Day CMLXXI, part II

I took a deep breath. It was nice to finally be back in the city, but I had to deal with telling everybody the truth, which was not among the things I was particularly thrilled about. I was kinda scared of their reactions, but it was not like I had a choice in the decision I made. We needed information.

I grabbed my pudao and left the cart in an alley. I needed to get rid of all this food, because who knew what they did to it.

Then I went to buy myself fresh clothes. The city center was kinda empty. Those who were not hunting spend their time indoors. With one glance I knew that pub was pretty occupied. Next, I swung by my room in the barrack, to leave the weapon, and went to the bathhouse, then to the cafeteria. With that out of the way, I was finally able to face Hatta and the rest.