I couldn't sleep for a long time, and when I finally did, I had nightmares. I was watching my family getting butchered, just the way I did to Xuvi. At the moment of waking up, I realized that I'm doing it. I was the murderer.

This made me almost jump on my feet. It was still a few hours before dawn, but I didn't want to dream anymore. I needed some fresh air, so I sneaked outside.

In the grayishness of fading night, I could only see the outlines of buildings around me. There was nobody awake. The streets were empty, just like the city center. I went for a stroll, thinking about what I did. It was pleasantly cool outside, considering the usual warmth.

It was a terrible price to pay, but at least we were safe now. There were only peaceful Uhm's around, and The Great One, who didn't seem to want our deaths anymore. "Maybe after the long period of constant turmoil, we earned some time of peace for ourselves", I thought.