A few hours passed in India before I allowed myself to have a little break. I was simply hungry and really needed some food. So I just pulled some stuff from my vault.

- A break? - asked Jayadeva.

- Yes.

He nodded with a smile.

- Is it tiring? This - He pointed at the invisible barriers.

- Yes, and no. A couple of hours is ok, but a couple of days is... It's just boring. Not to mention...

I ended up not finishing the sentence, and just focusing on opening one of the cans. I twisted the lid a bit to make a spoon and started eating the tuna.

- Not to mention the angry people in the city? - he asked.

- Yeah.

- You can't please everybody. I had to learn this as well, and I was way older than you.

- What happened?

- You took my son behind my back. I was furious back then, but now... Now I understand that was the right choice. They might not understand right now, but they will in the future.