but I mean… for a god like you she… can't possibly pose a threat right?" Wei teases the norse god with Tony snickering loudly.

"I'm so glad we taught him to speak English." Tony laughs.

Thor at being called out by his fellow warrior, stands next to Wanda, holding out his hand while staring at Wei challengingly.

"So, what… is the deal?" Wei asks Wanda, who grabs onto his hand with both of hers, having her eyes closed while red whisps of energy circle around hers and his hand.

"I'm memorizing your energy. Since you have innate abilities, I can sense them very distinctively. This will help if one of you gets lost or needs help." She tells him, holding onto his hand for a couple more seconds before releasing the appendage, while opening her eyes.

"Cool." Wei says, looking at the red energy still flying around her hands, while she reaches for Thor's hand and repeats the process.

When they arrive in Sokovia Pietro rushes to the police, fire brigade and hospitals to alert them to evacuate everyone while Wanda is using her mind control to alert everyone to the threat and influence them, so they leave immediately.

When Tony finds Ultron in the church Ultron hints that he has an endgame as well, when a device made out of vibranium burrows up through the church, being rooted deep into the earth. While this is happening, Ultron sends out his army of bots to attack the people and especially the Avengers helping them escape.

Vision then taps into Ultron's head and locks him out of the internet, so he won't be able to escape his robots' bodies again.

After shutting Ultron out Vision appears to be knocked out, recovering from the taxing task and Ultron activates the device, powering up thrusters, located under the city, which then starts to fly into the air, ripping out of the ground and leaving a giant crater while the whole city is taking off towards the sky with a lot of people still trapped on it while The Avengers and the twins try to protect them from the bots attacking them.

Ultron then reveals his plan through his bots, to drop the city on the earth and destroy the earth like a meteor.

"We got to move." Bruce tells Black Widow, while they are in the previous underground of Sokovia, where she was hold captive.

"You won't turn green?" She asks.

"I've got a good reason not to." Bruce replies.

"I adore you." Natasha says and kisses him before pushing him into the deep hole created by the city taking flight.

"Let's finish the job." Natasha says when Hulk jumps back out of the hole moments later and Hulk brings them to the rest of their team by jumping at the flying rock and climbs it.

Pietro is running to the streets, taking out any bot he comes across, easily shattering them to pieces with his incredible speed.

Meanwhile Tony is flying around the city, helping fight off the flying bots while thinking of a way to disarm the city Ultron wants to use as a weapon for global extinction.

"Cap, you got incoming." Tony says, when a bot flies at him from behind.

"Already came in." Steve says, getting up from getting knocked over.

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely, the rest of us have only one job. Tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve tells the team over their comms while in the outer parts of the city a large blue blade can be seen cutting through some flying bots while cleaving a house in two.

"See, Wei's got the spirit." Steve tells them.

"I'm coming over to you guys… this area is evacuated." Wei says, standing atop of another house and sees 20 bots or more fly towards a close by area.

Wanda is bringing a kid into a house, where he'll be secure when multiple bots close in on their location. Clint manages to take out three bots, before five of them team up, flying in the air and ready their weapons while Clint rushes into another house with Wanda to take cover, since the girl seems to be too scared to properly fight the bots.

"How could I let this happen?" Wanda asks herself after she and Hawkeye crashed through the houses window and she crawls into a corner in the house.

"Hey, hey look at me. Are you OK? It's your fault. It's everyone's fault. But who cares? Are you up for this? I need to know, because… well the city is flying and we're fighting an army of robots and I only have a bow and arrow. And none of this makes sense, but I'm going out there because it's my job. And I can't do my job and babysit. Listen, it doesn't matter what you did, what you were. If you go out there, you fight. And you fight to kill. If you stay here, you're good. I'll send your brother to come find you. If you step out that door however, you are an Avenger." Clint tells her and leaves to take on the robots.

Clint is pinned down behind a car, after shooting down a handful of robots when Wanda follows him outside and uses her powers to lift up a bot, ripping it in half and throws the top half into another bot, after using the bots gun to shoot another bot through the head.

She then puts her hands to the ground, raising them while holding a ball of red energy between her hands and shoots it at three incoming bots, which all fall into pieces.

"Alright, we're all clear here." Clint says, nodding towards Wanda and starts to go further into the center of the city when they round a corner and see 20 robots walking towards them, all ready to shoot, looking for them from the looks of it. The two quickly hide themselves back against the corner, peering around it.

