- Welcome back - a voice rang out in my head, a familiar one.

I opened my eyes. The enormous tree towered over me. It was so peaceful. The rays of light were passing through the tree crown, throwing shadows on the ground. Dancing shadows because of the gentle wind caressing the leaves.

And there, in front of the gigantic tree trunk, was this small ball of light. A wisp. The Great One.

- What do you want again?- I replied.

I was standing maybe a few steps from him. Even though the last thing I could remember was lying in my bed.

- To make another deal. The last one was a tremendous success, so I want to continue.

- You want to send me somewhere to fix your stupid game?

- It is not a game. And no, I don't want you to leave this world. There is no need for another intervention since other colonies are doing just fine.

- How many? How many other cities with humans do you have out there?

He laughed.