Day CCCXLII, part I

I had nightmares all night. Burning city, Aisha backstabbing me, people dying on the streets, chaos. Nadia was there too, she was laughing at me, and my stupidity.

It was always something different, but some patterns repeated. The first one was betrayal, and the other was flames. Something was always going up with smoke.

I woke up for the first time with cold sweat, and a heart trying to escape my own ribcage. Every next time was a bit less impactful. 

When the first rays of sun sneaked into my house, I was awake but didn't want to get up. I felt fear lurking in the dark corners of my mind. I didn't want to confront Aisha, Hailwic and for sure not Nadia. In the end, my feelings didn't matter. I had to do it.

I rolled over my bed to the floor, and slowly picked myself up. I really, really didn't want to go.