"We're not clear. We're very not clear." Steve grunts while he's impaling his shield into the chest of a bot before kicking it with both feet through the machine.

"Clear huh?" Wei asks with a chuckle, patting the archers shoulder while walking around the corner relaxed, his voulge resting on his right shoulder.

"Thank god. I was worried I'm gonna run out of arrows so soon." Hawkeye remarks.

"Stop. Be careful." Wanda says, trying to warn Wei, but he's already rounded the corner, heading straight for the 20 bots.

"Don't worry. There is a reason none of us ever mess with him." Clint tells her, peering back around the corner with Wanda following suit and the two see Wei standing amidst the bots, 8 of them already lying on the ground or being submerged into the earth.

"He's strong isn't he?" She asks.

"Hah, don't tell me you didn't know about him." Clint says, looking at her funnily.

"No source ever said anything about this." She replies, nodding at Wei, who cleaves four bots clean in half with blue energy enveloping his blade. Wei then punches through one of the bots neck, separating the head when he rips his hand out while grabbing onto the back of the skull.

He then dodges a laser shot, by dropping down to the floor, where he kicks out a bots leg and uses his powered up laser to shoots two others through their chestplates.

"Are they all this weak?" He asks when he stands back up, looking into the lenses of the remaining bot he's holding onto before throwing it up and cleaves it in half with his glaive.

"You two coming or not?" Wei then asks, looking back at them.

"On our way." Clint says, jogging over with Wanda, who gets picked up by Pietro, who remarks "Keep up old men."

"Clint. Sorry about this." Wei says cracking his neck.

"About whaaaaaa." Clint screams when Wei suddenly grabs onto him, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and leaps into the air, chasing after the streak of blue left by the speedster.

Pietro drops off Wanda in front of some policemen who are facing off against some bots, shooting at them and she shoots a ball of energy through three lined up bots while her brother runs through the other two.

"Who's old?" Wei asks, landing in between Wanda and Pietro with Clint over his shoulder,who's looking petrified.

"Oh glorious earth. Thank the lord." Clint says when Wei puts him on his feet.

Wei turns towards Wanda and sees one of the policemen getting killed by a bot, which picks up the officers gun and fires at the girl.

"Watch out!" Wei screams, shoving Clint to the side, where he's safe from bullets and takes two steps towards the girl, before he's in arms reach and grabs onto her hand, pulling the girl towards him while he turns his back to the bot, taking the bullet shots to the back while Pietro speeds to the bot, destroying it.

"Are you OK?" Wei asks the girl, still covering her with his larger body.

"Yes, are you?" She asks concerned, stepping out of his hold and looking at his back.

"Normal bullets don't leave more than a bruise." Wei tells her, with a confident nod.

"Man, can you not man handle me like this?" Clint complains, picking himself up from the corner

"I take it you'd have preferred to get shot then?" Wei asks in reply.

"Yeah. That'd have been less painful." Clint shoots back.

"Quit dilly-dallying and help us." Steve tells them over the com and the three meet up with Steve and Natasha, who are fighting off bots at a bridge.

Pietro runs through the remaining couple of bots and the five of them usher the civilians to a building they can guard them in.

Steve then gets an update from Tony , who informs the group that he's found a way to blow up the city and that that's the only viable choice at the moment.

"Steve, I think we should do it. Everyone up here against everyone down there? The math speaks for itself." Natasha advises.

"I'm not leaving this rock while one single civilian is on it." Steve replies.

"I'm not saying we leave… There are worse ways to go. Where else could we get a view like this?" Natasha says, overlooking the clouds.

"Glad you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get better." Fury's voice is heard over the coms and a new Heli carrier raises through the clouds.

Moments later escape ships are released from the helicarrier and they fly over to the flying city.

"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asks with a smile on his face.

"This is what SHIELD's supposed to be." Steve replies.

"This is not so bad." Pietro says.

"Let's load them up." Steve says and they start evacuating the people from the secured buildings into the ships.

When multiple bots fly to the helicarrier to attack Warmachine and Ironman start to fight them off while exchanging banter.

In the meantime Thor is fighting with Ultron at the church and together with Vision he sends Ultron flying out of the church with Vision using his hammer.

"Thor, I got a plan." Tony says, while Friday is calculating what he needs to pull of the plan to blow up the city.

"We're out of time. They're coming for the core." Thor alerts them.

"Brody, get the rest of these people on that carrier. Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony says and everyone gets to the church to defend the core against the army of bots heading their way.

