Day CMLXI, part II

They were all different in some manners, but there was one thing that they had in common. Their heads were long. The one with dark grey skin had high-set eyes, almost no forehead, and seemingly no mouth. His face was all covered in feathers.

The other one, on his left with the dark greenish skin, had really big, black, pupilless eyes. His head was big and round at the and got thinner at the bottom. Mout with plumb, pale lips that reminded me of caterpillars.

The one on the right had lighter greyish skin and his head was in the shape of an inverted water drop, with no chin. Where it was supposed to be, was a short sucker - closed. Where I expected a nose was a flat protruding bone structure of darker color, with two long holes - nostrils.

- Welcome, the chosen one. We are happy to greet you in our city - started the first one, with no forehead.

Between the feathers was hidden a small mouth with thin lips.