Day CDXLIX, part II

The experience of a boxer came to light pretty quickly, as Nil broke the nose of one of his attackers with a quick one-two. He was pulling his punches. As somebody who saw him fighting to the death, I knew immediately.

The next one tried to get him from the side, but Sanders would circle to always have at least one side covered by the crowd, and he wasn't shy to get between the people to avoid a hit, even if somebody else would get it instead.

He didn't allow himself to get grappled, even when one of them tried to tackle him. He jumped slightly and crushed the guy's face with his knee, as soon as the man went a bit lower while charging.

He was overwhelming them, so one grabbed a knife, and swung it. Nil avoided. The crowd started booing as until now the fight was just kicks and punches. The pressure was so big, the weapon ended up thrown on the cobblestone.