Day MLXIV, part III

I froze. Not because I was afraid or anything like that. I was more curious about what he is going to tell me.

- If I press this button C-27 will die. - He showed me the remote. - We injected her with nanobots that will activate and kill her in few seconds after using this.

- And I thought you will have something better.

- Don't move!

- I already cleared her system with your sneaky nanobots. You might press that button of yours as much as you want. Nothing will happen. So... Do you have something better, or should I proceed?

- Let's make another deal - proposed Moozo. - We can send you back to your planet. Did you forget? Without us, you won't be able to use our technology.

- Us? Technically I need just one of you.

- Choose me - Lott immediately picked up on my words. - Unlike those two I'm very interested in human culture. I was the one who prepared the room for you.