I quickly discovered that on average I could encounter around four groups of ogres in the cave, which meant I really had to hunt like a mad man to gather ten thousand crystals in a reasonable time. With that, I ended up spending twenty hours a day underground, and it still took me forty days to gather enough of them.

At some point, my food supply ended, so I decided to do a little trick. It was risky because I really didn't know if I won't screw myself over, but it worked. I created an anchor in the camp, and it didn't make the other one, in the barracks, disappear. It was a gamble since I didn't check how many of them I can create after upgrades.

With this, and the number of upgrades I started thinking that I might be able to use four of those.

I grabbed a backpack, and shadow walked back to the city. I also wasn't sure if the distance won't be too big, but it worked. I packed myself plenty of food, and returned, to finish the hunt.