- Something else?! What now?! I need to know. Those are people, and you are making them die left and right. You make it as you care about us, but your actions speak louder. All you care for is that stupid war.

- I can't tell you, Peter, and it's not a lie. I do care. I gave you all a chance to turn your lives into something with a meaning, but there is a price to it, and some of you never wanted to pay that price.

- People who died when you send those monsters after us, were they also not paying? Or maybe sometimes your mind changes, and then you stop carrying, and start not giving a single shit?

The Great One took a deeper breath. 

- I'm sorry, Peter. I felt like I have no choice. You were fighting with each other over, and over, and over again. I know that is not a reason you are looking for, but I don't have a different one. I hope that one day I will pay the price for what I did. But that day has to come after we neutralize the problem.