Day CMLXXV, part I

After my daily routine, there wasn't much to do, so I ended up trying my best to just pass the time. Fortunately, by the evening Will and the rest showed up. I was notified about this by one of Wuxia's soldiers, who found me in the pub.

With this knowledge, I rushed to Hatta's office. Will, Nobuo, Boris, Hatta, and Amit were standing just a few steps from the door, already talking. They became silent as soon as they noticed me.

- It better be something important - said Boris.

- It is - Hatta replied. - Sit guys. Trust me, you will need that.

He pointed at the couch on the side.

- Good or bad news? - asked Will, slowly walking towards the pointed spot.

I followed him.

- I'm unsure what to make out of it all yet. I hope we can get to a conclusion together. How was the hunt?

- Bad. You interrupted in the middle - said Boris. - We had to leave people, and rush here. I hope it will be worth it.