This time Nadia was the one to wake me up. She tried silently sneak out of the bed, but I noticed.

- Where are you going? - I mumbled.

- To work.

She got on her feet and started to put clothes on. I opened my eyes to enjoy the view.

- Nadia... I'm going back to the woods, to hunt - I said suddenly.

- Why so soon?

- I'll go crazy if I spend another idle day here...

- What about Tam? You just took him from the person I asked to take care of him.

I sighed.

- Yeah... I didn't think that through. I think I'll take him.

- With you, to hunt? - She clearly found that ridiculous, I could tell by the slight smile and raised eyebrows.

- Yeah... I'll keep him away from the fray. 

- Ehh... Peter... Just don't let him die, ok?

- Yeah. I won't.