Day CDL, part I

I got up early as usual and went to take a bath. This perk of being a member of Wuxia was truly amazing. I wasn't one, but fortunately for me, still could use it. I didn't have fresh clothes to change into, just the ones I bought yesterday, but as far as our hygiene standards went, I was as clean as new.

Then I went to the cafeteria, it was filling up slowly with half-asleep members of Wuxia, grunting and complaining about having to get up so early. Nadia was among them, although her behavior was completely different. She didn't notice me, as she was standing in line for food with a bowl in her hands.

I joined the waiting people, and as she was leaving with her portion, she finally saw me. After I got mine, I already had a spot waiting for me, beside her. We ate together talking a bit about what she was gonna do during the day.