Day CMLXI, part III

- I'm all ears - I responded.

- On our old planet there used to be us, the Uhm's and Bahumdabar's. The ancient past is unclear, but we were the ones working with Uhm's to make our races prosper. The Bahumdabar's on the other hand were like vermin. A race that only wanted to dominate others, but they couldn't win with physically stronger Uhm's, and soon we started to lead thanks to our technological progress. We created a peaceful world.

He paused for a moment, to check if I'm listening. I was.

- That continued for many years, although now is erased from history. Among the race of troublemakers was one boy. Yashasvee'mies, who suddenly disappeared, just to return with strange abilities, and quickly dominated our world. He opened the doors to new worlds and made us work for the benefit of his tyranny. We build ships capable of flying through the cosmos, and all other technology they had. We always struggled for freedom but kept losing.