"What's the drill?" Natasha asks, being the last to make it to the church with Hulk.

"This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on it this rock drops and we lose." Tony explains, pointing at the device in between everyone.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor shouts at Ultron who's flying in front of the church and raises his arm at the question, causing a near endless stream of bots to head for them.

"You've had to ask." Steve remarks.

"I'm relocating my fight." Wei tells the group, pressing the button on his arm guard, causing his mask and hood to cover half of his face.

"Hey, you. Get over here." Tony stops him and Wei steps over to the inventor confused.

"This guy. Can you believe him? I give him a perfectly working armor which is an ingenious invention optimized for his performance and he uses it like a common shirt." Tony rants, connecting to Wei's suit and turns on the combat mode with Jarvis voice saying "combat mode activated." While small needles pierce into Wei's skin, just a few milimeters deep while he has a combat visor now displaying various information.

"Hah, so that's what… that button was for." Wei says surprised, turning it off and on again.

"Anyways, I'm relocating." Wei says, getting in a sprinters stance in front of the church, facing the horde of bots and activates his musou energy, covering his voulge in a green hue before rushing at the horde, blazing through the middle until he caught the attention of a good portion of the bots, which head for him.

"Whoa. And here I thought he was the one guy already fighting at maximum capacity." Hawkeye remarks when they see dozens of bots fly through the air.

The others then all start to fight off the bots rushing towards the core, everyone fighting side by side, not letting any bot near the core, until the only remaining bot is Ultron himself, who has half his face melted off when Thor, Vision and Ironman combine their lasers at him, after which Hulk sends the bot flying.

"We need to move out. The air's getting thin. Get to the boat and sweep for stragglers. I'm right behind you." Steve tells the group.

"What about the core?" Clint asks.

"I'll…" Wei starts to say until he gets cut off by Wanda saying "I'll protect it."

The Avengers then head out, leaving Wanda and Wei, who hangs behind for a moment.

"Get the people on the boat." Wanda tells her brother, who joins them at the core.

"I'm not leaving you behind." He says.

"I can handle this. Come back for me only when everyone is on the boat, now go." She tells him and Pietro takes off with a scoff.

"Are you going to be alright here or do you want some company?" Wei asks Wanda, putting his voulge on his back and crushes a bot's skull in between his fingers when it charges at them.

"I'm fine here. Help the others." She tells him, crushing another bot with her powers.

"Alright. Stay safe… beautiful." Wei says and leaps away, similar to the Hulk.

Soon after everyone is at the escape boat, loading up the last civilians when Hawkeye spots a child hiding itself in a cellar entry. When he's about to get it Pietro stops him, saying "I got it. Old man." and speeds over to the child, helping it over the railings and is about to bring him over to the boat when he hears a noise from behind him, only to feel something, or rather someone large standing over him.

"Green Dragon?" He asks, looking up at the larger teen.

"Too bad we won't find out who's faster huh?" Wei chuckles, before collapsing, with Steve already heading over to them while Hulk jumps into the jet and throws Ultron out of it, making him fall next to the church in a school bus's wreck.

"Come on, we need to get them to the boat." Steve tells Pietro, who stares at the bullet riddled back of Wei, who's lying at his feet in shock.

"Pietro!" Steve yells, snapping him out of it and the teen speeds the three of them onto the last boat.

Meanwhile at the church Wanda feels Wei's life fading away and Pietro's horror through the bond she created on the quinjet and falls to her knees in sorrow, setting off a powerful explosion of her powers and shatters the remaining bots in the near vicinity.

Giving in to her anger and assuming that all bots are destroyed Wanda makes her way over to the wreckage of the school bus, where she rips out Ultron's core. Unnoticed by her a surviving half of an Ultron clone crawls to the core in the church and activates it. Pietro notices the city dropping and speeds to his sister, being back at the boat in a second and jumps, trying to reach for the boat with his sister under his arm, but comes up short.

To his surprise Wei with his last energy, catches him by his outstretched arm, holding onto the edge of the boat with one arm himself and throws them on board before passing out for good with Steve catching him and pulling him aboard as well with Hawkeye's help.

Meanwhile back at the city Tony finishes slicing through the bottom of the contraption fires a laser at the core of the plummeting city.

"Thor on my mark." Tony says and Thor summons lightning, empowering Mjolnir and hits the core with all his might when Tony shouts "Now!"

