Day MCDI, part III

All four undead turned to dust, leaving only clothes on the sand. Mbeki fell to his knees and puked on the ground.

Urho, in his beast form, screamed on top of his lungs and stumbling backward started to transform into a human.

Others were similar, unable to stand just collapsed. Few simply started laughing. It was a strange laugh, full of joy.

I looked again at Nadzieja, on top of the building, but she was gone. I needed answers and those people around me could help with that. I rushed towards Kagiso and immediately used 'Cleansing' on him, and he got better. He looked at me, as I helped him get back on his feet.

- What the hell happened? - I asked without beating around the bush.

- I... I'm not s-sure. I n-need a... a moment.