- So... What are you gonna do now? - Nadia asked, lying next to me, in her bed.

- I have few things on my mind.

- Like?

- Spending some more time with you... And eventually going hunting.

- To the canyon? Didn't Will, and the rest go there? Are you going to join them?

- No. I found a bit better spot.

- Peter... I've been thinking, and... I don't want to put too much pressure on you, but...

- Just say it.

- Let's get a house. I know you already have one, but I think we should buy one closer to the city center. I've been saving some crystals, but it's not much...

- Fine - I turned to her and smiled. - Let's buy a house. Just not now. A bit later, ok?

She nodded while returning my smile.

- You had different plans, didn't you?

- Yes.

- We can put it away, just... Hard to live here, with all those men. If they didn't know we are together then...