Tony decided to accept Wei's proposal so no one besides Wei, Darcy, Peter and Happy know that the genius inventor is actually alive again and living a carefree live with his family at least for the time being.
With the return of the people blipped away by Thanos many problems arose all over the world, from food shortage to lack of living quarters, you name it.
The first instinct of many of the reinstituted world government was to look to the Avengers, but Captain America never returned from bringing back the infinity stones to their original timeline, at least officially. Black widow gave her live for the soul stone, which now keeps Tony alive.
Vision is destroyed, Hulk is nowhere to be found, grieving for Natasha and Rhoday, Falcon, Winter soldier and Wabda most don't respect enough to listen to them, if they disregarded their status as fugitives, leaving only Wei.
The ancient warrior however decided to let things play out as they may, just enjoying having Darcy back and he has to deal with Strange being his co-worker now.
"Why don't you want to be like the president of the new united nations while they still exist?" Cassandra asks Wei, who is sitting across from her and Scott with Darcy setting the table for them, the four often coming together in Wei's home at the young Lang's request.
"Yeah, sounds important. Just up your alley." Scott agrees, gratefully accepting the bacon Darcy offers.
"I'm a warrior not a politician. If I were a leader more conflicts would arise then they already do." Wei answers, getting up and taking over for Darcy so she can enjoy her breakfast too.
"You are too hard on yourself. I bet you'd be great." Darcy tells her fiancée.
"Yeah, why don't you two do it together? You'd be like a royal couple." Cassandra suggests.
"No thanks. I like my life as it's now. Private for once." Wei says, sausages and eggs that finished cooking flying to everyone's plates.
"Then how about you suggest me for the job?" Scott asks.
"Do I need to remind you that the only plan you made was based on a sci-fi movie." Darcy chuckles.
"It worked didn't it." Scott pouts.
"Either way, enjoy your time with your family Scott. Because of Thanos you already missed so much, don't miss anymore." Wei tells him.
"You're right." Scott says and stares at a certain picture on Wei's wall of his daughter sitting on the warrior's shoulders while standing on top of the Eiffel tower.
"It wasn't that great dad, honestly." Cassandra lies.
"Don't worry honey. He's just jealous he didn't get a picture with Wei." Darcy chuckles, seeing the man's stare.
"What that's not true." Scott lies but is moments later flying through a portal with Wei jumping through it and levitates his fellow hero atop the Eiffel tower while aiming a camera at Scott who quickly takes a pose.
"There." Wei says, after floating them back through the portal and sends the photo to Scott's phone.
"Awesome." The man says happily and makes it his screensaver immediately.
"Hey I thought I was your screensaver." Cassandra complains hitting her father's arm.
"You're still Wei's." Darcy remarks looking at Scott challengingly.
"You're not making being a parent easy Wei." Scott says whining.
"Well, you better step up if you want me to trust you with my ... uh goddaughter?" Wei says, looking at Cassandra who nods happily, agreeing with the title.
"I guess if you want someone to be your little girl's godfather it might as well be the strongest person on earth." Scott replies.
"Hey that means I'm gonna be your godmother, doesn't it?" Darcy asks excitedly.
"Not how it works but it's fine with me." Scott says shrugging.
"I'd accept kiddo. Darcy is someone you want in your corner. She beat Thor you know." Wei says chuckling, poking his fiancée's side.
"I know you couldn't shut up about her during the blip." Cassandra laughs, teasing her newly appointed godfather.
"Yeah yeah." Wei grumbles embarrassedly with Darcy pecking his cheek while saying "how sweet." mirthfully.
"Anyways what are your plans for now Scott?" Wei asks.
"Uhh I'm working with Pym to explore what we can still learn about the different size dimensions." Scott answers.
"Just make sure I don't have to replace you anytime soon again." Wei tells the man, patting his shoulder while ruffling Cassandra's hair.
By the way Wei, there is something I feel I have to talk to you about." Scott says, being serious for once, which is rare for him.
