The aftermath of what happened lasted for days. Even Blue returned to the city, again, to discuss the course we would take from now on, to prevent anything like that to ever happen again.

I tried to keep my distance and focus on hunting, but Will kept me up to date. First of all, Marcala came out with an open proposition to create an intelligence agency, who would keep tabs on what is going on in the city. She and Daniel were to handle that.

The next thing was an outpost that was going to be built close to the harpys' territory, outside of the canyon, in the forest.

Blue also wanted to talk of redistributing the territories again, but nobody else agreed, so everything stayed in the same manner.

For me... It took me days to stop seeing Nadia whenever I closed my eyes. I was feeling kinda melancholic during that time, but eventually, it passed, and space for rediscovering focus was made.