Day CMLXI, part I

I woke up and still was tired, but there was no time for that. I already waited long enough. I did my usual routine and returned to grab the backpack. The barriers were still on, so I had to put them out, and then I went to grab a cart. Filled it with provisions after waiting for my turn, then finally was on my way to the wastelands.

I kept my eyes open, thinking that Ki'rei might show up at any moment, but she didn't. In this manner, I reached the gate. Hatta wasn't lying, they really covered all of them. Two towers stood tall on both sides of the passage, with guards patrolling the walls.

I made it past, and a view of jagged stones protruding from the ground, like fangs of a wild beast, broken earth, and multiple canvases was revealed before me. All of that unpolluted by a single plant. Complete devastation. The memorial of an ancient war that took who knows how many lives.