Running at my top speed through most part of the day. As I reached the cliff I decided to stop, and eat. I kneeled down to rummage through my backpack, as some rustling in the tree crown picked my attention. With a slight thud, Ki'rei landed on the ground just as I was turning to take a look.

I was about to say hi, as she put the index finger to her lips, so I just kept my silence. She got closer and took out the knife, which alarmed me a bit, but she didn't attack. Instead, she began writing on the ground.

"They put a bug inside the equipment you left. There is one in the cart and another in one of the backpacks."

It wasn't like I didn't suspect something like that. The surprising part was that she actually told me about this.

"Thank you." I wrote with my finger.

"You and me, are we going to hunt together one day?" She replied.

"Yes. I would love that."