Day MDCXXXI, part I

I woke up around midday, but at that time I had no idea since there was no indication of the day-night cycle in Loistavadvaar. I stumbled out of the building, pulling some food from my vault, which I quickly stuffed my mouth with, then a thought occurred to me, that I didn't even drop the anchor in this place, so I did just that.

Then I went to the building the strange alien was occupying.

- Welcome, Peter - he said to me as soon as I appeared at the entrance.

He was studying one of the papers.

- What are those? - I said, pointing at all the books illuminated by the silver light from the outside, making it past the walls.

- This is all poetry of Bahumdabars. My favorite. Did you know that they never actually discovered written language? They got the idea from Xuvi during one of the first encounters with them. At least that's what their mythology says. Shortly after anything with text written on it became sacred for them.