Causing the city to evaporate into small pieces, which crash into the earth below, many of them landing in a nearby lake.

In a forest near the former location of Sokovia one bot survived and Vision manages to find him and destroys it before it manages to cause any more harm.

|three weeks later – New Avengers facility|

"Shouldn't he, you know… Be waking up?" Wei hears Tony's voice.

'Where am I?' Wei thinks, opening his eyes and peering out of some kind of containment pod, getting flashbacks to how he was kept on ice for half a decade.

"Hrgh." A grunt is heard in the room and Tony steps to the side, having previously tried to look through the pod's window.

"I'd cover your ears." Tony tells the three women standing in the room while Clint, Steve and Natasha already hold theirs closed.

A loud bang then rattled through the room, accompanied by the pod's door flying off the pod and through the wall, landing on the grass outside.

"I told you he'd be pissed." Tony says, looking at Helen Cho, who's staring at the destruction in shock with her assistant.

"Why the heck did you freeze me again? I'm going to rip out Fury's other eye, godammnit!" Wei curses, stepping out of the pod, looking around the room.

"Tony. Care to explain why I was in this?" Wei asks Tony threateningly, stepping over to the slightly shorter man, who's sweating bullets.

"It's her fault." Tony says, pointing at Helen Cho.

"Mrs. Cho. I am not fond of these pods, care to explain why I was in one?" Wei asks her, with barely contained anger.

"After you got wounded in the fight with Ultron we needed a way to sustain you until we could treat you properly, so I put you in one of Fury's freezing pods, I knew you'd survive since you did it before." Natasha explains.

"Hmpf." Wei grunts in acceptance, calming down.

"And I operated on you. Well, we did and afterwards we thought it'd be best if you recuperated in a controlled environment and give your body time to adjust." Helen explains, pointing at herself and Wanda.

"Wanda? You are a doctor?" Wei asks confused.

"No, she kept you out cold while the doc here was stitching you up since you burned through the sedatives too fast." Tony explains.

"Wait, you just said adjust? What am I supposed to adjust to?" Wei asks.

"Well, while I was fixing you up I also took care of your speech problem, like we discussed before well everything happened." Helen tells him.

"Didn't you notice? You didn't stutter." She says happily.

"Hey, I didn't. Thank you very much Mrs. Cho. Thank you Wanda." Wei says gratefully, kowtowing towards them.

"So, what did I miss exactly? Since we're alive I assume Ultron is dead?" Wei asks.

"Yeah, Vision finished off the last survivor and the main bot goes on Wanda's head." Steve tells him, patting the younger girls shoulder.

"How's your brother? I didn't know if I made it in time…" Wei asks concerned.

"He's fine. He only got grazed by a bullet thanks to you." She tells him thankfully.

"Good. I figured I might have a survival chance when I use metal musou to strengthen my body. Pietro wouldn't have fared so well against the quinjet bullets." Wei chuckles.

"Ah yeah, about that. Don't do that again!" Natasha berates Wei, slapping his arm hard.

"Well I guess you guys still have some things to catch me up on…" Wei says, peering through the hole he created in the room and sees unfamiliar surroundings.

"But first, there is something I am however long I was out late in doing…" Wei says, turning back towards the group and going back over to them and pulls Wanda in for a kiss with most of the others chuckling at the action.

"He certainly doesn't hold back." Clint says sheepishly.

"From the looks of it, she doesn't either." Natasha adds, when Wanda pulls Wei back in for another kiss when he broke their lip-lock.

"And to think we were worried he couldn't get a girl or friends." Tony laughs.

"Sorry it took so long, I have extenuating circumstances however." Wei tells Wanda, keeping one arm secure on her back.

"That's fine. We actually talked a lot while you were out. You won't remember though. It only happened in a dream." She tells him.

"So that's why you were in here so much, I thought you felt guilty for Wei saving your brother." Natasha realizes.

"Speaking of the devil." Wanda says and Pietro shows up.

"Sorry I'm late. Fury had me do… Hey, Wei you're already up and strong as ever I see." Pietro says, hugging his savior before noticing that Wei's holding hands with his sister.

"Did I miss something?" He asks Wanda.

"Obviously if you're surprised by this." She says holding her head in frustration.

"Well anyways, you should be fine now. If you feel anything out of the ordinary however, please tell me so immediately." Helen Cho tells Wei, nodding to him before leaving the room.

"I guess we should show you around now." Steve says and starts to lead the group around the new facility with Stark.