Day CDL, part II

Will came and sat next to me with a full glass of some brown stuff, smelling like alcohol.

- Isn't it a bit too early to be drinking?

He sighed slowly, taking his time to inhale, and then exhale through the mouth.

- I don't give a fuck -  he said and leaned a bit towards me to whisper. - But I gove a fuck about you being a dick towards Hatta. Seriously, Peter? The guy was almost killed by him and constantly has to deal with his shit. Give him a break, will you? We constantly come and go, while he stays and holds the fort. The guy deserves some respect, and you know it, so stop being a little shit, ok?

- Ok mom.

- Listen to your mother. He knows the best.

I just couldn't take it anymore, and a laugh escaped my mouth even while I tried my best to hold it.

- I'll apologize later.

- Good boy - and he took a big sip from the glass.

The alcohol twisted his face.

- Uhh...

- That bad?