"What is it?" Wei asks, clearing the table except for their glasses.
"Wanda. I'm hearing a lot of stuff about none of it is good. I think you should help her." Scott says.
"No." Wei says not even turning to look at the man.
"But Wei..." Scott says, only for Darcy to motion for Scott to leave it.
"Why don't you want to help your old teammate?" Cassandra asks Wei, going over to the kitchen isle ans starts drying the dishes he places down after washing them.
"There is a lot of history between us. Most of which is rather painful in retrospect." Wei replies.
"I know this is difficult for you, but she's really hurting." Scott says.
"So are a lot of people and them I can help. Wanda I can only give false hope." Wei answers sighing, looking at Scott.
"Fine. I just thought you'd be the right person for the job." Scott replies.
"Hey honey. I think it's time for that call you wanted to make." Darcy tells Wei, rubbing his arm.
"Yeah you're right. Come on Cassy I'll introduce you to my half-brother now." Wei says, heading to another room with an excited Cassandra.
"What call?" Scott asks the warrior's fiancée.
"He's calling Starlord from the guardians." Darcy explains.
"Ohh, maybe I can get to talk to Thor. I haven't gotten to know him much." Scott says, about to follow Wei and his daughter.
"Before you go. Do you know where she is?" Darcy asks.
"She?" Scott asks confused.
"Wanda." Darcy says.
"Oh. Yeah, I have her address here." Scott says, holding out an address with the witch's temporary home.
"I'll see what I can do to help." Darcy tells him, nodding at Scott.
"Thank you." Scott says and goes after Wei.
|a few days later|
"Let's see. She should be staying here." Darcy says, entering a hotel and goes to the counter.
"Hey, I'm looking for Wanda Maximoff. What room is she staying in?" Darcy asks the concierge.
"Room nr. 148." The man answers, receiving a thankful nod from Darcy.
A couple minutes later Darcy is standing in front of the witches room and knocks on the door.
"Yes?" Wanda asks opening the door annoyedly.
"Hi. I wanted to talk." Darcy greets her, smiling at Wanda nervously.
"You?" Wanda says surprised but opens the door for her and steps aside so Darcy can enter.
"Did Wei send you?" Wanda asks confused.
"No. He doesn't even know I came here." Darcy replies.
"Then why are you here?" Wanda asks tiredly, slumping down in a large armchair.
"I know I might not be your favorite person but I know how much you mean to Wei. Even if he won't allow himself to show it, he still loves you." Darcy tells the redhead.
"Why are you telling me this?" Wanda asks confused.
"I want Wei to be happy and be able to relax, but I know that if you're struggling he won't be able to rest." Darcy tells her.
"So what?" Wanda asks.
"Here. I hope this can give you some closure." Darcy says, holding out a file on the whereabouts of Vision's body she got from Tony a day earlier.
"This is... how did you get this?" Wanda asks stunned.
"It doesn't matter. I just hope it will help you move on." Darcy says sympathetically.
"I know from watching Wei how hard it is to loose someone." Darcy adds saddened.
"What do you mean?" Wanda asks confused.
"You lost Vision a month ago to you, but he lost me... us almost 6 years ago." Darcy explains.
"Us?" Wanda questions.
"He didn't create one spirit. He created two. One in remembrance of each of us. Sometimes I still see him talk to yours like you never came back." Darcy tells her.
"Why?" Wanda asks shocked.
"He misses you." Darcy tells her.
"Why would you tell me this?" Wanda asks.
"I trust Wei. And honestly if it's for him I could get used to sharing him with you." Darcy answers softly.
"He picked a good woman. I get why he's crazy about you." Wanda says looking at Darcy amazed.
"Thanks. Coming from you that means a lot." Darcy says.
"Thank you for this." Wanda says, holding up the document on Vision.
"Don't mention it and if you need a place to stay, you're welcome to stay with us anytime." Darcy offers and leaves the witch alone.