The next four days we spent on hunting, as I really was motivated to get the remaining class points I needed.

From time to time The Great One dropped me some information about Xuvi whereabouts, but they mostly were silent. From the conversations we had, they didn't seem like a bad person, but the fact that the incident we called 'The Invasion' was his doing remained. For me, it was clear that one day I'm going to punish them for that.

But not only for it. Also for playing with our lives, like we were just some pieces on a game board. For us, this wasn't a game. For us it was life.

Two days in, we were approached by Aisha, after our hunt. She invited us to Velvet Lotus where Ki'rai was treated like some kind of princess or even queen. They had cookies and cakes prepared for her, and juices, freshly squeezed from fruits, to accompany the sweets. I want the other hand was ignored while the girls couldn't get over her cuteness.