Day CCCXLII, part II

I slowly came closer, to hug her. Does this ment I forgave her? No. It actually meant the opposite.

- If you want to prove to me, that your feelings are genuine, then you will allow me to use you in exchange - I whispered to her ear.

She looked slightly up, straight into my face. Her eyes covered but salty tears were sparkly because of the light coming from the side of partially opened doors. There was a brief moment of pause between us. It could look from the side like a romantic moment of two lovebirds, but as I mentioned before, it wasn't.

She nodded slightly. That was all I needed from her.

- What does Aisha think of your relationship? - I asked her, taking my time to speak each word with a calm, but cold voice.

- She thinks I'm working to get close to you, so you would tell me everything you don't tell her.