|3 days later|

"Uhm does anyone know why we're all here?" Darcy asks the three other people in the back of a van with her after armed men all but abducted her without telling her why SWORD needs her expertise on Astrophysics.

"We're not supposed to talk." The guy sitting across from Darcy says fearfully.

"What are your fields?" Darcy asks.

"I said we can't." The man across from her whispers.

"Nuclear Biology." The woman to her left says

"Artificial Intelligence." The other man in the van tells her.

"Astrophysics and political science, which means one thing." Darcy tells them.

"What's that?" The other woman asks.

"They have no clue what's going on." Darcy tells them shortly before the van stops and they step outside in the middle of some kind of makeshift base of operations.

"Mrs. Lewis." A SWORD agent calls her out shortly after she left the van.

"Dr. Lewis." She corrects him.

"We have your gear set up inside there." He says pointing out a building. While following the man she sees a drone getting send into the air only to magically disappear.

"Those drones you send in, what kind of data are you getting?" She asks.

"I'm afraid that's highly classified." The man answers.

"So you can't see anything got it. Is there a way I can make a call?" She asks.

"Believe me it's in everyone's best interest." Darcy tells him.

"I don't think so. Please just make your assessment." The man tells her while Darcy goes over to her equipment.

"Is there a way a lady can at least get a coffee?" Darcy questions.

"The assessment please." He presses annoyed.

"Fine grumpy gus." She mumbles and turns on her equipment, getting a lot of readings.

"Whoa. Massive CMBR." Darcy says.

"What's that?" The man assigned to supervise her asks.

"Cosmic Micro Background Radiation." She answers.

"We were told the radiation is within a safe limit." The man says surprised.

"It is for now." She tells him.

"There are a longer wavelengths imbued over the noise here." Darcy says and hefts up a heavy device on the table, tuning its knobs and gets a blurry image of a video of sorts.

"I need a TV. An old one like not flat." Darcy tells the man and soon after she connects the TV to the readings she's getting and a black and white sitcom starring Wanda and a human version of Vision starts playing, getting everyone's attention, including that of the SWORD leader.

"Is that?" The asian FBI agent handling the case asks.

"Yeah. It's her." Darcy says equally shocked, having just talked with Wanda half a week earlier.

"Uhm quick question. He's dead right? Not blipped, dead." Darcy asks when Vision is in frame."

"He's supposed to be." Hayward, the SWORD leader says.

"Well, you better let me make that phone call now." Darcy says, looking at her handler.

"No calls, this must be kept quiet you understand." Hayward says warningly.

"Fine have it your way, but you won't like what's gonna happen soon." She warns in reply, with him only rolling his eyes, before focusing on the TV show with her informing everyone of how she stumbled over the transmission.

Agent Woo, Darcy and some others get started on looking into who is in the show and try to find out why.

"I'm telling you Wanda is pretty scary." Darcy says, talking with Woo about the Avengers.

"Sure, but I mean the green dragon, come on don't tell me he doesn't give you the shivers. I saw him take down a who yakuza ring back in the day. I was literally gonna pass out from excitement." Woo says.

"And you know rumor is they dated. I'd hate to meet whoever ruins their honeymoon vacation." He adds laughing until a loud bang is heard along with the earth shaking.

"Do you want to meet him in person?" Darcy asks.

"Me? The green dragon? As if that'll happen." Woo laughs, with Darcy smirking.

"What's going on?" Woo asks when gunfire is suddenly heard from outside.

"Come on, you can vouch that I said I should make a call." Darcy tells Woo, heading outside with him, past basically the whole base who have gathered around Wei, who's standing over 12 knocked out SWORD soldiers with the rest having their rifles aimed at him, surrounding him with about 10 feet distance.

"Let me through, thanks." Darcy says, pushing past the onlookers and the soldiers who have their weapons aimed at her boyfriend.

"You couldn't have portaled in?" Darcy asks, throwing her arms around his neck and kisses him with him leaning down due to the size difference.

"Step away!" A soldier shouts panicked.

"Don't you know who this is?" Darcy asks, releasing Wei from her hug and presses the slim disc underneath his shirt, his Avengers uniform covering his body half a second later.

"Mr. Green dragon. We are very sorry for the mistake." The squad leader says quickly, motioning for everyone to stand down.

"Are you OK? You didn't come home." Wei asks his fiancée.

"You can have a talk with SWORD about that later, but first you have to see this. It's about Wanda." Darcy says, taking his hand and chipperly leading the taller man to the TV she rigged up.

"Uh, what is this?" He asks.

"We don't know yet. But there is some kind of energy field around the town here and this is broadcasted by it." Darcy explains.

"Energy field? Show me." Wei says.

"Sure, oh and meet Agent Woo of the FBI he's cool, other than that he couldn't organize a cup of coffee." Darcy says, motioning to the asian agent she gets along with well so far.

"Nice to meet you." Wei says, holding out his hand which Woo shakes before fainting.

"I think he's a fan." Darcy jokes.

"You think?" Wei chuckles, after which she leads him to the energy field.

"That's odd. It's magic but on a scale this big, even for Wanda that's a bit hard to believe." Wei says, dragging his hand over the field.

"What are you doing? Hands off immediately." Hayward shouts, approaching with a raised gun, having just arrived back at the site after a short trip elsewhere.

"And who are you?" Wei asks, turning to the man, his weapon disassembling and rolling into a metal ball in front of him while he sinks down to shoulder height, his arms still sticking out of the ground.

"What's going on here? I'm the leader of SWORD." He shouts angrily.

"Well next time you take my girlfriend away for her input let me know before I go looking." Wei warns, wrapping an arm around Darcy.

"Who are you?" Hayward asks, working on digging himself free.

"Come on, I haven't been public much over the blip but still I would've thought people would remember me now that we killed Thanos." Wei says.

"Who are you?!" Hayward shouts.

"Just show him." Darcy says shaking her head and activates his suit again.

"Green dragon..." Hayward gasps.

"Yeah. So you better are nice to my sweet Darcy." Wei tells him, squeezing her lovingly, before pulling SWORD's leader out of the ground, who dusts himself off.

"What are you doing here?" Hayward asks annoyed.

"Making sure my fiancée is OK, after she didn't come back." Wei replies.

AN: If anyone wants to do me a favor check out my twitch and leave a follow, if there is enough people interested I could also chat about some fics. Twitch user: gr1mm48