The pontons with reflectors were stationed on the lake, just like police cars all around the gate. All with lights on to illuminate the gate.

Some police officers were still talking with Jayadeva, others gathered around looking at me, and speaking among themselves. Then the local politicians showed up, all in nice suits. I didn't really hear what they spoke about, but they talked with him for a long time, and eventually one of them patted me on the shoulder, interrupting my trance.

I turned towards him. He was an older man, shaved cleanly with a very square face, dark eyes, and hooked nose. He was wearing an elegant suit, without a tie, and a slightly unbuttoned shirt because of the heat. 

- Hello, my name is Sudhir Dhananjay, and I'm the city president - he introduced himself. - I just spoke with mister Jayadeva. It's hard to wrap myself over what is going on here. I've been told you disarmed police officers.